Masayuki Sanada threw a stone, which became a ripple and spread to various places.A person who has taken measures. He who trembles.He who confronts him, all of whom must enter the next stage, whether or not he responds.

Now, is that good or bad?

Only God knows that.

April 11th, Tensho, Echigo, Kasuga, Yamashiro, Naoe, Continued

The Oda army came.

For those who did not understand the movements of the Oda family, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a blue sky thunderbolt.

Everyone is indifferently screaming about the upset development that was too early.

"Stupid! It's too soon!"

"Why didn't anyone notice!?"

"Shit! I hate people because of this! After all, maggots stick to skinny land.You filthy bastard with no pride or loyalty! "

I feel a deep disgust towards my colleagues who like it.Rub your inaction against others and try to escape your responsibility.Well, then, I won't go any further.

However, while I was looking at them, I was able to omit my objective position.As everyone turns around and expresses their opinions, they observe the sole.

At that moment, a tight fist creates deep wrinkles in the crotch.Suddenly calm thoughts accurately assessed themselves.

--I wasn't the same as the unusual.

The mocking sole melted into the universe without anyone asking.Everyone was yelling at me without paying attention to me.

Certainly, those who shout in front of them are stupid.

But I'm just as stupid as they are as I am.

When faced with a situation that has to be moved, the immobilized and the immobilized are equally sinners, but the weight of their sins is different.Obviously, the former is more sinful.My present appearance was definitely the former.

A strand of blood flows from your chewed lips.

A variety of emotions disturb your chest as if you were too impudent.

Who the hell am I?

I gave up on my own, decided to see the sights and laughed at my colleagues moaning....

Then what the hell could I have done?

Indeed, I was able to detect Oda's movements.

In the end, however, we were unable to prevent the Chinese people from turning their backs, and we allowed the Oda army to chase them.We have no choice but to take the lead.

There is no point in purchasing information.As your right arm, I had to devise more measures.

Even if... my beloved brother dies...

... no, this is all an excuse.

Don't be ridiculous. It's not a good thing to clean up with such a beautiful thing.As you close your eyes and face down, the surrounding sound gradually fades away.

And in the dark.I realize the true feeling of turning away.

I was shielded by the situation surrounding me without knowing it and immersed myself in misguided sentiments based on the subjectivity at hand.

How stupid.What a selfless rhetoric.I'm going to be the hero of the story! Captured by tragic thoughts and abandoning allies, you can't put them on the wind of samurai! This scoundrel!!!

The answer arrived after repeated self-questioning.Even so, the selfless truth gives me a heartfelt disgust.

--I didn't want to admit that Yoshichi was dead because of me.

It's just... that's all.

For the sake of my honor, I have defiled Yoshichi's death.I realized from the beginning that Yoshichi left Tenjinshan Castle because of my sentence.But when I admitted it, I felt like I would lose everything and turned away from Sole.I was scared...

Even if you were trapped in the grief of losing someone you care about, it's not going to be forgiven.


As I raised my face, I saw the hall of sight staring at us.I'm not saying anything, I'm just staring at me in silence.

... no, you're waiting for me.

Seeing your gratitude, I lowered my head and turned my gaze to my right arm.

Then, as his nails slit his palm, his fist, firmly squeezed, roared up and pierced his cheek.


The sound of meat crushing sounds dull in the hall, and the disturbances of the past come to a false silence.

Dancing blood. Burning pain on the cheeks.Your vision is shaking and your fists are convulsing.

In such a situation, I heard your low voice.

"... is it clear...?"


Your cheeks are unexpectedly loosened by that vague and unspeakable word.This is what you always do.I can't convey it in words so that I can understand the other person's feelings.I have no vocabulary.

... but such a clumsy gentleness got in my chest.

You haven't changed a thing since you were a child.Clumsiness everywhere, lack of words, dead facial expressions, fatal lack of something to stand on top of people.

--But I wanted to support you because it's such a temple.

Exhale deeply and hold your breath until you look straight at the hall.And he lay flat deep.

"Haha. I'm very sorry for the concern.I was saddened by my shallowness, and regret and remorse disturbed my chest.... but don't worry about it anymore.I will change my mind and do my best for the Uesugi family once again. "


The temple murmured little and left the scene behind.

Those left behind can only be wounded without understanding the situation.But that one word told me everything.

While exposing her red and purple swollen cheeks, she turned again to the ministers gathered here.At the same time, you still have sharp pain.However, I put up with it without putting the sole on my face.

Because this pain is a 'commandment'.

Decide with such commandments.For the sake of the Uesugi family, and for the sake of Your Highness, I will do everything I can.

That's the least I can do to make amends.

"Together, I want to help you with a solution."

I bowed my head deeply and thanked the mighty ministers behind me.

I will never let you die.

To fulfill that mission.

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