April 11th, Tianzheng, Antu Castle

Reading the sentence at hand, she nodded many times.

There was a magnificent handwriting that looked like Kwon Liu, and it described everyone's struggle.A sigh of relief over the results I had expected.

This result is probably the best I could have predicted.No deaths. There are some injuries, but they are not fatal injuries, and if they are properly treated, they will not interfere with everyday life.

Then it's my job to be the main player.The Oda family will take care of all injuries.That leads to support from the people and loyalty to their ministers.

As I closed my eyes and consolidated my future policy, I suddenly felt my gaze from left to right.Looking at them strangely, they looked at each other worriedly.

Apparently, he looked at me silently and wondered if it was bad.

When I realized that, I told them the contents of the message with a smile without worrying.

"It seems that Yuzu Castle to the left and Matsukura Castle to the built-in help, and Tenjinshan Castle to the right successfully attacked.Soldiers also suffered minimal damage. It's a big victory for your side. "


The two of them slapped their knees happily on the contents of the message.It would be a pleasure to hear from them that the Uesugi crusade is going well.

It is also a great achievement to drop three castles in a few days.Maybe it's a battle to be told in the future!

The air in the field gets better at once and smiles together.Meanwhile, Goro took a piece of paper out of his pocket and spread it out.It depicts a general map of the Hokuriku region.

And three black acer stones were lined up in Vietnam.

"If we had attacked Uzu Castle, Matsukura Castle and Tenjinshan Castle, Vietnam would have put China under control.There is no need to worry that the people of Kaga and Noto will stand behind you because of the maneuvers we made during the winter. If so... "

Goro's right hand picked the acer stone and stopped along the coastline where the mark was written.

The road to Kasuga Yamashiro is ready.On the road, there are no castles, and even if there are, there are only small mountain castles... definitely, it is an opportunity to destroy the Uesugi family. "

"Is it...?"

My murmuring melts into the air in vain.It was known at the time of issuing the Uesugi Conquest, but I unexpectedly closed my eyes to the fact that I now realized that I would "destroy the Uesugi family".

Here, my decision will determine the end of this Uesugi crusade.I knew that a long time ago.

"I'm not going to change my policy on Uesugi.The Uesugi family perishes at the expense of scenic scenery.If the very existence of the Uesugi family leads to discord in the east, we can't have the Oda family adopted.Destroy the Uesugi family to build the world of Taipei under heaven as soon as possible.That's a decision. "

To be sure, Fujime and Goro relieved themselves of their shoulders.I feel sorry for feeling guilty about my appearance.

They were afraid of the possibility of changing policy in this last resort.Which means I'm still immature.

Aware of that, I accidentally put force on my fingertips.Wrinkles engraved in the chestnuts appeared in my eyes even if I didn't like them.

Still, when you manage to mend your smile, you start talking again.

"Asahi, did Kwon Six say anything about future policy?"

So, were you happy that I shook you up?In the morning, she replies with her eyes shining.

"Ha! Shuri Shibata is waiting for the plane at the corner of the castle built near the old Utsu Castle!"

"I wonder... is that so?"

When she turned her gaze sideways while nodding, both Fujime and Goro nodded back.I wonder if there is any particular problem with the policy of the sixth right.

"Is there anything else I can do," he said, turning his eyes to the map.The number of soldiers entrusted to Kwon Six is about 30,000.In addition, if we combine the Left and Hojo armies, it will be close to 50,000.Collecting all of this will probably win the battle.

But I can't say that in this fight.

Remove the wrinkles near the eyebrows and remove them.Moisturize your throat with tea and take a breath.

"At first glance, it looks like the Oda family is dominant... but if you look for roughness, you'll find it everywhere."

This is an objective assessment of the current situation.

There are still many problems, and there is a lot of reliance on the spot.If something unexpected happens, it's not strange if the situation turns over.

... we need to simmer more.

With that in mind, Fujime and Goro turned to the left.

"First of all, I think it's good that Kwan Liu and the others stay the same.Instead of giving me detailed instructions, I think it would be better to have them respond on an ad hoc basis, depending on the Left and Hojo armies. "

Having said that, they agree with each other.

Sure enough

It's on the left.

The two nodded. As they followed, Goro turned to the left and stared at us correctly.

"However, there are still many anxiety materials.Goro left. How many soldiers do you think the Uesugi family will gather? "


To answer my question, Goro put his hand on his jaw and thought.A moment of silence. And you've come up with something.He turned to me again.

"We hear that Kenshin Uesugi has assembled more than 50,000 troops to form the Oda clashes.But that's a number that adds up the backup forces, such as the supply team.If so, it is likely that there are about 20,000 actual fighters. "

"Is it...?"

Goro gazed at the vine as he hammered the words on his left.Then the vine waited for Goro's left thought.

"It's an expedition, and if it's a defensive battle, you'll have to consider the possibility that more soldiers will go to the battlefield.In the worst case scenario, the Uesugi army, which has all the people on its side, could be more than 30,000... no, it could be more than 40,000 troops! "

An unexpected sweat flows from the vine's remarks.

Currently, I don't know how many soldiers the Uesugi family will bring in, but it is possible that they will prepare more than 30,000, as Fujinomoto said.

Because the Uesugi family has nothing to do with it.If your house is in danger of survival, you will be able to do everything you can to survive.

On the other hand, we still have a lot of enemies, and it is not very possible to deploy all forces.As an insurance policy, we need to keep our reserves low.

Moreover, this battle is an expedition.As Kenshin Uesugi organized the Oda clashes, some of the troops naturally have supply units.In essence, about 30% of the troops are not counted as combat power.

If so, the number of troops will be the same.

Now, as long as the local rice is in the Uesugi family, it cannot be said that we can definitely win this battle.

--Then, if you cut off the enemy......

Such an idea passed my head.

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