Tianzheng ten years in July, Antu castle

A hurried footsteps approached the quiet hall.When I realized the sound, I was already free.


It was Konroku who had been entrusted to the Hokuriku Front to enter the hall with his breath roughly as the dirt on his body remained.

I'm sure you knew my father was in danger and ran away at a glance.In that appearance, while tears were unexpectedly about to disappear, he desperately endured and spoke to Kwang-lu.

"... Gonroku"

"...! Master Sanju!!!"

Did you finally notice me? I'm getting closer with great momentum.

"Curious!? How strange!?"

"... now I'm begging you"

"So... is it the left...?"

Kwon Liu found his father sleeping in the place I pointed out, and sat down in a fluffy step.

There is a shadow approaching Kwon Liu.

"Kwon Liu, first remove the dirt with this one."

"Goro left..."

"You know how it hurts to be anxious.But... things don't change where we're disturbed. "

"... sorry"

Kunroku is shaking his body like squatting with a hand wipe he received from Goro's left.In that appearance, all the people here wept so that they could be caught.

The night the meritorious award was announced.I wonder if the tension thread finally broke out after a step of post-treatment.

My father got sick every day and couldn't get up from yesterday.

The teacher who examined my father said that he was at his limit a long time ago and that he had endured it with vigour.

That would be because he thought that if he hadn't done it himself, the country would be rough.

It was impossible.... to take over from me.

After listening to the teacher, I immediately sent a sentence to Goro Left and Kwon Six.Hurry back...

Goro Left was occasionally on his way to Shinano Country in the aftermath of Left and Near, so he was able to arrive at Anjo Castle yesterday.

The problem is Kwon Six. Because I desperately protected Vietnam, which is still unstable, from the Uesugi family.I couldn't afford to be rushed so quickly.

Fortunately, there was no large-scale military conflict due to the overlapping periods of rebellion and planting, but it seems that the Uesugi family had a lot of difficulty fighting the guerrillas.

Still, he managed to crush the rebels and make his way to Anjo Castle.At a glance... I hope you're in time...

Afterwards, when Kwan Liu regained his calm and heard his condition from the teacher, he heard a small voice.

"... uhh... uhh..."

"Chi chi huh!?"

When he rushed to his father in a hurry, he saw him there with thin eyes open.

"Three... wizard"

"Chihhhh! That's right! Thank you very much!!! "

"... I'm so worried... sorry"


"Everyone's... worried..."

While my father smiled at Kwon Liu and the others, I couldn't hold back my swallowing.I realized that.... that my father's life is about to run out.

My father seemed to be aware of it because it was about him, and he had a sad color in his mind.

"At the end... I'll tell you what's coming.Together, make a will of every word I spin. "

......! Thank you!

Everyone is biting their lips and enduring desperately.If it's true, I want to scream as much as I can.It's like mourning. Still, I'm desperate.To keep my father's last words from getting dirty.

My father glanced at the six of them and smiled brightly.

"The Oda family's governor shall be succeeded by the Three Wizards.Focus on Kunroku, Goro Left, Fujiyoshiro, and Kinko Left to support the Three Wizards. "

"With this, the three wizards will be the lords of Ozhang, Mino, Omi, and Yamashiro.However, with the three wizards who are still young, it is also difficult to govern the four countries.For this reason, I visited Misuke Oharu.Shingoro, Mino Country. Leave Yamashiro to 37.Until the wizard reigns, you shall reign. "

Thank you!!!

Every time I spin a word, the signs of my father fade.As if your soul were falling to zero, your vision would not stop seeping.

My father spoke kindly to me like that.

"Three Wizards... come here?"

"Ha... ah..."

Sitting on my father's right, my warm, big hand strokes my head.I loved you... big hands.

"Three Wizards, you are a special child.Man is born to bear his destiny.Man is given the talent to overcome his destiny in order to achieve the destiny given him from heaven.I'm sure... the Three Wizards will encounter various difficulties.But the Three Wizards can get over it.Beyond that, dream ideals await.... good luck. "

Yes! Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihh!

When I replied with my teeth tight, my father's hand passed on to my cheek.

"Everyone lived his days in peace, in a world of endless smiles.On the way to that ideal, you will encounter various realities.It is by no means an easy journey.You will experience many setbacks.You'll lose someone you care about.I may not be able to move forward.Various negative emotions will disturb your mind.As the Three Wizards are feeling right now.... "


It was a picture star. Since the death of the Tokubei, I have truly learned the severity of my ideals.Not everyone wants a peaceful day.I found out that an irredeemable villain was still alive.

The dream I told Master in Hakone is not a lie.I don't want to see anyone grieve anymore...

But there's someone who can't hear me.There is someone who waves his hand away.Someone is pointing the blade.Someone is about to fall into trouble.

Now that you know it, you're surprised.

"I don't think I can do it anymore..."

Such an idea passes through my head at such short notice.Knowing my ideals and realities, my knees were on the verge of falling apart.

My father's words gently heal the holes in my heart.so that you can walk in the future.

"Face up and look forward.Keep your chest up, Three Wizards.Your ideals are as clean and right as ever.I was never wrong about that. "

"Son of a..."

My father finally wrapped my cheeks with both hands and smiled in full bloom.She smiled more beautiful than anyone else.

"If you want to live in a world of endless smiles, the Three Wizards... what if you don't laugh? Can a person who can't smile at himself smile at others?If you want to make a happy world, the three wizards are the happiest.Smile more than anyone.Carve your name into the ideal world that you have painted.Three wizards have the right to be happy. "

"... nh! My... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my... my...

"Three Wizards, no matter how painful or sad you may be, never give up on your dreams.No country, no emperor, no great name.The ministers, the people, the wicked.Live with pride in loving each and every one of them.The Three Wizards are a wonderful, loving child.My irreplaceable treasure.I'm... proud of you. "

"And don't forget that you love yourself.And all that the Three Wizards have made their hearts open love thee.I... love you too.I love the Three Wizards..... "

"Uhh... uhh..."

"I'm watching... I'm watching the Three Wizards... forever... forever..."

As you spin your final words, you lose power from your father's hands.I just screamed, squeezing my hands down.


July 10, 1910.Oda Nobunaga died. She was 26 years old.The young hero, who was expected to be the next generation, closed the curtain for a short lifetime.

After that, the faithful wife took her breath at Gifu Castle.Twenty-two years old.

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