Time goes back to just before the collapse of Uzu Castle.

Nakajo Jingtai screams as he hugs in his chest what was the longest view of Yamamoto Temple.The end of that life is a matter of certainty, and no matter how hard you scratch, you can only earn a little time to die.

You can't even die as a samurai, you can't keep the promises you made to your friends, and you can't even send your last words to your friends.

Too cruel an end. Nakajo Jingtai's life was supposed to close with the Oda family's shelling.

Yes... it was supposed to be.

Nakajo Jingtai was destined to die without being able to reward the Oda family.He had no way of escaping the shelling anymore, and he didn't even have the energy to live.

But that fate will be covered.

A roaring sound. The five castles surrounding Uzu Castle shake slightly.To be honest for the third time, the rubble around Nakajo Jingtai suddenly collapsed and the eleventh shadow came to Nakajo Jingtai as shells approached without destroying Yuzu Castle.

The eleven shadows were the warlords gathered at the inaugural meeting.They were breathing slightly as they were fatally wounded in the first shelling.

After the second shelling, they regained consciousness and saw Nakajo Jingtai holding a piece of cloth dyed bright red.

When they saw the name tag of the Yamamoto-ji Kaiseki who fell beside them, they turned everything into enlightenment and action.

--Save only Nakajo Jingtai.

With that heart, they used their shields to protect Jingtai Nakajo.Literally hang on to everything you have.

... they didn't have that much to spare.They were also destined to be crushed by the collapsing Uzu Castle.

But they resisted.

He did a miracle by burning out the fire of life that he had lit inside.

As a result, Nakajo Jingtai survived.They turned into walls and protected themselves from debris pouring down from above.

It was fortunate that Uzu Castle was Hiraki Castle.Had it been a castle with a guardian pavilion, the scaffolding would have collapsed and been stunned by falling shocks.

Thus, Nakajo Jingtae escaped death.

The thoughts of those who defended him outweighed their destiny.

I don't know why I overturned my destiny.I'm not sure how they moved their bodies when they were fatally wounded.

But... maybe only for a short time, but the life of Nakajo Jingtai certainly grew, and their will was inherited.

That is only a certain fact.

In mid-April 1911, Jingtai Nakajo, Yuzu City, China

When I regained consciousness, I wept silently.I couldn't see anything in the dark because of the debris piling up over my head, but I knew everything about the current situation.

I... was saved by Takemata and the others.

On the verge of the collapse of this Uzu castle, I still remember clearly the appearance of Takemata Hall and others jumping out of the nearby rubble.

However, the appearance of Takemata Hall and the others is not very good, but it is far from satisfactory.A body wet with blood. Bent limbs.A pillar that penetrates the abdomen.It is no exaggeration to say that you are full of creativity.

However, in such a dying state, there was a definite vein in his eyes.

I couldn't stop tears when I saw Takemata and the others.At the time of death, I couldn't bear to see everyone again.

"Takemata Hall... Yoshie Hall..."

I tried to spin the last word, but it never took shape.Takemata-san's powerful gaze pierced me before it took shape.Then, your mouth slowly opens.

- It was... mm-hmm.

At the next moment, my vision dimmed with an incredible impact.

When I woke up, it was all over.Takemata-san and the others died in defense of me.

The smell of blood and the darkness kept repeating the words of Takemata.


"... what do you want? I didn't know that."

Hold the pocket knife while consolidating your resolve.

The Oda army will definitely come to Uzu Castle.They came all the way from there to see if we were alive or dead.

Opportunity that I don't wish for. When we have confirmed the bodies of Takemata's men and confirmed the victory of the Oda army, they will surely be alarmed.Relax when it's all over.

At that moment, everything hangs.

"Everybody... just wait a minute.It will always be a souvenir of the underground, with the general of Oda.Your deaths will never be in vain.I... will never let you die for nothing! "

--I 'll reward you with an arrow!!!

With determination in your chest, close your eyes and let your breath subside.Waiting for that time.

And finally, the time has come.


Light plunges in through Takemata Hall and a man appears in sight.A family crest of plum petals. An unusual length.A dark red spear held by a small surname.

I realize that the man in front of me is Oda Ieyasu Maeda Toshiya.At that moment, using all the remaining force, I threw a blade at Riya Maeda.


Screaming without words. Aim for the heart.A blade wet with the blood of a fellow man shines red in the sun.While dancing through the universe, intense pain penetrates your body and your bloody vomiting stains your mouth.

But I will never stop.There's only one thing I have to do.Shake this blade around the heart of Riya Maeda!!!



Rika Maeda's dagger, who turned back instantly, ripped the universe apart at a speed beyond his eyes.Fresh blood dancing through the universe. With severe pain, you feel so hot that you want to go mad.

My right arm was cut off from my elbow.

"Whether you're hiding or not, I'm not hiding until you're ready to kill me."

Laugh briefly. It's not over yet.Kick off the right arm dancing in space and take away Maeda Riya's sight.


Shake your left hand to sew the gap in your consciousness, moaning briefly.Sharply polished stones are aiming at Maeda Rika's eyes with great momentum.

Slip your arm like a whip, and do not make you realize the moment you throw.Thin, flat stretched stones have low killing power but are enough to scare the opponent.

It was a blow to my heart.

But even Maeda Toshiya prevents it.

"Aim is clear, so it's easy to prevent"

Move your head slightly and avoid attacks with minimal movement.An incredible trunk, with its blessed giant body sliding to the ground and daggering in a low orbit.


My right leg fell off and my center of gravity went mad.Falling from head to ground. Your brain is shaking and your vision is distorted.Tightening your lips and then rushing again... just before they cut off your left arm.

"... right arm, left arm, right foot. You can't even get up at the earliest.Stop wasting your feet and accept death with purity. "

With the ruthless announcement, an incredible sense of hegemony blows.The polar regions that young people cannot reach on their own.This Maeda Toshiya was undoubtedly the most powerful man of our time.

When I rubbed my head against the ground without force, I noticed a dagger standing over my head.You didn't have the strength to accept death.

As soon as possible, it won't be long before the dagger is shaken off, and in a few moments your neck will fly.This scene determines that whoever sees it is useless.

--I 've been waiting for this moment!!!

"It's over!!!"

Hold your head on the ground and jump up with your left foot.My unexpected counterattack stained Maeda Rika's face with a stunning color.

No right arm, no left arm.The weapon has already run out. So there's no more means of attacking?

No, definitely not!!!

I still have these fangs!!!

Sharp teeth peeking from the open mouth to the limit.The primitive weapon that people have been waiting for since ancient times was unleashed at the throat of the Maeda Rika.

It's decided... the moment I thought about it, Rika Maeda moved her body with an incredible reflex nerve.

"Nh... I'm... naaaaaaaahhhh!!"

A roar that rips the air apart. He forced his right arm to move and slipped his hand into a trajectory where his teeth were eating through his throat.


Severe metal sounds. Dancing blood. The roaring men screamed.At the moment when it was thought which would control him, Maeda Toshiya's kick penetrated his abdomen.

"... guu... but... ufu!?"

Kicked off, I collided with the wall momentum and collapsed without power.With that body hanging, the Zhu spear rips through the sky and sews my body to the wall with a roar.


Raise voiceless screams and bend your face.I can't even pull out a spear at the earliest.Bloody vomiting swept through the universe and defiled the earth.

So far, finally Maeda Toshiya, who breathed roughly, came to me.

"Hah... hah... hah... you... what the hell...!"

Holding his breath, he punctured the gap where he came in and blew out a piece of metal from his mouth.

However, it was avoided at the tip of my hair and I could only slit my eyes.But when I finally saw Maeda Rika's blood, I smiled unexpectedly.

It's exhausted. As early as possible, there are no shards of the chewed hand, and we can't move our body.

--But I rewarded you with an arrow.

If you are satisfied with that, you can attach a dagger to your neck.Turning to her eyes, she saw Rika Maeda distorting her face.

"Why are you so resistant? Why can't I break your heart?Our shelling must have taught us.As early as possible, spears and swords are useless.From now on, the era of guns and gunpowder will come.... the samurai era is over. Why aren't you desperate? "

When I saw the dagger shaking slightly, I burst into laughter.A man who thought he was a monster was afraid of such a trivial thing.Isn't he really human?

"Kukukuku... don't say anything boring for a long time"

"Don't laugh!!!"

With anger, the dagger slightly slits the skin and blood passes through the neck.But I made her laugh without worrying about anything like that.

"Put down a spear or a sword and the samurai era will be over? Don't be ridiculous.You're a samurai, but you can't change with one weapon! I'm a samurai!! Maeda Toshiya! Samurai will never perish!!! "

Speaking with a distorted mouth, Maeda Toshiya looked like she was possessed.

"... to the left. Ah... I see.Certainly, I've heard boring things. "

--You are certainly a samurai.

At the end of that word, my neck danced through the sky.

Zhongjo Jingtai died. Twenty-five.

Uesugi family loyalists who fought Oda's army to the end closed the curtain for a short lifetime.

With his death, the battle at Uzu Castle ended.Uesugawa's warlords were wiped out.

The cannon was fierce in this battle.Still, it's full of drawbacks that can't be used in the field, and even in castle warfare, it's too laborious to install.Therefore, the importance of infantry will not change yet.

However, the needle in the history of weapons will undoubtedly continue to advance rapidly.New and improved weapons will now turn into monsters where conventional tactics do not work.

But as long as the samurai souls are inherited, their spirits will never perish.

When Nakajo Jingtai is scattered, it will remain a legacy even after death, and it will be passed down from the land of Uzu to all of Japan.

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