April 11th, Tianzheng, Antu Castle

The collapse of the people.

It was a flashy idea, but it was one of the old-fashioned ways to attack.Draw in allies and multiply your strength by many times, rather than using it to defeat enemies.

Furthermore, if we bring people deeply rooted in the region, we will not only reap the benefits of the land, but also have a good influence on future governance.

... should I talk to both of you for now?

Turning a blind eye, he opens his mouth pointing to the map.

"Left and right lead about 10,000 people to Kasugayama Castle from Shinano.And 10,000 allied troops from Hojo and Ueno are aiming for Kasugayama Castle.... "

Assume future movements while moving the Acer Stone.Then it stopped at a place with white acer stones.

"The border separating Shinano, Ueno and Echigo countries.Can't we bring the people nearby to our side? Based on the premise of healing, I would like to prepare a reward depending on Uesugi's work. "

When they asked the fan perfectly, they all had disturbing expressions.

"Is there something wrong?"

Did such an idea appear on his face? Goro cut out the story with his left tooth cut out badly.

"... it is true that the people of China are obsessed with their own territory inherited by their ancestors to an unusual extent.Objectively speaking, the current situation can be said to be the dominance of the Oda family, which dominated Vietnam.If so, it is likely that flip-flop work conditioned on healing is sufficient.... but... "

That's sweet.

Goro's cold voice echoes during the rating, blocking the words on his left.I also closed Goro's left mouth and turned to the Lord of the Voice.

There was a vine with a sharp expression on it.Even though you might inadvertently lose sight of the harsh gaze, the vine's gaze does not allow it.

A moment of silence, and the vines opened their mouths heavily.

"...... Master Three, it makes sense to induce betrayal.I often use them on the battlefield, so... but don't easily forgive those who betray your people. "

Icy eyes penetrate me.The word of the vine had a powerful force that could not be said.The vine keeps talking to throw up.

"Anyone who once learned the taste of betrayal will never be able to return to the right path again.I will always look for that treacherous sweet honey.If it's for your own good, I'll gladly turn it into an external way to stab my husband in the back. "


Goro's worried murmur for a moment obscured the words of the vine.However, just a little bit of the vine's face turned to Goro's left, and Goro took a breath and closed his mouth.

At that time, the face of the vine could not be seen from here, but the instant zero appearance was conveyed with a very vague and sad scent.

Then the face of the vine turned towards us again.

"If you want to escape it, there's only one way... to show it to me.If you want to attract five people, force one of them to reject the impossible.And when they rebelled, they beat the whole army and exposed the clan to death. "


The scene of vine talking came to my eyes and I suddenly pressed my mouth.Too cruel a tactic. However, I realize that it is something that can definitely leave results.

But my heart wasn't strong enough to accept Sole.

"Three Wizards, what is important is how to grant mercy.This is not a concession.That's where you give it where your head hangs.It is the chains that bind people and the wedges that stop betrayal.... let's understand that, too, Goro. "


I can understand what the vines say.Firmly, Goro turned his face to the left.Then, looking at Goro's left figure who waved his neck without strength, he was ashamed of his indiscretion.

If the vine hadn't turned my heart into a demon and advised me, I would have lost my mind irrevocably.

That was so painful...

After a long silence, he finally raised his face and turned to the vine.

"I'm sorry I always pushed the vine into a tough role."

"... no, the words have gone a little too far. Please forgive me."

He shook his head to the vine with his head down deep, and denied the sole.It is not for everyone to make mistakes. [M]

"The vines are not wrong.The rest of us were wrong.The rest is dominated by the Oda family. The priority is to protect the Oda family. "

Murmur so many times that you can tell yourself.

And then...

"... let's adopt the vine plan.The crowd collapsed and the Uesugi family's cooperation was severed.Let's pierce that gap and complete the siege at once. "


I stand in solidarity with my decision.Next, he looks at the morning face, which had been quietly held back until now.

"Morning Face"


"Let me write a sentence in my right hand immediately.I want you to go to Vietnam tomorrow. "

I say terrible things, but the morning face flats without showing any dissatisfied color.

"Haha! I understand!"

The energetic voice of your morning face irritates your chest asexually.Girls in their early teens still happily go to battle without showing any dissatisfaction.

I'm spending my time in a safe place....

Such guilt slit his chest, he stood up unexpectedly and walked towards his face in the morning, holding his little hand.

It's full of beans, stained with dirt, and it's scratched countless times.It's an unexpected sign of practice.

It's not a beautiful hand, to say the least, but it looked very shiny to me.

"And, sir!?"

"In this battle, the siege net from three sides is liver.Therefore, it could create a gap if you run ahead in even one place.I am convinced that the alliance between the military and the military will lead to the victory of the Oda family.... I'm going to have a lot of trouble with everyone in White Lily, but can you please? "

I lowered my eyebrows so sorry.The morning face that saw him waved his hand and panicked to his head.

The blunt noise echoes slightly in the room because I struck my forehead vigorously.Obviously it would hurt, but I opened my mouth in the morning without worrying about it.

"Your Highness, we owe you our lives! The White Lily House is here today because His Highness reached out! In that case, it is perfectly natural to risk your life to serve the temple!!! Currently, 200 people are being deployed in Vietnam, Shinano and Ueno.I will definitely show you how to meet your expectations! "

Any straight goodwill that is not false is directed at me.I had no choice but to accept it silently.They're moving with pleasure in mind.

If so, you won't be rewarded too much if you don't accept it.

"... thank you."

I want to create a day when they can live up to their age.I hope so. I won't stop.

And at the same time.

In Kasuga Yamashiro, a military council was held.

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