Tianzheng ten years in July, Antu castle

"... who are you?"

"............... eh"

I was stunned by the words my grandfather told me.

My body is strangely hot. Your high heartbeat is painfully in your ear.Step forward with an unforgettable step. We'll go one step further.

"Ji, Ji-sama? I'm the Three Wizards... my grandson.Father's... son of Oda Nobutada's... son of Odd Maru's... three wizards... don't you remember...? "

I asked him with a reluctant look.Squeeze your grandfather's sleeve and shake your body completely.

I don't want to admit it. I don't want to believe it.I want you to lie. I can forgive you for laughing now.

So... so...

"Three... wizard... faithful... strange... round. I don't know... I've never heard of such a person.... I don't know anything. "

--I let go of my grandfather's sleeve.

Kunroku and Goro left stopped at my grandfather to replace me who retreated to collapse.

"Master! You really don't know anything!? The strange master is the first-born son of the master, and the third wizard is his direct grandson.So much! I wasn't so loved!!! "

"... I'm sorry."

"Dear Sir, it's a million generations.Are you sure... you've forgotten... the days we ran around the fields together... the days we all went to the heavens together! ... uuu... uuu... uuuu "

"... I'm sorry."

Grandpa lowered his head deeply against Kunroku and the others.Goro left, who would never normally show tears, could cry without showing his eyes.

The vine supporting Goro's left was also desperately biting his lips as he wept.

--Life was saved. But something important has been lost.Something important and irreplaceable.

We can hear the words of the teacher who was seeing Grandpa while we were stunned.

"I didn't remember your name or your family.However, the body remembered how to wear kimonos and how to use chopsticks on a daily basis.There is a good chance that your memory will return.Now, I think it's best to take your time to heal. "

Raise your face to the teacher's words.When I looked at the teacher with my eyes open, I was nodded with a gentle expression.

It might bring back memories... slightly, but I thought I had no choice but to put my hopes to it.

Now is not the time to be in a hurry.Life will continue. You should remember it slowly.

Rather, I am delighted that my grandfather's consciousness has now returned.I must convey my gratitude to the doctor who treated me.

The elders naturally correct their posture, just like me who corrected my posture.And we lowered our heads deep.

"Sensei, even though Jiji regained consciousness, it was all thanks to the teacher's dedication.As the owner of the Oda family, thank you very much. "

Thank you!!!

"... as a person involved in medicine, I have done what is natural.Please be sure to be careful.Because miracles are never visited by unbelievers. "

"... uhh! Nah!"

Afterwards, the teacher was given a large honorarium and a large clinic built under Anjo Castle.I was only ashamed of myself for showing my gratitude in such a way, but at least I received it as a reward.

I truly respect teachers who try to save many people in the form of medicine.

We thanked the teacher and once we were back during the evaluation, we were discussing what was coming.

"Now, let me hide you from you...."

"Mm-hmm. Perhaps it would be best to rest slowly in a peaceful place rich in nature.I will reward my family for this. "

I nodded affirmatively to the question of Kun Liu.The place is still undecided, but I want to build a building somewhere on a cool windy hill.

However, Left Jin hastily disagreed in order to reward the family members.

"Oh, please wait, Master Three! I think it's premature to reward my family for this! "

Why not?

"Ha, excuse me. In the Oda family today, there is absolutely no Master.Even if he lost consciousness, he was more impressed than anything in the family by his leadership in leading the Oda family to a great name.If you lose your memory and hide, your family will be upset, and hostilities in neighboring countries may spiral! "

"Is it...?"

The closest thing to the left is to say.Shamefully, it is Grandpa's presence that supports the Oda family today.

Master is still alive If you were there, the Oda family would be safe As long as there is the prestige of the former Uchi prefecture, the Oda family would not be defeated If Nobunaga is alive, you can't attack them Retaliation is terrible, you can't do it If Master wakes up, everything should be fine!!

Everyone thinks that way.I thought that if Grandpa woke up, he would take over the command of the Oda family.

I don't have the authority or the name right now.A young child who puts all his efforts into internal affairs and does not like to fight.The soldiers may think they are unreliable.

... then you have to show it.The Oda family must reassure the family that it would be safe with me.

I can't... rely on my grandfather anymore.

"Near left...."

When they muttered small, they all lay flat with their mouths shut.


"Everyone in the house has the right to know the truth.If the truth is revealed after a bad deception, it may create additional confusion.It's best to treat them in good faith. "


I nodded forcefully when I confirmed that they were convinced.Next, when I was about to discuss my grandfather's hideout, a woman entered the evaluation room with a knife open.

"... grandmother"

"Long time no see, Three Wizards. Was it a breath disaster?"

Come home, Butterfly!?

It was Grandma, grandfather's wife, who was there.Even though it's almost fifty years old, it's not an exaggeration to say it's twenties.The word "beauty witch" will be worthy of your grandmother.

Previously, I lived in hiding in Gifu, but after my grandfather lay on the floor, I worked as a nurse at Anjo Castle.

I'm sure I've come here because I know how my grandfather is.

As I expected, when my grandmother bowed herself to her seat, she sat beside me and stared at me carefreely.

"I heard about you.I'm sorry... three wizards. Your little shoulders have been entrusted with the fate of the Oda family.... can I leave it to you? "

I respond with a smile to Grandma's merciful eyes.

"Leave it to me, let me do my duty well.... so don't worry, Grandma. "

When my grandmother turned away from me for a moment, she caught me by surprise.

"Good luck... Three Wizards. I... we'll always be on your side."

Once the conversation was divided, Grandmother turned to the elders.In response to that serious expression, the elders also lay down deeply.

"Master, I'll keep it.I intend to spend some time at the museum in Gifu.... My lord has run away like a temple horse.It's time for you to rest. "

The elders nodded strongly and affirmed Grandma's proposal.I thought that would be better.

"Let's sweeten your grandmother's taste.Is everybody okay? "

Thank you!

Confirming that they all lay flat deep together, I get up and head to the barn.

"... I'm a little tired. Kunroku, I'll take care of the rest"

"... haha!"

Behind me was a sniveling cry I could hear from behind, and I walked into my room with an unfamiliar step.

When you close the lid, the sun will soon fall and the dim sight will spread.For some reason, there was no appetite, and now I just wanted to sleep.

"Good evening. I'm going to bed today."

"... my sincere regards"

Someone caught me by surprise when I felt that my last name was going down.When I look at who it is, I realize that it was snow.


"My lord... that's enough. You don't have to put up with it. We're all alone now. "


The words of snow destroyed the thoughts that had stopped the weir until now.I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

It was raining cold that night.

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