Tianzheng ten years in July, Antu castle

Some time after the war that rocked the Oda family, I finally got used to the new system around this time today.I was discussing my future policy with the elders.

"-That's all for the cost of this war.I have some savings, but I think it might be a small amount. "

"On the left, the nature of this war is civil unrest.Therefore, there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose is immeasurable.Even the five countries that won from the Maori family could be entirely attracted if they put heavy taxes on pranks. "

"Is it...?"

Looking at the reports from Goro Left and Fujita, they sighed deeply together.

I knew it, but fighting costs money.Even if you send soldiers out, the more the balls jump out of your eyes, the more expensive it will be, and if the fields are burned and people die, you won't get taxes.

Especially since the newly acquired former Akechi domain was originally the territory of the Oda family, it was not actually in the interests of the Oda family.

The elders also know the truth about Mitsuhide's rebellion, but because they know how the Oda family is nostalgic today, they keep sighing.

"The turmoil in Kyoto has subsided, but the unrest of the people is still hidden.Many houses were destroyed, many temples burned down, and more people tunneled along the river. "

"We have young people around the house, but some people's faces appear to be dark.The look of a skinny kid is a bit of an eyesore. "

"Is it...?"

Following the report of Left Jinjun Kwon Six, he unexpectedly fell face to face.The strange battle of Honnoji Temple, Nijo Castle.The two battlefields of Kyoto have suffered more damage than expected.

The wise army did not work tyrannically, but the people who mistakenly worked evil in confusion continued.Just thinking about the victims makes my chest rip open.

For the time being, should we avoid fighting and focus on ground consolidation...?

Close the fan that was spreading around your mouth tightly and pull the Takamaru round behind you.

Takamaru, give me an example.


Takamaru, who approached by running, lowered his head deeply in the order of me and the elder, and then took the paper out of his pocket and spread it out.

The paper contains a sketch of a map of Japan produced under my supervision.

The Oda family, Tokugawa family, Hojo family, Uesugi family, Maori family, Nagasobu family, etc.... the territory of the famous family is divided into colors, so it's very good!

"We will abolish customs offices and duties in the territories owned by all the big celebrities that are connected to the Oda family.Using this anchor castle as a hub, we revitalize the logistics by creating streets connecting Shanyin, Sanyang, Kinki, Hokuriku, and the Tokai Sea.Along with that, I think it would be good to develop roads and create workplace towns.... what do they think? "

Goro left, who is familiar with the Oda family's internal affairs, nodded strongly in favour.

"Dear Sir, I am also very interested in the development of the economy.Rakushi Rakuza, the abolition of the Sekijo, the development of roads... If the Three Wizards have shown their willingness to take over your business, let's proceed without any problems. "

The elders agreed with Goro's left-hand words.

"But priorities are essential to things.What did the Three Wizards think? "

When Left and Near say a subtle question, I answer with a winning smile.

"First, I intend to develop a street connecting Sakai to Kyoto-Kyoto-Yasudo.After all, a lot of people are more effective! And hire someone for that construction! Find a place to live and find those who have lost their jobs! "

"Hmm!? Are you looking for people who don't even know who they are?"

I start explaining my gestures to the elders who can't hide their surprises with their eyes open.

"To spin the economy, you don't just have to save money.The economy spills when the top spits out wealth and lets it go underneath! The Oda family will take the lead, and the Sakai luxury merchants will also pay for it.Hire the Ronins with that money! They've lost their jobs and their homes because they don't have any money, so just keep it together and we'll do a good job if we get ready! "

Nah, I see.

"Divide them into two teams and start building streets between Sakai, Kyoma, and Kyo and Yasudo at once.Send carpenters to the construction site to build the house.It's good to live in that house! It's good to open a dormitory! By the time we finish building the streets, we'll have a township! If I could find a place to stay, the kids would be able to be polite. "

"Now, as the economy turns, the Oda family's nostalgia will be moisturized, the non-Ronin will get jobs and homes, the children will no longer starve, and if the non-Ronin are gone, the security of Kyoto will improve! It's exactly the policy of one stone and four birds!!! "

Ooh ~

The elders are hitting their knees as impressed.I proudly chest at the looks of all of them.

I'm happy to think that the economics taught by my master could be used only a little.

"Well, I guess there are still holes in this proposal, too.From now on, let's all simmer it! I'm counting on you. "

Thank you!!!

Then, when everyone was arguing for hours, Takamaru rushed into the hall.

"Excuse me!!! Ugh, Master! Master has woken up!!! "

What is it!?

Everyone stood up like a conditional reflex to the report from Takamaru.

Let's go, everybody! Takamaru, show me!!! "

Thank you!

The party continued to move along the hallway with tremendous momentum and impatience.Grandpa finally woke up! There's nothing you can do to raise your chest to the reward that everyone was waiting for.

"Sir, this way."

Hmm, thank you!

He finally opened the door of the room he had arrived in and stepped into the room with great momentum.There was a figure of the grandfather who woke up his upper body.

"J, jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!"

A resumption of the wait. I don't know how broken my heart it was when I didn't wake up.I was worried that I would die like this and couldn't sleep at night.

--I want to hear your voice. I want to talk.I feel like I smile. I want you to hold me with your big hands.

Even such a small, eager wish.I've given up hope that it won't come true anymore.

But I finally woke up! I finally met my beloved grandfather!

But, mercilessly, the wish did not come true.

"... who are you?"

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