Tianzheng ten years in July Anjicheng Hachiba Hideyoshi

A few days after the stranger's death, a meeting was held in one of the rooms.There were four attendees. Shibata Hall, Niwa Hall, Takikawa Hall... and me.

A new position assigned to four of us.That is, the elder, the highest position standing above the ministers and assisting the young master.

A meeting where we gather together to discuss the policies of the Oda family is called the Council of Elders.

A mission entrusted to me by strange people.We will support the Three Wizards and smoothly turn the Oda family around.Everything to build the world of Taipei!

However, such a council of elders fell into a state of adhesion without moving forward.

"And... as for the Oda family governor..."


Shibata returns to the agenda that he cuts out in silence.We know that this is an agenda that needs to be resolved quickly.But it's still a situation where I have to step on two feet.

"... I wonder if it would be good for Sanji-sama to succeed, as strange as your will suggests.Sanmashi-sama is the authentic successor of the Oda family.It is the succession of the Master's noble Master who draws blood that is called muscle. "

"I know that. The problem is that Sansuke has named his guardian!"

"... I'm afraid, but I agree with Sansuke.There are people who will be nominated for 37. "


She sighed at my report.

At that time, I never dreamed of developing into such a noise.

The time goes back immediately after the strange person takes his breath.

We could not speak up to the three wizards who relied strangely.Nature and tears will only disappear from that overworked figure.

The fate of just three toddlers is too heavy to carry.God and Buddha had no blood or tears!

If it's true, I want to hug that little body."I will protect you," I swear.Though disrespectful, I thought of the strange as my son, and I thought of the three wizards as my grandson.

I can't stand not saying anything to you who cared so much!

In this way, I was trembling and trembling at my impudence, and I could hear my voice from nowhere.

Are you sure you're okay with the Three Wizards?

Such a small murmur spreads throughout the hall.As soon as I heard Sole, I felt blood rising all at once on my head.

"Who the hell declared such a witchcraft!!!?


As I penetrated through the heaven of anger, I stuck myself against the one who screamed.I can't forgive you for what you just said! How disrespectful! That sin deserves to die!!!

"It's you!!!"

"Gu!? Ooh... gah... ahh..."

It floats in space with its neck tightened.At last, all those who return to me will try to suppress me all at once, while the sound of the bones rings.

"Please wait, Mori-sama Tsukamae!"

"Stop, Fujiyoshiro!!!"

"Let go!!!"

In the end, Shibata sipped the words "In this place where strange people died, arguments, etc.", and the remarks remained yellow.

... Words contain spirits.Once spoken, no one can undo it.The master is unconscious, the strange one dies, and only three young children take the lead.

Everyone held the seeds of anxiety in their hearts.That's what that idiot said, bud came out.

As a result, Oda Mitsuki-sama and Kitayasuke Mitsuke Shinshin... No, Oda Mitsuke Nobuo is in a state of emergency that will join in the trail dispute.

"... Sansuke...... Sansuke..."

With the voice of Takigawa, my consciousness came back unexpectedly.I don't know... I remembered that day when I said I was in the Elders' Council.

I had to keep my guard tight.

"So, what do you two say?"

"Misuke said, 'I don't want to leave things to my toddlers.Until the three wizards first served, I will serve as the acting master. "37 said," In accordance with my brother's will, we will only support the three wizards who will succeed the governor. "


According to Takigawa's report, all four people had wrinkles between their eyebrows.The people downstairs started making noise, but Misuke was more enthusiastic than expected.

I changed my name on my own, but it's a bit obvious in recent times.

While indignant at the behavior of one person, Sansuke, the meeting continued to dance without knowing the destination.

"Among the three wizards, Sansuke, and Thirty-Seven, the genius of the three wizards is completely lost.If there's a problem... age... "

Niwa supplements Takigawa's murmur.

"I think the others down there are worried too.I wonder if I can move the Oda family to my toddler... "

To supplement this, Shibata sighs.

"So the people who set up Sansuke are making noise?Hah... With all due respect, Sansuke is nothing but a king's vessel.Thirty-seven still have the king's vessel. "

"To the left. In the wise crusade, Misuke who was in Iga was kind.Thirty-seven people who were in good command in Atsuzu were better. "

As Shibata pointed out, I agree.Even in the previous war, 37 held a brilliant command in the city of Tsetsu.

Therefore, more than 10,000 soldiers believed in 37 and remained in the city until the day of wisdom.Had the Thirty-Seven not been able to hide the upset, the forces of Atsuzu would have collapsed.

He showed me the vessel as king.

Still, I think it would be better if I could set up the Three Wizards.

"But Sanji-sama is inferior to Sanji-sama.Sanji-sama herself has set up Sanji-sama, and, as will, Sanji-sama should be the main one. "

That's right. If you're a magician, let's split things up beautifully, regardless of age. "

"Master Left, Master Three is strong.After the strange person passed away, she was able to recover in about half an hour.... I don't know if it's necessary or not. "

"Even when I was young, I didn't need the opinions of my ministers..."

The silence of Takikawa-don's last words surprises me.

If you are the Three Wizards of the Priest, you may not need to be an elder.

As such thoughts passed behind our heads, we headed towards the Three Wizards.

We were guided by a surname without a word, and were passed through a room.That was not the private room of the Three Wizards, but the room where the Master was sleeping.

"This is....."

"... the Three Wizards are here right now.Please don't hesitate to say anything else about the sight. "

"... hmm?... hmm. Let's make a promise."

We all agree that even if we lean our necks into meaningful words, it doesn't start without seeing them.An unexpected sight spreads to the front of the shrine with a thin surname.

"Uuuuu... shit... hahhh..."

There was a figure of the three wizards crying to trust the master.In the daytime, I was stunned by how far away you were from everyone in command.

"... uhh! This is..."

"... an ambassador came from Gifu Castle last night.This is in the sentence. "

"... uhh! No way... no way..."

Shibata, who read the sentences given by his surname, lost his voice in surprise.When you take away the sentence like you want to pull the unusual look, the three of you start to read it.

It said, "At Gifu Castle, the strange wife bled a lot during the birth of her second child, and the babies died."

This surname was said to have arrived last night.Then, in the daytime, knowing that her mother was dead, she behaved gently so as not to make us anxious.

"Why... did my surname write this sentence... no, you are definitely the one from the Ichisai Temple..."

"My name is Takamaru. I heard about this incident because I was beside the Three Wizards.The Three Wizards said, "When the right time comes, we will let everyone know," but gradually we fooled the elders that we should tell them. "

"... I see. I don't know. Are we going back...?"


Taken by Shibata, we left the room behind.I can't help but think about it...

Back in the room, I sat down with great momentum.

"Shibata Hall! Nippa Hall! Takigawa Hall! I wonder if you can help this Fujiyoshiro!!! "

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?"

Regardless of Shibata and the others who were confused, he even rubbed his head against the tatami mat and showed sincerity.

"I know you don't have any good feelings for me! On the body of a lowlife like me, as long as you are ashamed of the elders, etc.! But, no! Wouldn't you like to support the Three Wizards with me!? I'm not telling you to flush your past with water! For the cause, for the Three Wizards! I want you to help me!!! "

Honor had nothing to do with it, and I just kept lowering my head.Because I was convinced that these four people could support the Three Wizards.

A rare genius who quickly responded to Mitsuhide Akechi's rebellion and charted the way to a brilliant crusade.I don't think there are just three toddlers.

The Perfect One is fighting desperately not to worry us.He lost his father and mother at the same time, and he desperately endured it, even though it would be painful!

Don't respond to that, what an elder! What a loyalist! For the sake of the Three Wizards, one or two of my heads can be lowered safely!

I wonder how long it's been... and I wonder if I could hear you breathing unexpectedly, someone's hand caught on my shoulder.

"Absolutely... your embarrassment is too old.... sorry... Fujiyoshiro "

"... Ha! Shibata-san!"

"Kung Liu is good. Together, I will support the Three Wizards.... well, I have to tell Sansuke and 37. "

"... fufu... fufu... hahahahaha!!"

That said, Kwon Roku left the room with his cheeks peeled.Too easy to understand, the three remaining names spill their laughter naturally.

At this time, the elders might have been able to unite in a true sense.There are still countless things to do.We have a long way to go, but I'm sure we'll be fine.

Supporting the Three Wizards... their thoughts will never go away.

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