Echigo-kuni, June 1911

The next morning, while everyone was still asleep, we were walking a steep mountain road.I don't think anybody's paving the way.I can't even see the beast path. The leading young man was cutting through the grass and making a path with Nata in one hand.Everyone's trying to make it harder to walk.

Especially when the leading young man is getting sweaty, his eyebrows drop slightly unfortunately.

Actually, I'm not actually walking.

Climbing such a dim mountain road is very dangerous for this toddler's body.If you fall and get injured, you could be punished by anyone you accompany.Even the elders go out without permission.It may be too late, but let's keep the risk to a minimum.

That's why I was aiming for my destination in a state of being held by a pine.Looking around, the young Red Devils were walking in pain, sweating.

It must be hard for a samurai to say samurai in a situation where the temperature is rising gradually.If so, the burden of the pine holding me would be considerable.

(Matsu seems to be fine......)

When I muttered as I looked at the face of the pine, I tilted my neck wondering if I noticed my gaze.

Sir, what have you done?

"... no, it's nothing"

Answer briefly and turn forward.Generally speaking, it is quite painful for a young woman to travel on a mountain road with a weight of tens of kilometres, if not children.

However, the pine is not sweaty at all.It is a testament to the fact that even if you have only one child, you will continue to smile.It's a big deal with this little skill.

"... fu... fu... fu... fu... fu..."

However, I feel fatigue even when I'm not walking.

There is no wind, and I am thirsty because of the high humidity season or asexuality.Before I knew it, my breathing became rough.

When I thought about rehydrating a little, the bamboo tube was suddenly brought to my mouth.

Sir, please use this one.

"... yes. Thank you."

When I say thank you briefly, I tilt the bamboo tube and wet my throat.As if reading my thoughts, the pine behavior overlaps with the sole of the pine, and the face of the pine inadvertently passes through my head.

I haven't seen him for nearly six months.Are you doing well?Are you bothering someone?

Immersed in the sentiment of a father like that, I looked up at the sky thinking of a wolf in a distant land.

You can see how the sun shifts from the night when the stars sparkle to the morning when the sun shines on the earth.

About two hours before the glorious morning sun rises.I wonder if the people around me understand that the speed of walking rises naturally.

This should get you to your destination sooner than expected.Perhaps you can even see the beautiful visitors.

But our goal is not to see the light.To visit the birthplace of Takamaru and the snow.To keep the promise I made to you.

After that, no one slammed their mouths in vain, and they simply went down the mountain road.

Thirty red demons led by Keiji, Takamaru, and Snow were the ones who were solidifying the side.In addition, Katsuzo was fully armed.This was a reorganization that took into account the possibility that there were remnants of the previous battle, but not yet fully ruled, even though it had conquered the Echigo country.

Since more than thirty such people were moving forward with a serious expression on their faces, there was an unusual sense of tension around the party.

However, that would be no use at all.

The past of Takamaru and the snow is well known to everyone here.

I don't know what emotions I had when I learned of the tragedy.However, I can assure you that there is no one who would lightly capture those two returning home.

This return can be an important turning point in their lives.Everyone knew that without saying anything.

And finally, the time has come.

”...... ah”

I thought I heard a small, breathless voice, and the snow that was walking in front of me ran away.An agile move that I hadn't imagined before.I moved forward in a self-knowing motion on this path without a path.

As he stared at his back in a flash, a shadow burst out from the group like snow. It was Takamaru.

At first, I was surprised by the two people who moved suddenly and unexpectedly hardened, but I immediately understood what was going on from their actions.I'm sure there's something important for both of us ahead.



When you call me by the name of the pine, you slowly lower me to the ground without saying anything.Keiji and Katsuzo, who were watching out for the poor scaffolding, came to their side.

"Young people, please rest assured that we will keep our surroundings firm..."

Yeah. Thank you.

Katsuzo, who was deeply in Hirafu, looked sideways at Kei-kun, who stood next to him.You must have noticed my gaze.Keisei muttered as he scratched his head with a bad toothcut.

"Little boy. He's a slave... it's going to be ridiculous."I...... honestly, I was against letting you come here..... "

The expression that murmured as I turned away from my gaze revealed the following personality of Kei, who had the temperament of an older brother who thought of his companion.

Perhaps Kei didn't want them to get hurt.The usual behavior was the same, but he was an indispensable concern for his fellow men.The past of the two of them, who should not be taken lightly, probably did not know how to deal with Gyeongui as well.

To reassure Kei-kun, she took her hand with a smile.

I want you to leave it to me.


Keiji lowered his head while biting his lips.With that figure behind me, I move my legs forward.When I got there, Takamaru, the snow, and I were all there.

In front of the two of them, the wreckage seemed to be a decaying and collapsed hut.Barely seeing the facade of the house, the sole makes you feel the brutal flow of time of ten years.

The snow moves one step closer to the house and one step closer to the next, taking the wreckage that was scattered around.Then, as I pulled the sole to my chest, it collapsed in tears.

"... uuu... ahh... uu..."

Takamaru, who was watching the snow, immediately rushed over to the side of the snow and hugged his small body.

"Snow... I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... uuu... uuu..."

The Takamaru was also shedding tears as his lips trembled.I'm sure that only the two of you will know the length of the thoughts that dwell in those tears.Only two of the parties.

Ten years ago, two people left the country without being allowed to bury their parents, who were killed by the villagers.I had no choice.When I was at home, they were killed by the villagers.Takamaru was right to decide to protect his sister in order to live.

However, Takamaru himself could not forgive the decision.I felt guilty for abandoning my parents, and tied Takamaru's body up like a chain.

The snow also lamented that his parents had been killed and his brother was suffering because of himself.At that age, I understood that I couldn't do anything, but emotions wouldn't allow it.

Then, the thoughts of the two people who had accumulated until now overflowed when they saw the collapsed house."I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Keizaki was afraid to keep apologizing.

At this rate, the two hearts will die.I thought so. I stood in front of the two of them who were crying, putting my knees on the ground, and gazed at each other.Then, when I took the small box out of my pocket, I offered it to them so that they could see it.

"Takamaru, snow. I have something for both of you."Will you please raise your face? "

Speak gently.

...... Your Highness

Reacting to my voice, they raised their faces.However, his gaze was swimming as if he was frightened.Escape the harsh reality.

But the next time I said it, the frightened figure disappeared.

"This belongs to two of your parents."


Open the box and show the contents.The thing there was one candy.There's nothing decorative about it.I guess the two of them had some idea about the sole.I opened my eyes and shook my mouth.

"This place was found by everyone in White Lily.When I decided to take the two of them here, they even checked to see if there was any danger beforehand.This is what I found at that time. "

As other objects decayed, only this small box was found without major damage.As if time had stopped, it seemed to have been left in secret.

With that, the snow stretched out into the small box as she shook her right hand.Tears overflowed unstoppably as she grabbed the box to keep the snow from falling.

Takamaru talks about the snow while holding on to it.

"This... this candy was carved by my father."It was an unfamiliar task... so many times I failed... and because of that, I was constantly injured, but I made it night after night for the snow.Every day, my mother put on her snowy hair...... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Takamaru's words unexpectedly made my eyes hot.Is there really such a coincidence?It was an irresistible treasure for both of them to have been safe from time to time... "

No, it's definitely not a coincidence.

"I'm sure they've been waiting for us."

... eh?

Look back straight at the two of you who are looking at us.

"Your parents left this candy for the two of you who will definitely come back one day."To keep an eye on the two of us.I left a family bond so that they could walk forward. "

She held the two dumbfounded hands and layered them so that the three of them could wrap the small box around each other.

"There's no way your parents, who love Takamaru and the snow so much, resent you both."I love you both now and forever. "

--That's why you have to forgive yourself.

Ahh... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I gently clasped the two of them crying like children.I'm sure the future of Takamaru and the snow is bright.That's why they love you so much.

This dirty candy without any decorations is worth more to both of you than any expensive kimono or tea set.That's why this candy is a love pour from my parents.

The morning sun that began to rise illuminated both of them as if they were the love of their parents.

As they watched, the number one bird stood in a nearby tree.The harmony was like the sound of a bell blessing the future of the two.

The following day, the one-year non-war treaty with the Maori family was dissolved.

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