May 11th, Tianzheng, Anjou Castle

Around this time of the day when the sound of rain tells the signs of rainy season.An unexpected report came to me who was encouraging the administration as usual.

"... is that a solid piece of information?"

From your seat, look deeply flat at the vines.I didn't think you'd make a false report, but I had to confirm it.

But only God can overturn the past that has happened.The vines spoke calmly as usual.

"Ha! Thirty people led by Takeda family elder Nagasaka Kaisei, who had been sent to the Uesugi family the other day, were killed by the Uesugi family.Here are the sentences we recovered from them. "

Receive the sentences from the vines and slowly spread them out to interpret them.It described the death of Princess Ju, who was married to Kaiseki Uesugi, and the Uesugi family's response to conceal it.

After reading everything, carefully fold it in front of you.Heavy, cold air was flowing during the evaluation.

Honestly, I didn't want to believe it. Whatever the hostile relationship, I could not imagine the Uesugi family respecting "righteousness" doing such a terrible thing.

But the trace of blood stuck to this sentence tells the whole story.

"... is it...?"

When you mutter to tie it out, you put your strength into the hand holding the fan.Inside my chest was more sorrow than anger against the Uesugi family.When I think of them who died in the middle of a job, I'm attacked by the pain of tightening my chest.

I can't tell you that their deaths have nothing to do with me.It was the Takeda family who wanted to hand over Princess Ju, but I allowed it.

"... does the Takeda family know about this?"

When asked, the vines shake their heads small.

"No, it was only last night that this information came in, and I gradually thought that I should first inform the Three Wizards.As a result of a combination of coincidences, he was able to learn this information.Perhaps the Takeda family is still waiting for the return of the Nagasaka-san family. "


The vine's speech weighed heavily enough to imagine the Takeda family waiting for their return.Me and Goro left, just keep quiet.Until then, it was a sad reality.

But we can't just keep quiet.I turned to Goro's left.

"Goro left. Let's send a messenger to the Takeda family immediately.They have the right to know the truth. "

"... is that okay?"

Goro nodded firmly while receiving the caring look on his left.

"Yeah, I don't mind. I would like this sentence to be delivered to the Takeda family along with the rest of the apology.I'm sure this sentence wants that too. "

Goro left, who heard my thoughts, nodded twice or three times with his hands together, and lowered his head deeply to agree.

"... haha! I understand.I will arrange it immediately. "

When Goro slapped his left hand, a surname rushed in.When he whispered a word or two to the man, his surname left the room early enough.Probably working on the preparation of the right brush, etc.

Behind you, gently stroke the surface of the sentence in front of you.

I'm sure that's it.

Here, if the Oda family hides their death, they will not be saved if they die carelessly.

Besides, from the words of the vines, I don't think we can take their bodies.If so, this sentence can be called their artifact.They're dead, and they have family and friends.Thinking of these people, this sentence should belong to the Takeda family.

--Hopefully, their carelessness will be cleared up at all.

With that kind of prayer, I offered silent prayer.

When I finish my silent prayer, I slowly open my eyes.Following me like that, both Fujime and Goro opened their eyes.I guess they both had their own thoughts.The expression showed a little regret.

"After all, the Uesugi family will take such tough measures! Having read through their thoughts, no such tragedy could have happened! ............ it's not worthwhile! "

Dong! And Goro left hitting him with his fist.Although he doesn't look calm, he feels responsible for the tragedies of the Nagasaka clan because Goro left has twice the sense of justice.

But that regret is everybody's pain.

"That's the same as the rest.Goro left is not the only load he bears. "

"Master Sanju....."

Goro, who faces down, gently raises his face to the left behind him.And I slowly closed my eyes.

A lot of people's crying faces come up from inside their chests.The face of a family waiting for someone who never comes back.

This is imaginary. I didn't see it.Maybe it's just a delusion.But I couldn't ignore the tears.

Even the tears of Ichizukushi never pretend to look away.That's the path I decided to take.

... when I opened my eyes, I felt like I heard a gear meshing inside my chest.

And spin the answers.

"People can easily crush other people's precious things like this.He can destroy things that are more important than his own life, regardless.That's a very sad thing..... "

--Never forgive me.

In my words, they look up as if they were happy. [M]Looking at those two, he nodded slowly and opened his mouth.

"The rest is not to mourn their deaths, but not to waste them.The rest, what had to be learned, might not have been an escape tolerating sacrifice, but a readiness to defeat the enemy for the sake of ideal. "

"Master Sanju....."

Control the vine with your right hand, raising your voice.The vines told me a lot of things, but I finally realized that they had prepared a way out.

I chose the Takeda family for the Hojo family, the capture of the Kanto and Oshu forces, the sacrifices necessary for the unity of the world, the change of hands, the change of objects, and so on.He was trying to cover himself with mud to keep the young master's heart from breaking.

Such a cloudless devotion of vines just lowers my head.And your weak heart, unconsciously sweetened, feels pitiful and full of tears.

So this is the turning point. The time has come for me, as an Oda, and as a man of heaven, to decide whether or not to carry this Nippon.

"Vine. The rest is still immature, so we can't be satisfied without everyone's help.But I don't have to sacrifice any vines for that.The vines don't need any more mud. "

"... ah! But... who will protect you?! Huh... huh, that's good! If you can protect the heart of the Three Wizards with such a filthy body, it is your true desire! "

I gently put words on the vine that stepped forward to scream.

"Then who will protect the vines?"

"That's it....."

When I ask, the vines get stuck in words.

"Just as the vines want to protect the rest, they want to protect the rest.Please, don't forget that. "


In my words, the vines lay flat deep to hide their eyes.Goro left also lay flat to follow.

"Never let such a tragedy happen again.In order to reunify the world as soon as possible, the rest of them destroy the Uesugi family.Send a message to each Warlord.... launch a total attack. "

Thank you!!!

The Uesugi Front.

The state of war enters an excellent phase.

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