On the other hand, at that time, the fifth seat of the White Party, who had received the orders of the three mages, was in the country of the Toyoko as a secret detective.

Kyushu Pacification is an inevitable challenge for the three mages listed as Taiping Tianxia.The Shimadzu family is a pro-Oda school, but there are many famous families who don't like the Oda family.

Therefore, examining the situation in Kyushu was the most important matter for the three mages.Tsubaki was dispatched around December of the Ten Years of Judgment.It was a long-term mission that took more than half a year to investigate, mainly in Otomo territory.

Now, it was a man who was entrusted with such a great role, but initially declared that he would meet the expectations of the three mages while trembling with joy, and he travelled to the Toyoko country cheerfully.

More than half a year has passed since then. Currently, Tsubaki was staring at the sky with a gentle expression on his waist, settling on the rocks along the road.

This is the winner's smile on the face of those who have successfully completed their mission.Tsubaki leans on a bamboo tube to rehydrate, and as he gazes at the sky, he barks.

That cloud resembles your smile

... I don't think I can do this anymore.

I used to have beautiful clear eyes, but now I'm swirling around from the center of my eyes.Six months ago, the energetic figure has disappeared into the sky, completely blocking the three mages syndrome.

Oh my God, what did she do?I feel terrible regret in vain for being a beautiful woman with an exquisite face.It was a pleasure... it was a sad thing.

It's fun to be watching like this, but I think I'll send out a help boat around here.Oh my gosh, you really are a well cared for girl.

Tenzhen 11th year of June Toyoko Kuni

"Huh? I wonder if that cloud is your favorite fan?" Fufufu...... fufufu...... "

The dry voice melts into the clear blue sky.Oh, how light-hearted."Now I might be able to fly over that beautiful blue sky..."

While spreading her pure white wings, she imagined herself dancing in the blue sky freely.Inside her arms, the figure of her beloved master, who raises his hands and clumsles.Oh, how wonderful.

”... fufufufu... fufufu... ah?”

At that moment, a black thing suddenly appeared in my sight.Freely flying unbound by anything, its characteristic crowing turns people unconsciously.

"Is that...... a raven?"

For a moment, the feces of the eel struck me directly in the eyebrows with tremendous force.


With the sounds of "twitching" and physiologically impossible, a chill runs all over your body.I tried desperately to wipe the sole, but my foot slipped and fell from my nose to the ground.


I pressed my nose and ran around. The tragedy of successive attacks inadvertently overflowed with tears.

"This is the first time I've received such a continuous technique... even Matsu-sama, I'm trying to relax a little bit..."

When I was rubbing my nose while half-veiling, I noticed that my mood was getting clearer for some reason.The fog in my head had disappeared like a lie.

That's right... the Mizuna Tsukisuki will be over in a few days.When it was Fumitsuki's turn to return, the next village was the last to be investigated in time.Almost there, we can go back to Ando!!!

"Alright! I'll do my best!!!"

Raising his clenched fist, he uttered a moody voice.It was the first time in a long time that my whole body was full of vitality.

Now I can run away even a thousand miles!

- Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

With such a cricket in my back, I ran across the land with all my might.

Also, since the dung remained between the eyebrows, I stopped immediately to look for the water and wipe the dung for about half an hour.

... yeah. Let's take this to the grave.

The next day, I changed my mind and entered the village disguised as a pedestrian.There is no customs office in particular, and the doorman is not seen.In this case, it's a dangerous situation to be a bandit... but when I saw the sight, I muttered the same thing.

"It's the same here..."

I looked around and sneaked a bad smile.The whole village is not lively, and the expression of the villagers is not domineering.She just repeated the same movements and gave up everything without an expression on her face.

This was the scene of one of the most numerous villages in the Toyoko nation.

I enter a teahouse that had only one house in the village.

Older old ladies are cutting it out by themselves, and the interior doesn't look very popular.

This old woman also had a domineering look on her face.

"... Lady, have you come to this place to trade alone?"

The old woman murmured as she handed over the hot water.

"Yeah, I thought I'd stretch my legs a little bit."

Reply with a thin smile.It doesn't strike me as the easiest way to deal with the first face-to-face situation.

Then the old woman muttered as she shook her head to the side.

"I won't say anything bad."Let's get out of this village...... no, let's get out of this country..... "

The old woman muttered tinyly as she fell down on her face.Even though she was frightened by the danger of being asked, she felt the care to sincerely think of the young girl in front of her.

The most anticipated harvest of the people I've ever met.I caught my eye that this was the time of battle.

I point to a samurai passing in front of me.

"But... it looks like there's no doorman, so isn't there good security around here?" ... look, Otomo-sama over there said, "Shh! Don't point! "

The old woman blames the samurai with a small but sharp tone when she points at him with a pleasant face.Earlier, an old woman who had a sword-swallowing attitude that changed after hitting her.Like that, my eyes are unexpectedly wide open.


The old woman abhorred the samurai.

"They're not patrolling to protect us."They're watching us! Whether or not we believe in it...!! "

"... no"

Indeed, it is the name of the missionary messiah.The missionary was rude enough to ask my lord to protect his missionary work! I've been solicited once, but I've kicked my balls in the rotten root!

As she trembled with anger as she remembered the affair at that time, the old woman continued to be in tune with each other.

"What's the matter? Did you let them lick your lips too?" Then you'll know when you see it.This part of the world is already occupied by the Heavenly League. "


At the end of the old woman's gaze, the cross shines silver in a strange way.In addition to the helplessness of the old woman's face staring at it, I could see a hatred that would never be forgotten.

"That samurai."Sell out the young girls and children with a calm face."If you're a pagan who doesn't believe in God, you're just living to be guilty..."... my daughter was also taken.Every day, I brushed my teeth according to the instructions......

What is in the eyes of the old woman staring at the cross?I could only clench my right hand so hard.

The old woman shut up, clenching her crucifix.This isn't just about this old lady.In this country, it is more common than ever before for people to wander around.

However, the samurai who bears the crest of the Otomo family is rude to searches people with my face! It is unacceptable for a man to take the initiative to act like a slave trader when he has to protect his people!

With a boiling rage in her chest, she rests her hand on the shoulder of an old woman who is drowning in grief.

"Grandma, just a little more, just a little more!" My lord will certainly move to save the suffering people! "

"Save me... that's not true..."

An old woman with a bitter expression.

”I don't want to give up... but I don't want to go against the Otomo family of the Daimyo...”

The voice of such a heart is being conveyed.I wouldn't imagine a normal villager trying to defeat the ruler of this country.


"I am Masamasa Omi, the head of the Oda family."The name is White Lilies.In my name, I will definitely stop Otomo's misdeeds and save the suffering people!!! "


The old woman opened her eyes wide and covered her mouth with both hands.It seems that the prestige of the Oda family that rules the world has spread to the far western countries.

Well, the situation in Toyoko is worse than I expected.In the eyes of the people, there's no time to lose.I will tell you about this situation immediately!

"Then I'll go."I'll see you later. "

"Ah, ahhh. Thank you... lass"

When I briefly say goodbye to the old woman, I leave the village behind so the soldiers don't find me.Inside his chest, he was burning with anger that did not allow the Otomo family any more than the joy of meeting the Lord.

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