Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2665: Shackles

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Xiao Naihe and Zulong walked on the top of the mountain, especially Xiao Naihe. After glancing at Feng Zhiling, he didn't pay much attention, but said slowly: "Three hundred thousand descendants of the ancient world are quite large, but It has been a while since they were born, but they have not returned to the longevity world to experience running-in. I am afraid that their boundary power will gradually decline. Maybe they will become ordinary people after a while. "


The wind of the wind did not expect Xiao Naihe to say such a thing, he pondered: "Are you going to drive us away? But also, Master Jiewang inherits everything to you, even if it is everything in the Ancient Palace, It ’s all yours. Although I do n’t admit that an outsider can inherit everything from my ancient clan, I ca n’t help but admit the practice of Master Jie Wang. ”

"I'm going to drive you away? What are you talking about? I didn't plan to use this ancient palace at will. To be honest, I want to take out the treasures of the same level as the ancient palace, and you don't have to. I do n’t care how long I stay, I ’m just reminding you. I think you must be more familiar with the blood limitations of the ancient world. ”

After talking, Xiao Naihe did not look at Feng Ling, but sat on the rock by himself.

The blood limitation of the ancient world clan is clearer than anyone else.

As a member of the ancient world, how could he not know this kind of thing.

The ancient world clan is the most special one among the three clan. Although their blood lineage is strong, they are born with all kinds of innate advantages such as absolute enchantment, seal, and formation.

But the people of the ancient world are all because they are in the eternal life world, and their blood is recognized by the natural force of the eternal life world and merges with nature.

It can be said that the human power of the ancient world clan is the original power that originates from the natural power of the longevity world.

Once you leave the longevity world and lose the recognition of the power of nature, the bloodline of the ancient world clan will gradually become thinner. Over time, it is likely to lose the power of the bloodline of the ancient world clan and become the bloodline of ordinary people.

Unless you can achieve the Holy Lord and step into the passive peak, you can exceed the shackles of the blood.

These things, Xiao Nai how to get some fragments of memory from Jie Wang, has long been known.

If the 30,000 descendants of the ancient world clan have not stepped into the peak of passiveness, they cannot survive in the ancient world palace forever.

This ancient world palace is located in Xiao Naihe ’s starry sky world, and is disconnected from the natural space of the longevity world, so it does not belong to the category of longevity world.

"Of course there is another way, which is to use the ban again to seal up the seal, then you can save the blood for as long as you want."

Xiao Nai said half-jokingly.

If it was not because he had received the favor of the Realm King, and before the Realm King disappeared, he asked Xiao Naihe to take care of their descendants of the Ancient Realm tribe, he would not waste such energy to ridicule nonsense.

"We can go out, but I hope to be able to borrow the ancient palace for some time. After all, some of our descendants have not fully recovered. Once suddenly entering the longevity world, it may cause some discomfort."

Feng Zhiling pondered for a moment.

"The ancient world palace was originally yours from the ancient world, and I have no idea to take it away. But now the change in the longevity world is far from being as simple as you think. Just putting the ancient world palace in the longevity world, I promise not Within three days, there must be a holy saint who is staring at this ancient palace. "

"Then what do you mean?"

"I have a sect, which is hiding in my own body. Just after a while, I will put my sect in the longevity world, so I have an idea, as long as your ancient world 30,000 descendants are integrated Yantian Pavilion, any time you roll south can naturally be solved. "

When Feng Zhiling heard it, his complexion suddenly changed, and his voice became a little indifferent: "Do you want to merge the people of our ancient world with your sect? Want to get the whole belonging of the ancient world?"

"All I want is the people of your ancient world tribe, and live in the Yantian Pavilion first, not the people of your ancient world tribe, called me the disciples of Yantian Pavilion."

"Who knows, although I am very grateful that you saved our ancient clan, the ancient clan is the ancient clan, and it is impossible to merge with the foreign clan."

"Is this what you call the racial spirit? Do you really think that I am fancy with your ancient world clan ability and want to use your ancient world clan? To be honest, the reason why I want your ancient world clan to be integrated into Yantian first In the Pavilion, it is not because of your ancient clan's ability, but before that the king of the world asked me to take care of your ancient clan. And I don't want to do too much trouble. "

"Did you look down upon our ancient clan?" Feng Zhiling's pupils shrank, and there was something really hot in his tone.

"It's not that you look down on your ancient world clan, but now, there are really no people in your ancient world clan that I can admire. Especially you, if it is not because you promised the king of the world, you have been acting like me all the time, I Threw you out long ago. "

Everyone has a three-pointer, and Xiao Nai is not a saint.

He can tolerate Feng Zhiling once or twice because of the king of the world. As long as he does not touch his bottom line, he is too lazy to bother with Feng Zhiling.

However, this does not mean that he will always tolerate the attitude of Feng Zhiling.

Every saint has his own majesty, and Xiao Nai is no exception.

If Feng Zhiling used this behavior and attitude again and again, Xiao Nai would have been polite to him for a long time.

"Xiao ... Mr. Xiao, do you want to challenge someone? You know why I haven't been willing to admit you all the time, because the power inheritance of our ancient clan cannot be truly understood by your foreigners."

"Having said so much work, do you want to try it?"

Xiao Naihe slowly raised a faint smile on his face and said, "Otherwise, if you can defeat my friend, I will not only give you the Ancient Realm Palace, but also give it to the former Realm King. How about returning all my things to your ancient clan? "


Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Feng Zhiling was completely stunned. He never expected Xiao Naihe to say that.

To know the things Xiao Naihe got in his hands, the precious winds and spirits in them can't be more clear.

If you can get the things left by the ancient world clan, it is not impossible to re-train their people of the ancient world clan even if they are operating well within a certain period of time.

Even if it is the wind and wind, it has to be excited.

He was devoted to the ancient world clan. Now when he hears Xiao Naihe's bold words, Feng Zhiling can't help but have his own ideas.

"What you said is true?" Feng Zhiling asked tentatively.

"Naturally is true, only if you can do it. When I talked to Xiao Naihe, I always said I could do it."

Feng Zhiling exhaled, and his tone seemed very deep: "Okay, this is what you said. Since Master Jie Wang can trust you, then I believe you too."

Xiao Nai He lightly glanced at Feng Zhiling, and then looked at Zulong, and said slowly: "How is Zulong? Do you want to fight with him?"

"Of course I think, I have always wanted to know how terrible the cultivators in the longevity world are, and they can't ask for anything against the half-holy in the longevity world."

Zulong laughed.

Just like what he said, Zulong really wanted to try out how powerful the cultivator in the longevity world is.

What's the difference with their first-face cultivator?

Zulong knew that he could not beat Xiao Naihe, but Zulong was very interested in this storm of wind.

Before, he contested with Xiao Nai, no, it was not a contest, but was crushed unilaterally by Xiao Naihe. Zulong's heart was already suffocated with bitterness, which was very uncomfortable.

Now when he hears Xiao Naihe's words, he wants to compete with the wind, he naturally wants to.

This is the real trick if you want to compete with your opponent.

Confronting Xiao Nai, it was just tortured.

"You friend?"

Feng Zhiling looked at Zulong subconsciously.

As early as Zulong followed Xiao Naihe, Feng Zhiling noticed.

In front of this young boy, although there was no breath fluctuation in his body, Feng Zhiling knew that this boy was definitely not simple.


Zulong came to the front, his feet swept down, and a golden light suddenly appeared, forming a circle on the ground.

This circle surrounds the mountains, forming a small space ring.

"Okay, please advise."

Feng Zhiling did not dare to neglect, although now he has recovered, and he has absolute confidence in dealing with this young man.

However, in the face of any master, Feng Zhiling will not despise the other party and will use all his strength to deal with the enemy.

"Then I shot first, the Dragon Soul double kills, punches."

Between the words, Zulong's double fists blasted out, and suddenly a huge punch swept up.

On the top of Zulong's head, endless punches merged into an air dragon shape, and it seemed to be shrouded in a starry sky. Every breath seemed very violent.

Zulong showed great strength in every move.

"What a powerful punch? Is this the Dragon's breath?"

Wind Ling's expression moved, and immediately felt Zulong's fist, with a pure dragon's breath.

When the Lingfeng Ling grabbed the past, the five fingers of the volley formed a claw. The richness was like grasping the heavens and the earth.


The grasping of these five fingers directly grabbed Zulong's fist. The strength of the two men collided with each other in the void, and suddenly crushed the entire mountain to the ground.

If this space had already been formed by Zulong as a small area, otherwise it would have alarmed others.

"The second punch is coming."

Zulong became more and more brave, furious, and did not have the kind of suffocation when he played against Xiao Naihe.

Compared with Xiao Naihe, this wind is really much worse. Zulong fights, but instead feels very happy, sweeping the feeling of suffocation before.

"The power of the world, separate."

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