Kasuga Yamashiro, Echigo, June 1911

The editorial prize went smoothly, and finally became one of the last.I received a sentence from my maiden name and slowly spread it out.The people around me were also tense that this was the last time.

"Well then, finally...... Nobuyuki Sanada. Let's get out of here."

"............ what?"

Like Chang Lianlong, I didn't expect to be called, so I was lucky to have a carefree reply.After looking around, he leaps to the center to be pushed out by his sitting father.

I turned around for a moment, but I fell flat on my back in a panic as if I noticed the gaze from around me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry that I took up unnecessary time.Please forgive me. "

Whether you're confused or not, you shudder in detail.Encourage them to calm down in a calm tone as much as possible while smiling bitterly at the appearance.

"Good. Forgive me. Easy."

Hah, hahaha!!

However, Shinnyo shakes his body even more.Why, it's a big winner of the Argumentation Prize, isn't it? That's good news, isn't it?

However, it seemed that Nobuyuki had no idea what was happening or was somewhat uneasy.

(This should get to the point right away.)

I smile as I spread the sentence.

"Nobuyuki Sanada, you, as a sarge of the 4th Army Corps of the Nanba Army, resolutely inspired your allies and opened the way for the Oda family on the front line.In addition, in cooperation with the Tsunami Army and the Shindaida Army, we achieved a great achievement called the capture of Uesugi scenic spots.I highly appreciate this work.Therefore, I will call you martial arts first. "

"............ Eh"

At that moment, all the people gathered in the Great Hall turned their attention to Faithfulness at once.In an instant, the frozen air sighed like this after all.

There are various items in the assessment of martial arts.

Traditions that have long been handed down in order to accurately evaluate the activities of soldiers, such as "the most powerful spear", "the most powerful sword", "the merit under the spear" and "the merit at the time of the collapse".

Of these, the most appreciated was the General's head.Of course I do. If we take out the General, we win.Even my grandfather won the victory over Yoshimoto Kawa.

Well, in my grandfather's case, I appreciated the one who bought the information over the one who named the admiral.

Well, let's put that aside, it's about Nobuyuki's assessment.I appreciated the fact that I had captured Uesugi Scenic Beauty from Kwon Six, which was the key to the Uesugi Expedition.

Of course, it was not my discretion, but it was decided after controversy with the three elders except for Kwon Six.I also wanted to hear the opinion of Kwon Six, but Kwon Six was on the side of receiving the reward.In the case of the closest to the left, I was very satisfied with one of my grandfather's collections because I asked for tea sets as a reward, so I decided to participate in the evaluation of the contest awards.

In the midst of such an assessment, Shinnyo's achievements could not be ignored.

"Now, let's rearrange the territory of the Hokuriku region with the reward of the sixth right.Now, let's take a look at Genzaburo, who obtained the results of the capture of Uesugi.I would like to appreciate it. "

When I cut out the point, the vine continues to agree with it.

"On the left, Sanada's work was a decisive move to end the Uesugi Expedition with victory."During the Kasuga Mountain Castle assassination, Gongroku was also forced to fight against the enemy general Honjo.If it had lasted longer than that, the Oda army would have also suffered serious damage.If so, I will be foolish enough to evaluate the work of Nobuyuki Sanada. "

"Indeed, under the direction of my stupid sighs, Lord Maida marched in with an army.If so, there is no reason to blame the action.Above all, by arresting Uesugi Jingsheng, he was able to carry out a public execution.This would have been a good gesture for the Oshu and Kanto daimyo.Mr. Sanada did a good job. "

Goro Zuo, who nodded noddingly, also expressed his opinion as if it were followed by a vine.Goro Zuo has some personal feelings, but both of them have expressed objective opinions and can agree with them.

Is that it!

While loosening her cheeks a little, she managed to make a strange expression and nodded.I thought this was settled, but someone was waiting for it.

"Please wait a moment." Certainly, Sanada's work deserves to be appreciated, but it would be premature to make martial arts the number one by itself. "

It was close to the left that he complained slightly inexplicably as he frowned on his eyebrows.Fujitsu also looked bad because they understood what was said to the left.

I wonder if I shouldn't put Genzaburo at the top of my martial arts?

Asked, he nodded with a strange expression on his left side.

"Haha, if Maida were to be the most active in the martial arts, there would be a possibility that the whole house would be damaged."Indeed, Masada's parents and children achieved results in the Uesugi Expedition.By the way, the Sanada family is a newcomer to the Oda family.Even Masada's son belongs to the Red Demon Corps, which is directly subordinate to the Third Master.I'm foolishly wondering if any more preferential treatment will buy the antipathy of the ancient participants. "

Is it……………………………………………………………………………

The words on the left echoed deep into my chest.The thoughts that were put in there seemed to point to the foolishness that I was unconsciously doing, so I couldn't say a word.

I'm the head of the Oda family.There are countless servants underneath.Among the clansmen, there are a wide range of newcomers such as the former Takeda clansmen, from the ancient clansmen who served from their great-grandfathers.

Therefore, I thought that the ministers should not play the game individually, but I may have unknowingly scorned the ancient people who had little interaction.

One of my words and deeds is going to be a source of discord for the House of Lords.I forgot about such an important thing until I was pointed out to the left.

Even now, I turned my attention to the three people who exchanged arguments in front of me.

"If it is a punishment that must be awarded, it should be evaluated appropriately," said Fuji and Goro Zuo, who put Genzaburo first in the martial arts.

You should appreciate it, but if you give too much preference, I will buy the antipathy of the old participants.Now, it's not convenient for Sanada either. "

Neither is an opinion to be taken lightly, and neither is the correct answer.It doesn't look like a game, and I don't have a choice.You can't read people's thoughts like text.

This is an issue that I have to think over and over and make a responsible decision.I'm sure there's no answer to that.The conclusion we once made that it was our best shot may be turned upside down a few years later.

Still, I keep giving you answers.That is the responsibility of the Oda family as the head of the family, and it is the duty of those who control a large number of ministers.

The answer I gave you...

"Nobuyuki Sanada, I will entrust you with the Aizu realm that was owned by the famous Tsubaki family."Along with that, now marry the daughter of the late Tsubaki Noboru, and strive to master the family ministers group as the nineteen-year-old chief of the Tsubaki Noboru family. "

When I said Satai, I handed the letter to Nobuyuki.Nobuyuki received the sole in a daze.I was looking at the void for a while, but when I returned to my sanity, I read the sentence without any disturbance.

Then, did you realize that it was not a mistake to listen? I've been staring at you with eyes that are about to cry.

"However, with all due respect, I don't think Tsujiya would be convinced."Oh, is it just an invitation to unnecessary discord because of the bloodline that is unrelated to the famous family of Tsubaki? "

Shinnyo speaks with a cold sweat.For some reason, Masayuki seems happy. At this point, the surrounding gaze turned to something sympathetic.

I smiled reassuringly at such anxious luck.

"Don't worry, this is also a request from the famous Tsubaki family."

"How are you...... from the famous family of Tsubaki?"

I nodded vigorously to my neck.

"Left lord. In this battle, Sheng Takashi died in battle, and Kameo Maru, the man, also died of illness."In addition, many of the important ministers have died in battle, and the Tsubaki family is in danger of survival.Therefore, those of you who ran from the Uesugi army to the battlefield in order to protect the Uesugi army are grateful to the rest of the Uesugi family. "

"......? Something is......"

Shortly before Nobuyuki spun his words, Masayuki appeared on the side without a sound, holding Nobuyuki's head to the tatami mat.Perhaps it was because he was hit on the head so forcefully, a dull sound echoed through the tatami mats and into the room.

Slightly... no, looking at the two of them as they pulled back, Masayuki bowed his head deeply so that it would continue.

"I understand the order of Mr. Masaki Omi."I promise to work according to your expectations. ”

I nodded like I was being pushed by the momentum of Masayuki.

"Um... um. For the time being, I want you to help me with my internal affairs, so I won't ask you to leave."Let's reduce the annual contribution. If necessary, we will also dispatch human resources.These are rewards for the Sanada family. It was a big deal. "

"Haha!!! Thank you so much! Happy!!"

Changyu trembles with excitement. Can't you breathe? Shake your body and scratch the algae.With the two symmetrical eyes behind them, I called out to those present.

"This concludes the Commentary Award.It's a feast tonight. It's good to fully relieve your fatigue. "


While listening to the cheerful voices heard from behind, you'll leave the great hall behind.I would like to win and close the helmet, but it would be good to remove my feathers and relieve my fatigue today.

Speaking of which, I heard that the fact that Nobuyuki took Nobuyuki's neck and helmet from the Uesugi Army and delivered them courteously to Nobuyuki was a major factor... but it seems that Nobuyuki's reaction was a little poor...

According to the report, it is true that the soldiers of the Sanada family defended the Tsuboname army from the hunting of the remnants of the Uesugi army.

Even though such questions remained, he successfully completed the Commentary Award.

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