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"Who said we failed?"

Xiao Naihe's light and fluttering voice came from the alchemy room, and everyone's eyes moved. Xiao Naihe and Yile had already walked outside the lobby.

Somehow, Lin Fan suddenly heard a bad hunch after hearing Xiao Naihe's words.

Because he had already smelled a scent of pill.

Instead, others looked at Xiao Naihe and Yile without disguising their disdain.

Just listen to Chen Xuan with a smile: "Even if you practice Qi Yundan of the fourth grade, you can't do it in half an hour. Who do you want to deceive?"

"Yes, yes."

"Also, don't you think about charging other Qi Yundan, we are all from the Taoist Academy and can be distinguished at a glance."

"According to me, let's quickly take out the few passive magic pill, anyway, you have no chance to win."

Yi Le listened to the sarcasm of your words, and he couldn't help getting angry.

When she was about to say something, Xiao Naihe said lightly: "Since this is the case, then look at what this is?"

Between Xiao Naihe's words, a panacea suddenly appeared in his hand.

When this elixir popped up, it landed on the first coffee table, emitting a grass-like elixir, floating in the entire lobby.

The color of this elixir was extremely perfect, even under the sunlight, it reflected a little light faintly.

"This is ... Qi Yundan?"

Lin Fan's face changed slightly. He didn't know how many times he made Qi Yundan. He remembered every inch of Qi Yundan's breath, color and performance clearly.

When he saw this immortality, he knew it was Qi Yundan.

"real or fake?"

Chen Xuan was also stunned for a moment, and directly locked on this Qi Yundan with his own mind.

That pill is definitely not fake, and it can't be the previous pill.

There is a need to distinguish between Xindan and Jiudan. For these students in Dandao Academy, it is as simple as drinking water.

"It's true Qi Yundan!" Lin Fan's complexion became more and more ugly.

Not just him, even Chen Xuan's face seemed to be as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

"What if Qi Yundan was really refined? We have said that at least Qi Yundan with a completion degree of 70% or more must be refined to be successful."

"Yes, check his completeness. Within half an hour, it's just 60% completeness. I don't believe it has reached 70%!"

Several students cried.

Yi Le looked coldly. Although she was young, she still clearly distinguished some things.

After all, she is from the Jiugong family, and she is no stranger to the intrigue between every child in their big family.

It's just that she is not good at these battles, but it doesn't mean that Yile doesn't understand at all.

These people are obviously low-eyed, and many people are even dissatisfied with her status as a child of the Jiugong family.

"I'll take a look."

Lin Fan's finger moved, grabbed Qi Yundan, and took a closer look, the more ugly his face.

After many people saw Lin Fan's face, the bad hunch in his heart grew stronger.

"Ten percent ... Ten percent perfect, this ... how is this possible?"

Even a senior Dan teacher, it is impossible to make a perfect Qi Yundan.

Unless it is the kind of Dan Zun, even the level above Dan Zun.

Lin Fan's eyes locked on Qi Yundan at this time, and he looked at Xiao Naihe and Yile again, not to mention the shock in his heart.

"Brother Lin, is this really perfect Qi Yundan?"

"Will it be dropped out long ago?"

Others simply don't believe that Yile and the two of them can make Qi Yundan perfect, even those senior masters in the Dandaoyuan can't make Qi Yundan so perfect.

"You are all people of the Dan Taoist Academy, can't you even distinguish the old Dan?" Xiao Nai said lightly.

Afterwards, Xiao Nai pointed at one point and grabbed Qi Yundan from Lin Fan's hand, and slowly smiled and said, "I would like to gamble to lose. Since you have already lost, you should know what to do?"

People look at me, I look at you, although some of them have a good background, but the things they take out as bets are of great value in themselves.

After all, the value of Passive Divine Pill is extremely high, and they know that ordinary babies are simply not eligible to bet.

So from the beginning, the best celestial treasures or immortals were taken.

Now that Xiao Naihe had collected it, they had to be stripped of their skin.

Seeing that everyone hadn't done anything, Xiao Naiho caught a three-point chill in his voice: "Why? Don't you give it? You guys at Dandao Academy can't even lose this bet? They are also from other departments of Suzaku College If you ca n’t afford to lose, I do n’t know what you think! "

Upon hearing this, Lin Fan locked Xiao Naihe.

But he knew that if today's affairs were passed on to other departments, and if other senior officials of Dandao College knew that they could not afford to lose, they would be afraid of waiting for them to be a very heavy punishment.

They can lose the battle, but they must not lose.

"Something, give!"

Lin Fan gritted his teeth, and suddenly a 'nine-grade bright flower' appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly in front of Xiao Naihe.

"it is good."

Xiao Nai accepted it politely.

Soon, Chen Xuan and others also sent their previous bets. Many people looked at Xiao Naihe's eyes as if to tear Xiao Naihe into pieces.

Although they still have a lot of details, the things they lose to Xiao Naihe are extremely valuable. Even if they lose, it will hurt everyone.

If all these things are gathered together, it is enough to push a strong creator level to the nineth level.

"Haha, thank you very much."

This time, Xiao Naiho's empty-gloved white wolf, if it wasn't for the name of the lineup, and shocked them at a critical moment, otherwise it would be almost impossible to collect so many things.

Seeing Xiao Naihe collect the same treasures from them, a lot of people were bleeding.

"Now that the matter is over, I won't bother. Yile, let's go."

"it is good!"

Xiao Naihe and Yile simply ignored the others as if they were air.

After the two went away, Chen Xuan suddenly said coldly: "Why? Sister Yile is not only a middle-level Danshi, but also has less than five levels of strength. It is impossible to refine Qiyundan of the seventh grade."

"Yes, and the degree of completion is perfect. Even Brother Xie Yan can't make it."

"The problem should lie with Xiao Naiho."

"Are you saying that it was the boy of the Daoyuan Academy who refined the perfect Qipin Dan of Qicheng?"

Chen Xuan looked weird.

Others also have a weird look, "How is this possible? He is from the Daoyuan Academy, and not from our Daoyuan Academy. Does he still have time to learn alchemy when he is practicing Daoyuan. Even if the talent is good The genius of the battlefield will not waste time practicing two different fields at the same time. "

"Don't think about it, it must be Xiao Nai who did it. Although I don't know how he made it, the taste of Qi Yundan is definitely Xin Dan."

Lin Fan shook his head. Although he lost the Ninth Grade Bright Flower to Xiao Naihe, there was a anger in his heart: "My Lin Fan's things are not so easy to take. No matter how you made Qi Yundan , Take my things, things are not that simple! "


"Brother Xiao, you haven't seen it. Just how ugly the faces of Lin Fan and the others were, it was like eating a fly."

The Yile grinning person walking on the road, her voice is like a yellow bird, and it is pleasant to hear.

"I'll give you these nine-grade bright flowers first. The rest of the things are too complicated. Let's go back and subdivide them."

Xiao Naihe's eyebrow flashed a ray of light. Suddenly, this ray of light shot out of the eyebrow and fell into Yile's hands.

At this time, Yile already had an extra nine-pin light.

"I wanted to get a ninth grade bright flower a long time ago, but unfortunately I have nothing to find, and I am not willing to resort to family power."

Yi Le sighed softly.

Although she comes from the Jiugong family, but like Gong Yueling, she is a side character.

Therefore, the status of Yile in the Jiugong family is not very high, and it is naturally inferior to the others in Dandaoyuan.

The big family and big family, such as the Jiugong family, are very clear about the separation of the main family and the family, and many side families have no resources for even a lifetime.

Those children of the main house of the Jiugong family have as many babies as they want.

On the contrary, it is Yile, and many of them are fought back by themselves.

"No Brother Xiao, I just need these nine-pin bright flowers. I won't touch the others. This time it's Brother Xiao's main effort. I can't help."

Yile shook her head quickly. Although they said that they were alchemy together, in fact, Xiao Naihe dominated, and from the beginning to the end, Yile hit him next to him, so it was indeed Xiao Naihe ’s ability to get This bright flower.

She has been satisfied with this.

Xiao Nai did not demand anything. The value of a bright flower was even more important than some of its natural treasures or immortality.

And what Xiao Naihe lacks most now is these celestial treasures and panacea, which can restore him to cultivation.

"Things have been taken, what's the benefit next time, but I have to call my brother Xiao."

Yile's eyes rolled, and there was a hint of hope in her eyes.

Xiao Na couldn't help but laugh, it seems that Yile tried to get sweet.

But Xiao Nai, why not try to get the sweetness, he has begun to plan how to get more benefits.

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