Toshiya Maeda, Yuzu Castle, China, mid-April 1911

Having finished talking to Lianlong, I went to the garden as soon as possible.To receive reports from the commanders of each of the branch castles surrounding Uzu Castle, as well as quadripartite sightings in preparation for the attack.

Then we arrived at the garden without waiting for that time.The ministers who saw me at once welcomed me with a correct posture.

Maeda-san, thank you for your time!!!

I urge my deeply flat servants to follow me.

Hmm. Well, then, report it yourself.


As I urge, I will report one after the other from the person on the right.

The contents are really basic things.Soldiers are ready and can be deployed to Uzu Castle immediately.I don't see any enemies around the castle.

It was such a touching thing.

Otherwise, I feel relieved by the contents that do not feel abnormal.There is no problem, but I have never moved on.

However, as we scrutinized the contents of the reports one after the other, some problems arose.

"... Hmm? Hey, we're missing a report on the east side.Does anybody know anything! "


When I ask my ministers, they just ask each other and they don't answer.I had a slightly unpleasant feeling that I ran to the stables.

"We're on our way! Follow me!"

"Eh... ah... oh!!!"

I kept moving my legs while not listening satisfactorily to the late reply.

Running along with the confused servants.The horse also feels like it's going faster than usual because it feels my husband's will.

Only one watcher... such optimistic thinking is fatal on the battlefield.

"Always imagine the worst."

That's the lesson my father taught me.

An ambush appeared... because of the traditional sect...

No, it could be sabotage or sabotage by an intermediary.

Such assumptions run around the brain, imagining the response one by one.Running through our warriors, we immediately saw a small fortress.


With the sound of a dry whip, it accelerates at once.In the meantime, check the surrounding situation.No signs of roughness. No visible footprints.I don't see any enemies.

......... are you still a messenger?

I broke into the fort with my sword out.

"Oi!!! Are you okay...?"

But the sight that was spreading out there was the opposite of what I had imagined.

The smell of liquor floating in the fort. The rolling virtue.

I heard the sounds of my patience.

Then I headed back to the soldiers.Many young people were intoxicated by the overwhelming victory, to say the least, and were to give strict instruction.

"You guys! I don't know what you're thinking! Get in line right away!!! "

Ha, haha!

I'll bring a man in front of the young men who tremble in fear.Then he grabbed the roots of his neck and threw them towards the young people.

"... hi!?"

The face is swollen to the point where the original shape is unknown, and from the gap of the stitched haori, you can see the blue earthworm swelling.

Some of the young people heard a scream in such a ruthless manner.

I grab a man's hair and slowly lift it up to show them.Did you cut your forehead when you threw it the other day? The terrible blood contaminated the ground.

"Listen carefully, everyone!!! Even though the battle against the Uesugi family has just begun, what comes to mind with a single victory!!! Shame on you!!! Such a sweet attitude is the biggest factor in my feet!!! "

Ha, ha! I'm sorry!!!

Young people who are afraid but correct their posture.Some of them are bluishing their faces as they continue to throw up.

"This fool just took off his armor or drank alcohol and neglected to be vigilant.I'm in charge of watching things!!! Had this stupid gap been breached and an enemy ambush attacked, my army would have been badly damaged!!! It's a great sin worth dying for!!! "

With that, I immediately shake my sword and slip it on the fool's neck.The neck, which was cut off without any resistance, fell in front of the young people as they danced gently through the sky.


The sound of meat crushing. Short screams.Even more, he pointed his sword at the blue-faced young people.

"Still, knock this place into your head once more that it's a battlefield! Never be alarmed until you have confirmed the enemy's body! Win and tighten your helmet.If you don't want to die, mind your own battlefield!!! "

"...... nh! giggle, thank you!!!"

In my fury, the young people reflexively correct their positions.In that state, after descending on the point of time, he turned his heel back and headed for Uzu Castle.

"From now on, I will fight for Uzu Castle! Your job is primarily to dispose of corpses and search for survivors in the castle! Each of them is an important part of the Oda family's victory! Be proud of your responsibilities and do it! That's good!!! "


"............ hah......"

Looking back for a moment, I looked at them.Then, confirming that the young people's faces had lost their chronic color, they finally sighed deeply.

The harms of the continuous victory. Recruits who don't know Shuraba.

"Sincerely, education is difficult."

Such a murmur fell to zero.

Although there was a slight delay, I was able to enter the castle safely at noon.I knew it, but I distorted my face without thinking of the hell picture spreading in front of me.

"... so much..."

My zero murmur melted into space without anyone asking.

Looking around, you can see a mountain of corpses overflowing with narrow spaces.There you can see men and women struggling and suffering.

And when he lost sight, he saw a thin corpse laid down in the moat.... he probably died in search of water.Honestly, it's a sight that turns away.

"Recruits, take the body outside the castle and bury it.Then they invite monks from nearby temples to feed them politely.The dead are not enemies anymore.I will never allow you to leave a corpse unattended. "

Haha! I understand!!

Behind the recruits, who will begin to act immediately, I will lead the main team to Honmaru.

"... heading for Honmaru. Come on."


Well, I wonder what's going on.

Entering the main circle, the first thing I saw was the unusual appearance of Uzu Castle.Fifteen shells prevented Uzu Castle, the castle of Hiraki, from enduring.

"... this is the end of that Uzu Castle..."

In front of you, we can see once again the huge threat.Unexpectedly, your right hand trembles at the horror.

Located at the link between the streets and the sea, the large Hiragi Castle, which is said to be an important hub of the Uesugi family in Vietnam, collapsed beyond sight of its glory.

"... just look for survival. Corpses, too.A famous warlord may be buried under that rubble.Search for this whenever you can. "


And we started the search about half a minute ago.You don't have to wait for the time to come to hear some reports.

"Maeda-sama, we have discovered a body thought to be the warlord of the Uesugi family.That number is about twelve. It was discovered gradually from the center of the collapsed Uzu Castle.Unfortunately, we were not in a very good position to conduct a neck test, but we found earrings with their names nearby.I found holes in my slightly confirmed ears, so I will probably fool around with them on this nametag. "

"... let me see."


The name tag handed over by the minister certainly bears the name of the warlord we were looking for.The location of the discovery would also be highly credible.

"Okay, I'll go there, too. Take me there."

Yes! I understand!

Follow the minister to the location.And the odor that hits your nose as you get closer.It showed that there was indeed a corpse.

"... here."

What was spreading there was a lump of meat.It seemed that several warlords overlapped.

Probably bombarded him while he was holding a military conference.You couldn't escape, you couldn't fight, and all you could do was stand together.


As a samurai, they suffer chest pain at the end and offer silent prayer.But the next moment. A lump of meat bounced from the center, and a bloody blade stretched out from inside my heart.


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