Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2666: Do it with me, you have no chance

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Feng Zhiling's face was expressionless, and a layer of fine light was released from his palms, just like a sharp space blade was formed in the void, and the space was cut out.

The moment when the violent wind blade splits out, it directly splits Zulong's boxing intentions, and the richness is like a crack that has been cracked into an endless spider web form.

Boom Boom Boom-.

The two forces blasted together, as if the two stars collided and squeezed each other in space, and then evaporated all the airflow to the limit, becoming incomparably void.

"It is a person of the Dragon tribe. In the longevity world, the Dragon tribe is also a prosperous race. From the mythological era, it has separated countless branches of blood, which is not much worse than the three tribes."

Feng Zhiling and Zulong battled, and also felt Zulong's powerful power, and his face was also very cautious.

"Dragon race in the eternal world?"

Zulong's face suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

He knew that this man named Feng Zhiling had misunderstood himself as a race in the growing world. "Forget it, whatever you say, it is difficult to meet a decent opponent. Don't let me down."

After hearing the words of Zulong, Feng Zhiling suddenly felt the mighty power on the face.

"Nine days of dragon battle."

A sudden power suddenly broke out from Zu Longhun's body, and the whole earth seemed to be toppled at this moment, trembling with Zulong's body.

Between the tremors of the earth, Xiao Naiho stepped on it, and this tremor calmed down suddenly, completely suppressed by Xiao Naihe.

But the two people in the battlefield did not see Xiao Naihe's move.

Because at this time the battle between the two of them has become very fierce.

"Did this misunderstanding misunderstand Zulong as the dragon race of the longevity world?"

Xiao Nai said lightly.

Dragons belong to a powerful race in the longevity world. Under certain circumstances, even the dragons have an advantage over the humans.

However, the dragon race in the longevity world is not just a race.

In the era of mythology, the most primitive dragon clan is the ancient dragon clan, that is, Xiao Naihe met the dragon Qingcang race before, that is the most primitive dragon clan, and the blood power is the most powerful dragon clan.

However, after the age of mythology, the blood of the ancient dragon clan has separated many branches, and the power of the dragon blood clan has become increasingly thin.

What kind of black dragon, Jiaolong, Qinglong, etc. are considered dragons.

"Boy, eat me a punch."

Zu Long smiled, his foot pressed hard, his fist fell from the sky, just like a lightning burst, blasted down violently and hit the ground fiercely.


At this moment, the whole mountain was evaporated by this fist, and it seemed to have become nothingness.

"Don't be too pretentious, is the power of my ancient world clan, imaginable by your branch dragon clan."

The wind screamed violently, and numerous white blades were split around the body. As if the swords collided, each white blade appeared extremely sharp.

"Space Blade? Your kid is really good at the ability of the space world."

Zu Long raised his eyebrows. When he was in the first place, he didn't know how many masters he had encountered.

It can be said that Zulong is rarely afraid of others.

However, Zulong's most disgusted and most feared ability is space.

The power of Zulong is very pure. Even if the Taoism is profound and profound, Zulong has only one method, and it is also the most effective method, which is to crush them with absolute brute force.

The ability of the Space Dao is the most restraint of the Zulong, because the frequent attacks of the Space Dao will make the Zulong's power fall into all the strange places and be completely separated.

Zulong had some punches on cotton candy, feeling helpless.

"Come again."

Zulong's fist was like an endless thunder, violently launched an absolute attack, a rumble piece, shattered this piece of sky.

However, every white blade of space around Feng Zhiling turned into a sword, which could cut off all existence, and severely split the power of Zulong's boxing intention.

The strength of the two people is like restraining each other, but each can't help each other.

Zulong is indeed powerful.

If you only use your own strength, Feng Zhiling is definitely not your opponent.

However, in terms of skills, Feng Zhiling's ability is somewhat restrained Zulong.

Unless these two people are fighting in life and death, no matter what, otherwise the restraint and resistance between the powers is completely unable to distinguish the victory and defeat.

If these two people without any grievances are directly engaged in life-and-death fights, and they have to separate a victory or defeat, it will be somewhat beyond Xiao Naihe's idea.

"Zulong, please step back."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and no longer let Zulong and Fengzhiling move hands.

In this way, the contest continues, and I don't know when a victory or defeat can be achieved. Xiao Nai simply let them separate.

"Xiao Shengzi, how could this be a victory or defeat?"

Zulong is also a little helpless, this ability of the wind Ling is the one it is the worst at dealing with.

Of course, if Zulong Tie worked hard to deal with it, he was not afraid of this storm. But the two of them must be really moving, and no one can guarantee the safety of the other.

"I also want to know how this game is counted ... I admit that your friend is really powerful, and unless it is a life-and-death fight, it is really impossible to distinguish the outcome."

Feng Zhiling suddenly said, "If not, how have you come down to yourself? Since you inherited the capabilities of Master Jiejie, I also want to see how your current strength has reached."

"Do you want to play against Xiao Shengzi?"

Before waiting for Xiao Naihe to speak, it was the strange face of Zulong next to him.

If it were before, Zulong certainly would not have this look.

But after fighting with Xiao Naihe in the Moonlight Warship, Zulong knew that Xiao Naihe was stronger than he was at his peak.

With Xiao Naihe, unless there is a kind of saint whose strength has reached the limit, there is no chance.

This Feng Ling, like himself, is only a half-sacred. Actually, if he wants to do something with Xiao Nai, it is no wonder that Zulong will have this expression.

"Do you really want to do it with me?"

"Why? Don't you dare?" Feng Zhiling's tone was somewhat provocative.

"You don't need this radical method, I just remind you that you and I do not have any chance."

"It's a crazy tone, even if you get the inheritance of Lord Realm King, when you last saw you, you haven't reached the Passive Realm. This time has passed, even if your talent is good, it's nothing Only in the middle and late stages of the source. "

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