As the Uesugi family moved to overthrow the Oda family, Masayuki Manda's first report was also sent to Yasuchi Castle.

In the middle of the final battle, when everyone was distracted, a man was reported by his subordinates in a secret chamber.

I am Hideyoshi Hanashi, the elder of the Oda family.

April 2011 Hideyoshi Hashiba, Anjo Castle

"... Maeda, you're still moving!"

I tremble in anger as I squeeze my sentence.

Since I first saw Sanada, I've been looking at her.This man is definitely not a hostage...

Somewhere, the air resembles that of a government guard.Daw's eyes when reading the martial arts book.A sense of smell that never misses a machine.A rare genius that drifts from its forged steel body.

All of them are qualities sufficient to escape the turmoil.Certainly, even if you look at it from the point of view, you think it's a waste to let it rot.

Therefore, there was a cry from Sanjuji-sama's crane, and Sanjuji-sama's Uesugi battle was admitted.

But that expectation was betrayed in both good and bad ways.He knew.After reading the thoughts of this pigeon, I stepped into the brink of being blamed for what I did!

While enduring the heat rising from the bottom of her belly, she looks at a man lying flat in front of her.

Report the status quo.

When he gives the order, the man quietly opens his mouth.

"Ha, the betrayal of people near the borders of Shinano and Ueno is causing chaos everywhere.He who rides in the flow. Those who observe.Resistance. It is in Mitsuha, but if the Oda army does not slow down their march, I will be foolish to gather at Kasuga Yamashiro in about half a month. "

Examine the man's words.Half a month... no, it's impossible not to engage any boulders.Given the Uesugi family's leeway, perhaps once.A lot, twice.

... but we still don't have enough information to reach a conclusion.(12) Pointed his gaze at the man and urged him to go.

"... anything else"

"The betrayal of the people is too soon.Even if I was rooting out, I've never heard of turns overlapping so far.There's probably someone who wants them to turn around. "

"... an informant..."


The man briefly affirms his question.Having listened to that, he finally scored on this chain of flipping disturbances.

This world is a turmoil. It is no exaggeration to say that betrayal is common.If my husband does not reward me for my spear work, it is quite natural to go out and serve another house.In fact, Kaiseki Uesugi despised the Shin-Kanda family, which had made achievements in the struggle with Kaiseki Uesugi, resulting in the creation of a nasty enemy.

Beyond such precedents, I would betray the people of a humble and honourable nation with enough peace to be killed by all the clan parties.

But here's one question.Certainly, the Oda family's prestige roars all over Nippon, but I wonder if it will turn back easily.If we don't win, we won't betray them.

The Shinichida family was able to compete with Uesugi Kaiseki because there was a shield behind the Nanaka family and the Date family.

In that case, it was inevitable to think that there were enough men to convince them behind the crowd revolt this time.

The one who has power in the centre of the Uesugi family. In other words, Shigemitsu.

The Uesugi family has already been eaten up from the inside.A terrifying plot. If I hadn't left the ninjas lying flat in front of me, I would have been late to notice.

... my back slowly sweats cold.

Sincerely, if Sanada had drawn this sketch, it would have been terrible.

Certainly, a little arbitrariness stands out, but only the measures taken by Maeda are to advantageously advance the Uesugi conquest this time.

As a result, there is no reason why I can be the elder of the Oda family, such as denying it more than I have the merit of inflicting a great blow on the Uesugi family.

Above all, Maeda's aim is at best to improve the status of the Maeda family.The days are shallow since Takeda's capture, and if you are following the Oda family as a hostage, there are a number of problems.

He gained martial arts at the top of the spectrum and officially joined the Oda family in the last seat.... that's what Sanada is after.

I can understand his intentions, so I get angry at the itching that I can't refuse the sole.However, in that way, Nina, I took such a stunning measure, "It's sunny!!! I also feel like saying, "

But... I can't let Maeda take it like this.I haven't grown up yet.It is still too early for the harvest.

This time, the Uesugi Clan was prepared by the Three Wizards as an obstacle to the King.

I dared to attack the mighty Uesugi family and defeated them brilliantly.Raise the neck of Uesugi Kaiseki and show the Oda family's prestige both inside and outside.The process is an important one for the ministers to admit that they are strong kings.

A mighty king like you...

Therefore, we need to think further.

I don't know how to fix the orbit from now on...

Then, for a while, I'll be alone.

Half an hour... no, it's been about a minute...

When I finally got my thoughts together, I gave the order to the man who was waiting for instructions.

"Get up and run to the Takeda family immediately.This sentence contains the directives of the Three Wizards.If you say you're a samurai, you're not going anywhere. "

Take a sentence out of your pocket and hand it to the man.

"And tell Takeda that it's time to fulfill his promise."Watch Takeda while he passes the sentence. Is that good? "

Haha! I got it.

The man replied briefly, and as soon as the signs faded, he disappeared.

Unexpectedly, there was no sigh.

Princess of the Takeda family. If we enter into negotiations to transfer him to the Takeda family, we will earn some time.Then we still have to move!

"Hold the ink!!!"

"... my sincere regards"

When she raised her voice a little roughly whether she was in a hurry or not, her last name rushed to get ready.

As he watches, he firmly grips his fist to consolidate his determination.

The Uesugi Clash is still in its preamble. The real battle lies ahead.Anyone who misreads one of them will be defeated.

I don't want to be in such a situation.

I'll never let you like it.

The last thing I laugh at is this pigeon!

At the same time Hideyoshi consolidated his determination.A man smiled at the mansion located in downtown Anjo Castle.

The man's name is Kuroda Kanbei.

"Fufufu... you can read everything about His Highness moving the Takeda family and Mada drawing in the Chinese people.I still don't mind running away from my palm. "

- Do it.

The murmuring of the void certainly reached my ninjas.When I heard a small, mosquito-like voice reply, the signs went away again.

Kuroda Guanbei was just looking at the situation with a faint smile.

Late night of May 3, 1911.Princess Uesugi Kaiseki Masamura was killed by someone.I'm 26 years old. His dead face was as peaceful as if he had never known that he had been killed.

Three days later, an envoy of the Takeda family, who did not know about Princess Ju's death, arrived at Kasuga Yamashiro Castle.

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