The Oda clan's main three wizards issued directives to the three commanders of the corps surrounding Echigo.

"Never forgive the Uesugi family for their misdeeds."

Together with that sentence, the death of Princess Kikushima and the Nagasaka clan in the after-school business was accompanied by details, and as a result, the morale of the soldiers was raised more than ever.

The people of Japan tend to attach importance to the name of the cause.Should I call it a culture of shame... you care more about your body shape than you need it to be.

"Violence without cause is synonymous with evil."

Rather than such a splendid reason, people want "a reason that can prove evil to their enemies in order to justify their own means."

Well, that's all for now.

Regardless of the reason, the Oda army, which gained the cause of destroying the Uesugi family, began marching with the war on.As if to follow, the Uesugi family also started fighting.

It's about this time of the day, when the final match between the two was about to take place.Those men were also working on the final touches.

Masayuki Sanada, Ueno, May 1911

The rain that continued until the other day also rose and stared at the sun that continued to illuminate the earth as if it were releasing the calories that had been stored up until now.

The beard that sticks to the skin with moisture is annoying.The wind is not as good as it sounds at all.Honestly, I don't want to go out in such a difficult climate.

However, the young people spreading in front of them did not show any such backward feelings, and listened to Niwa's speech with exhilaration.

"Did you hear the tragedy of the Takeda family?! The Uesugi family cut off innocent women and trapped and killed samurai who lived faithfully! What an evil act! A rape that cannot be placed on the wind of a samurai! We deserve to die! As proud samurai, we must never forgive this brutal and outrageous Uesugi family!!! "

Sure! Sure! Sure!!!

Thousands of samurai shout in response as they push their fists into the heavens.

"It's time for the finals!!! Justice is ours!!! Destroy the Uesugi family here and avenge the Takeda family!!! "


A cheer similar to the ground noise sounded, and the fist raised showed solidarity.Exactly, no more finish. The Uesugi family boosted the morale of their enemies by their own foolishness.

As she watched, she took the bamboo tube from her waist and moisturized her throat.There is no problem if you don't say anything.Until then, Mr. Niwa... this is so confusing... my son was an excellent man.

For a 13-year-old young man with a weak crown, he has a good mouth to go around, and his father gives him a dashing look.More or less, the attractive appearance represented the talent of the general in charge of ten thousand.

Therefore, General Naoto Hojo, who leads Hojo 5,000 troops, also supports his son as a reinforcement.It is no exaggeration to say that this alliance of Nimba and Hojo is a high-calibre elite force.

With that in mind, I saw my eldest son Genzaburo walking towards me with a big wave of hands.

"Father up! Thank you so much!!!"

Finally, Yuan hugs Genzaburo, who came rushing toward him.This year, my eighteen-year-old son has grown into a distinguished samurai.

"Oh, it's Genzaburo! It was a disaster! "

"Yes, Father!"

The resumption of parent-child education, which has been going on for the first time in a year.Genzaburo served Niwa as the younger owner of the Sanada family, and Tsubaki and Genjiro went to Gifu as hostages.

In the troubled world, where his life would easily be lost, Yuan was worried about Genzaburo, who was being held hostage by his father and brother.This hug has been painfully transmitted.

"Has Genzaburo ever been on the front line? Are you hurt? What's the status of the war? Are you eating properly? "

While hitting Gensaburo's shoulders and stomach, he asked quickly.Genzaburo answered with a bitter smile.

"I'm not hurt anywhere.On the front lines, small skirmishes continue and there is no real battle going on. "

"I see... I see! Then it's good."

Relax, exhale, and now Genzaburo opens his mouth like excited.

"I've heard more than that, Father! I was entrusted with the staff of the Uesugi Conquering Army, the Tanyu Hojo Allied Army...Your father has the Stone to hold such an honorable position! As a son, I am more proud than ever!!! "

"Hahaha... that's not enough.You still have to refine yourself.... it's close. "

Genzaburo stopped with a bitter smile.

"Oh no! This is rude."

Genzaburo lowered his head slightly as if he wanted to act.In that appearance, "It's been a long time since I've played like this," Genzaburo said, remembering the old days, Genzaburo leaned his neck small.

"But... your father is a hostage, isn't he? Why were you given such an honorable task? "

"Hmm? Ah... that's it..."

Saburo smiled gently at Genzaburo's inquiry.Thinking about that time, it came to mind.

Genzaburo's doubts are perfectly natural.Regardless of how Sanjuji-sama was handling the hostages, the identities of Yu and Genjiro were at the bottom of the Oda family.Genzaburo, who succeeded the governor of the Sanada family, was detained so as not to betray the Oda family.

In that case, it was an unlikely situation, such as the appointment of such a low-status person to the staff of the Uesugi Conquest Army, and many heavy ministers fiercely opposed it.

"Young man, please reconsider! Mr. Sanada is not in a good position to be entrusted with a staff position.This will not show the person below! "

Sure! Sure! Sure!

When a man pressed charges, he echoed everywhere.

Honestly, I didn't feel alive at this time.The three wizards and the elders are only watching the course of events without pinching a single incision.He can only shrink from his seat.

I think they'll kill me like this......

Such thoughts passed my head and I felt like a prisoner awaiting execution.

However, the three wizards did not abandon their wizards.

I still remember that word clearly.

Just before the voices of those around you start to grow and finally those who don't move into action.The third wizard gently pointed his index finger towards his mouth.

That alone, the disturbances of the previous day disappeared like a lie, and everyone was looking at the Three Wizards.

"Do you know what to do to make sure that person is trustworthy?"

When the Three Wizards ask the one who was roughing up his voice earlier, he lowers his head in a hurry.

"Eh... I'm sorry too.... I don't know... "

In order not to say bad things, I give a simple reply.Then the Three Wizards answered without blaming it.

"It's about empowering that person.The power that passes over you easily drives people crazy.Only those who can use their power for the world and for others are trustworthy. "

The words of the Three Wizards swept warmly as if they reached deep into your heart.Even those who had previously opposed it were making their eyes shine as if they were impressed.

Then, the eyes of the Three Wizards turned towards us.I couldn't see my face clearly, but for some reason I saw a gentle expression staring straight at us.

"The rest believe in Kiyohei. So, are you short?"


As they lay flat together, he thought he would swallow tears.

The whole body must respond to the trust of the Three Wizards in one word!!! You must be trustworthy enough!!!

I swore such determination to my heart.

Tell Genzaburo about that day.Then Genzaburo exhaled as if he were admiring it.

"I've heard rumors... you're still the owner of a rare vessel."

"Ahh... it's the left."

I agree with Gensaburo.

A vessel that heals the heavens. That was a very clear event.Therefore, as a samurai, he is obliged to respond to his trust.As a former master, I still have a mission to make the Sanada family a safe place instead of a young fool.

Reach into your pocket and retrieve the sentence.

The race was thrown.

All we have to do is grasp the future with this hand.

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