June 1999 Shigeya Niigata, Tensho

Spanning the dark circles, they ran straight through the battlefield.Some brave men blocked us, but in front of the black circle, which once accelerated to maximum speed, they were blown away without any trick.

I just kept walking across the black circle, holding the rope desperately.

Of course, with a single left hand, if you don't cling to it, it can fall off.But more than that, I wanted to turn my eyes away from the misery of this hell picture, and it was a feeling of being free from lies and lies.

I once saw a scroll in a temple.The world of hungry ghosts is unfolding right in front of us.After all, I felt an instinctive fear of that creepy thing that I didn't think was in the world.

What will become of this battle?

You don't even know who's on the battlefield.

Afterwards, when we are desperately running the battlefield while defeating a large number of enemy soldiers, we gradually realize that there are fewer people, and we were able to escape the battlefield safely.

"... black circle. Please try harder."

When I gently stroke my neck, the dark circle roughs my nose and changes course to the right.In that direction, you can see a large rock.Turn around and there will be enough shadow to hide.

Honestly, it's not that good.Depending on the direction, it will be easy to find.Even if it's a big estimate, it's a shady place where a few people can hide, but it's time to stop the bleeding before it's too late.I can't tell you about luxury.

If you look at it, the shattered hand is dyed bright red.The blood flowing from it made a red path to the thighs.

"Worse... I have to burn my wound."

After all, it would be a good idea to go to Niigata Castle quickly after first aid...?I tightened my lips tightly and pulled the string.

And time returns to the present.

After a quick first aid, I decided to take the wild boarding place from the sun's inclination.He closed his eyes with one knee raised against the rock.

If we leave for Niigata Castle right now, the sun will completely fall on the road.Night travel can be very dangerous.If so, I decided that it would be best to hide and restore strength until the early morning.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked up at the sky as she deposited herself on the rock.The sky dyed in the sunset color changed its appearance instantly, and the sparkle of the stars is still trying to peek at its face.

Honestly, I also thought of a way to enforce it without taking any risk.

You can see the bleeding stopped roughly with a cloth when you shift your gaze to your right arm.However, if you look closely, you can see that the cloth used to stop the bleeding is tingling and turning red.

Looking at her right arm in such a state, she unexpectedly shakes her body with chill.You can't light a fire now that you're keeping it secret.Speaking of June, Echigo, a snowy country, is exceptionally cold at night.It was raining until the day before yesterday, so it wouldn't help.

Therefore, I cannot help but feel anxious about this situation.I wonder if it really lasts till morning in this situation where I can't get warm and I can't burn my wound in case of an emergency...


An unexpected sigh. If you find it not only in enemy soldiers, but also in samurai hunting, it will be immediately destroyed.Exactly. Bad feelings come to mind and disappear.

When I was about to be crushed by such anxiety, the impact suddenly hit me from the left side.


Even though I collapsed in the unexpected impact, I turned my gaze to endure it so as not to fall.Wow, the hostile attack! There was a black circle looking down at us with a rough nose.

The black circle should have let you drink the spring water you found earlier, but are you satisfied now?

"Black circle? Have you finished eating water and grass?"

As he leaned his neck, Black Maru blew his nose wide and sat down and began to sleep.

Unexpectedly, a bitter smile leaks into a bold figure that can't be expected to act on the battlefield.

"That's right. Even if you panic here, all you have to do is squander your energy and spiritual strength in vain."So let's leave the future to God, and we'll go easy. "

With that, she gently strokes the neck of the black circle.At that moment, he waved his hand away, not to mention annoying.While bitterly laughing at the unusual response, it slowly fell into a black circle.

The care of my carefree partner cleared my heart of fear and anxiety.

We leave early in the morning, just before the sun starts to rise.Become a field and a mountain.Because the game has already been thrown.

I closed my eyelids slowly.

The next morning, I woke up and stretched out my body listening to the surrounding situation.Even if I looked carefully, I didn't see any enemy soldiers, and it looks like I was able to make it through the morning safely.

However, he frowned on the sky pattern he looked up.

"... depending on the weather..."

The sun that began to rise illuminates the ground, and the white sky is vividly colored.

The unstable weather that has been going on for the last few days is a lie.Normally, I'm happy, but in the current situation, it's no exaggeration to say that the weather is the worst.

If I looked around, I could see into the distance.With such good vision, you will be able to see us from afar.Cloudy skies were preferred to escape the Uesugi pursuers.

"... I can't help it."

Beginning in a dark circle, she bites her lips in remorse.The situation does not change even if you stand still.

If so, we'll only make a run for it!

I slapped my cheeks with both hands and put my temper back in.The black circle burst out to agree with me like that.

Pull the rope hard and rush to Niigata Castle.With slight hope in his chest.

By the way, fate was fair everywhere.

Running through the black circle for a few moments, we were in front of Niigata Castle.Was it because it was early in the morning or because you were lucky again?After I left, I arrived at Niigata Castle without ever being seen by enemy soldiers.

"Good work. Black circle. Almost there."

Murmuring while stroking the neck of the black circle, he exhales a sigh of relief.The situation has not changed, but I still feel reassured by the fact that I have overcome this plight.

Therefore, I could not notice the blow.

- Hmm!

The sound of the sky being torn apart. A large black circle that collapses in posture.A large swinging line of sight. Obviously, there was something wrong with the dark circle.Especially when I looked to the left side where I felt uncomfortable, there was a terrible blood wet left leg.

"Black circle!!?"

I was upset by the unusual sight, but I managed to pull the rope and give instructions to the black circle.If you don't slow down a bit, the impact of the horse will completely break the black circle leg.If that happens, we'll have to risk our lives!

However, such a wish was in vain, and the black circle fell on the ground as if it had fallen from his left leg.

A violent shock strikes the whole body, and an incredible amount of soot and smoke stands nearby.In my hazy consciousness, my eyes reflected an army coming out of the Niigata Castle gate.The troops under the flag of the Uesugi family...

At that time, there was an army running through Niigata.

Hideyoshi's miscalculation. The guards' schemes.Confusion of names. A final battle in which many futures divide.At first, I thought I had no choice but to entrust my destiny to God.

But that man was still there.

The anomaly in Niigata caused me to shoot two arrows as soon as I realized it.

On the back of the leading man, there was a six cent banner.

The man was said to be excellent.Although he was an eighteen-year-old young man, the Minister dreamed of the future of his master for his calm temperament and his excellence in practicing both literary and martial arts.

But the man wasn't a genius.

My mind is inferior to my father's. Spear magic is inferior to that of my brother.

Father and brother are brought up even if the answer is no.

"He's a wonderful young man." "Mmm.... but my younger brother is more talented." "Unfortunately, my younger brother didn't inherit your blood." "... Brother."

Everyone's face burned inside their brains.

No matter how hard you try, no man can beat a genius.

That's what this man knew best.

Still, the man kept trying.

Unless you give up, the road will always be open.

The man's name is Nobuyuki Sanada.

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