Nobuyuki Sanada, Niigata, June 2011

Three thousand and five hundred horsemen rush through the earth in a blast of wind.It is no exaggeration to say that the face of these warriors is really a elite group.Everyone chases after the general with a confident face.

With such an elite leader, I was leading the way.With a light grip, Aima accelerates at once.Next to that, Mitsuro Yazawa stopped by with a smile on his face.

"Young man! Finally, the time has come!"

"... I see."

I nodded briefly to Mitsuro's words.Misoro said, "Young lady! That's cool! "he laughed softly, clapping his hands.

Mitsuro was a clan of his cousins, and he was an uncle who cared about me from an early age.A gentle man who never leaves such an impossible mortal alone.

Well, everyday behavior is diagonal.

Honestly, I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but it was probably the best answer Mitsuro could give.In the meantime, let it pass without saying anything.

I can't afford to deal with Mitsuro now.Honestly, I want you to be quiet.

Looking back gently, holding down your painful stomach.There were still more than 3,000 riding caravans there.

Horsemen make up more than half of the cavalry.The samurai of the Sanada family is about 10 percent of the total at most.

A group of people who might be said to be such a mixed-up group rushes through the battlefield in an undisturbed movement.The training level of each person trained by the slack workout raises roar without crushing the enemy soldiers.

Everyone is following without complaining after a young general who has no track record or sense of hegemony.In such an anomaly, my mind was shredded to the extreme, and my heart was screaming with grief.

(Father!!! What does the whole thing say, Father!!?)

Screaming in your heart so that no one understands you.In the sky I looked up, I saw my father's face with an evil smile.I can't feel anything bad about that expression.

I'm going to throw up.

Looking at the neighborhood while struggling with nausea, the crowd of people who manipulate the rope with joy are holding their sides.It's like a prison my father set me up to keep me from escaping.

I want to go home.

Tears flowing like waterfalls seem like fantasies.My face, reflected in Mitsuro's eyes, looks like a noble face with his emotions cut off.

Huh? Have you seen these eyes somewhere...? Oh, dead fish eyes. Apparently, when humans are pushed to the extreme, emotions die before life.Oh, I didn't want to know that.

With a malice in my heart, a small look of disgust in my head.

In the first place, why am I an important pioneer...Normally, it would be a major role played by Mr. Nanba's family or Mr. Hojo's family.It is too weak for me not to be caught in the last seat of the Oda family.I don't know who recommended it.

Yes, there is only one such madness.

Masayuki Maeda, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Nimba and Hojo.

It's my father.

At that time, I regret having a little respect.I was an idiot who thought that I would grow up a little when I got a master who deserved to serve Megumi.

Father is a fighter mad enough to seriously suspect that he was immersed in the hot spring on the battlefield.It's also a danger that is directly linked to death and a bet next to it, which is crazier than three meals.I don't know how many people have been swayed by that evil habit! You're the first to fight!

(Depending on the situation, is there someone who bets on his kid?!!!)

Your body naturally trembles at the rising anger.Looking at that, he said, "You're a warrior! "Mitsuro laughed breathlessly.Lightly homicidal. Well, I can't win.

Well, I know how your father feels.

For the Oda family, to win the future peace of mind of the Mata family, which was a new entrant and a former hostile minister of the Takeda family, there is only one way to win the results that the people around them cannot complain about.Only this time, my father reminded me that the staff position was the warmth of Mori-sama Omi.Never be satisfied with the current situation...

But! But it is!

Depending on the situation, do you want to go after the Yanagi family!?

Well, the situation in the neighboring countries, like me, is keeping in mind.I also know that the famous Tsubaki family is so disheartened that they are confused.

But who do you think would be distracted by such an important situation!? The audience said, "The battlefield is in a turmoil where the Uesugi, Shin-Hada, and Takanami families are in turmoil," and Mr. Niwa was also holding his head when he heard it! Normally it will!

Yeah, well, my father had a bad smile on his face! Are you expecting this? How many masters are you reading!? Father, are you really human!!?

Honestly, I suspect it was all a trap my father set up.I can trust you as a warlord, but I can't respect you as a man!

And what else!? "Hashiba-sama is also targeting the Nanaka family as a prelude to the fall of Oshu!"? If the Maeda family crushes the Tsubagame family before Hashiba-sama, will you buy Hashiba-sama's Hishiku, who has taken his prey?!

From now on, what are you going to do when you sell a fight to the elders of the Oda family? Are you stupid?

Every day, he remembers the recklessness he receives from his father, and his eyes are unconsciously murderous.Mitsuro, who saw it, said, "You're rolling! "Young man!" he laughed happily.I'm sorry. Shut up. Please.

In the meantime, the sun began to rise high, and we were only a short distance away from our destination, Niigata Castle.

I also got information from the sightseeing that the Uesugi army entered Niigata Castle last night.And now there's a lot of noise near the castle gate.

While receiving such a report, I can focus on shaking the rope step by step.The situation will not change as soon as I make a mistake.If you're going to die like this, let's beat the general's head off!

When I decide to prepare, the army's speed increases to match it.The army runs up the earth, raising incredible soot and smoke.It looks exactly like the sparkle of the stars.

And finally, the moment the enemy soldiers appeared before your eyes, an unprecedented sense of all-powerfulness ran around your body.



Along with my orders, three thousand and five hundred horsemen attacked the Uesugi army.

Nobuyuki Sanada.

He is a man whose strength that he has slept with until now is demonstrated by standing in a trap.He also inherits the blood of the Sanada family.

Uesugi Crusade. It's almost over.

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