April 11th, Tensho, Echigo, Kasuga, Yamashiro, Naoe, Continued

The newspaper came with the parting of spring.

It was when I was pretending to do my daily routine in the garden.Jiro, who has been serving our family since ancient times, rushed in with a change of appearance.

"And, my lord! I... thank you very much!"

"Hey, what the hell is going on...?"

Your voice trembles unconsciously. I don't like to be upset.But that's the same as Jiro.

Jiro is a calmer man with more internal orientation than on the battlefield.A trivial matter cannot upset him.

But... Jiro rushed over with a sword too far from his usual appearance.

In such a state, I feel a heartbeat for some reason.

The sun is starting to rise, and today the temperatures are relatively warm and easy to spend.Even so, your fingertips tremble like freezing from the core of your body.

Before you hear the next word, hold your mouth against the nausea that comes up from the bottom of your belly.The edge of my vision was shaking strangely, and I had a bad feeling that I had never felt before.

- Don't say it. Please, don't say it!

But there's no way you're going to get a scream that doesn't make sense.Ruthlessly, Jiro's mouth leaned against my hem and told me everything.

"Earlier... earlier, a fast horse arrived! Yoshichi-sama, Yoshichi-sama!!! I was killed in the hands of the Oda family!!! uu... uu... uu! "


As Jiro gets caught up in falling apart, he goes down to the ground.I watched as if other HR personnel were gathering the ministers who heard the noise.

The sky looked up, and there was a clear blue sky.

"... let me say it again..."

"Ha! Together with Uzu Castle, Matsukura Castle and Tenjinyama Castle were dropped by the Oda family!!! Damage done! Thank you for your allies!!! "

Reports that are covered in mud but narrowed down hard.A sentence with the main casualties is shaken by the wind.

Many names are written on the sole, "Tenjinshan Castle Castle lord Kokuni and Shichisei Mandarin Death."

In an uncovered reality, overflowing tears wet the sentence.

The world in sight fades rapidly, and the surrounding sound fades away.Why should I die when I'm still young...?

I feel the irrationality of the world and the tears of blood flow.

My beloved brother died in a place unknown to me.I promised to keep it, but I couldn't do it.

"I'm just a fool... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry!!! .............................................................................................................................................................................................. "

A strand of blood flows from your chewed lips.While squeezing a wet sentence with tears on his chest, there was nothing else but to cry...

The following day, an order was issued to climb the castle to the Uesugi Family Council.

Five days later, the hall became chaotic.

"That's why!!! I've told you so many times that there's no other way out!!!"

When the young samurai stood up roughly and barked, he could hear his nose laughing.

"Idiot. I think there's a difference in combat power.Even if you try to fight like an idiot, you can see the dog die! The unrivalled Uesugi army has also fallen, right? "

It was the ancient shogun who had been serving the Uesugi family for a long time."Young people these days have a bad habit of zero complaining."

But it is true that the words are bad, but they shoot violently.Even if you start a field battle with the Undark Yacod, you can see it being swallowed up with a few brutes.

"Nh! What is it!? This old man!!!"

However, the old general's face was knocked into the knee kick of a young samurai because of that much rhetoric.


Play, fly, old general. A young samurai who keeps beating as a horse rider.As it stands, the young warrior's confusion will not subside until the old general loses his mind.

But the ancient generals didn't shut up either.When the young samurai's face was covered with spit and scared, they kicked him in the stomach and blew him off.

And when you put your hand on the sword from either side, you take a breath out of the sheath and show your sword.

So for the first time, the men around me who were stunned came in to stop them.

"Oh, hey! Stupid or you guys!?"

"Someone is going to pull a sword in front of you!?"

Shut up! I'll fucking kill you!!

A few men take out the two who are furious and clamp their wings.Everyone sighed at the silence he finally visited.

After the disturbance subsided, an Oda family countermeasure meeting was held.A map of Echigo and its surroundings is depicted among the ministers divided into the left and right.

"After all, there is only a cage castle....."

"But there's no rescue?"

"If you surrender, the sooner the better.The Oda family is still in an unstable state.If we propose harmony, we won't be allowed to go anywhere. "

I see.

As everyone expresses their opinions on the future policy, I just look at them with a disdainful face.

I don't care about everything anymore.

His Highness stood on his throne with a noble face, as usual, and the rest of the ministers merely repeated pointless debates.

In other words, it is a waste of time.

The man sitting next to me called out whether such an idea had appeared on his face.

"Naoe Hall, I would like to know how you feel.You're not just a fool who has sworn allegiance for life and nothing to do with it. "

"............ shit"

I inadvertently spat at the disgust of hiding in the rhetorical festival.If you want to hide it, hide it a little better.

When I looked at the other person's face while feeling frustrated, I used to think of myself as a "mouth-only bastard" and a brain muscle that was hitting my pussy.

To be honest, it seemed ridiculous to say it back, but it would be more irritating to be provoked by this.

I've decided what to talk about, but it hasn't come out yet.

"The Oda family aims to surround Kasuga Yamashiro Castle.Everything would be too late if the Vietnam War were to take away my eyes. "


After seeing everyone's amazing face, he placed an acer stone on the map in Shinano and Ueno and Musashi countries.

"From the flow of things over the past six months, it is clear that Kazuyoshi Takigawa and Tsumasaki Hojo are moving.And Ueno is also noisy. Most of the time, the son of Naohsi Niwa, who remains in Ueno, is moving in his father's name.Last year, there was information that I was wearing it with twelve youths, so I'm pretty sure. "


At the end of the story, silence comes to the scene.Everyone stared at me with a stunned look on their face.

It is perfectly natural to constantly procure enemy information and to perceive enemy movements from the flow of things at that time, but I do not understand it at all.

I hate being incompetent.

And if I were Oda...

At that time, along with the hasty footsteps, a man comes in with a vigorous opening.

The man must have figured out we were in the military.Apologizing for his rudeness, he took a sentence out of his pocket.

"Excuse me! The Oda army is enlisting troops from Shinano.More than 10,000 of them! Masakazu Yamagawa turned over and Tachigi Castle was dropped! Following that, the Oda army began marching from Ueno! People are turning around near the border! In addition, the Shigee family of Shibata led the soldiers south! I think I responded to the movement of the Oda army!!! "

Nah, what is it!?

--We 've already drawn the crowd and completed the siege.

Meanwhile, at that time, a man was reading a sentence in a faction of the Nimba and Hojo allied forces.

"The attraction of the people of China...Jesus, Master Sanji-sama is still young.It's good, but it's too slow. "

A man with a sneering smile.Those eyes reveal the colour of a bloody fighter on the battlefield for the first time in years.

Rare Generals.

Old age.

The corner of the world's four greatest warriors.

The outsider and outsider.


Weapon of war against Tokugawa.

In future generations, the most vicious warrior in the Sengoku who bombarded many aliases. His name is...

"Well, Hachiba-san, if you don't hurry, you'll be eaten first. You tailored it to the end of all sorts of leaps.This... super fat duck!!! Kukukuku... Kuhahahaha!! "

― ― Masayuki Sanada.

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