August, 11th year of Tenjo

Nobuyasu Maida at Kiikuni Suga-so Suga

Suddenly, your awareness returns to the aroma that stimulates your appetite.

"... nh... nh... nh..."

When I looked around with my sleeping eyes rubbed, I saw an enclosure with vibrant flames dancing.From the hanging cauldron, the aroma of miso is conveyed even if you don't like it.

The sound of loud spitting.As his gaze nailed, he approached the hearth in horror and suddenly opened the door.


When he turned his gaze, his body trembled, and there was a figure of Misuga with a large plate.

"Oh? Genjiro, are you awake?"I'll be ready for evening dinner soon, so please wait a moment. "

"Ah... yes, thank you."

I thank you for completing the preparation for the evening dinner, even as I fell asleep.I didn't know my gaze was swaying.

When I returned to fetch the rest of the food, I looked at the back of Monsieur Maga, and something bothered me and tilted my neck.

(... nh? Huh? Evening...??)

I felt a slight discomfort, and when I looked out, I saw that the sun was already falling, and it was completely dark around here.The last view in the corner of my memory is...

So I finally remembered. The time is early in the morning.When I had doubts about my days of fishing in the sea, I grabbed hold of Masaga-sama.

Soon after, I apologized in good faith, but I collapsed with a violent blow to my neck.At that time, I heard the voice of the Hall of Misga trembling with thinness and anger......

If you suddenly feel your gaze and look around, you will see Misaga-sama smiling as he looks back.The moment I saw those eyes that weren't laughing at all, I felt something cold on my spine, and I accidentally turned away from my gaze.

(... yeah. Let's not think about this anymore.There is no curse on an untouchable god...... right?)

Incidentally, the handmade stew was very delicious just because it was a specialty dish.

After finishing the evening meal and taking a breath of hot tea, Monsieur Kaga finally cut out the main point.

Well, before we go to Koyasan, I'll tell Genjiro about the current situation in Kii.

Yes! Thank you very much.

Straighten your posture and concentrate.Thinking that I could finally fulfill my mission, I felt with my skin that the drowsiness caused by the feeling of fullness I had just felt suddenly woke me up.

Masaga-sama was nodded with satisfaction at my appearance.

"It is a well-known fact that there is a disturbing air flow between the Oda family and Mt. Koyasan for the people of Kii.Knowing that negotiations were difficult, the powerful people in various regions were divided into pro-Oda and anti-Oda factions.That's not irrelevant to this mess ”

With that said, Lord Misaga reached into his chest and pulled out a map.It was a really rough construction, but since it represented the placement of each faction using a stone, I could imagine it in my head.

"There are five major areas of influence in the maquiladora.Suga-so, Tokugago, Nakago, Miyago, and Nango.Among them, the Suzuki family, who inherited Sun City, placed the sea-side village of Kuraga and Tokugago under the influence of the forces.Nakago, Miyago, and Nango on the mountainside are under the influence of the Ota Party.A crowd rooted next to it. And it will be under the influence of Koyasan. "


With a brush that was taken out of nowhere, Monsieur Kaga circled under each faction.There are other factions, but it would be better to remember this faction map first.

However, Monsieur Sakaga wiped out the place written "Ota Party" with ink.

"But the situation has already changed."The Ota Party was wiped out in the previous battle.The Suzuki family united in the power zone of Misaga.... at the expense of the life of his predecessor, Sunichi Oga. "


Inadvertently, I looked away from the map and turned to Muga.

Then, Master Kuraga put down his brush and raised his face.I laughed somewhere to myself and started to talk about things.

"The battle between the Oda family and Honganji.That is the beginning of everything.Kaga is hostile to the Oda clan on the Honganji side.After a long and fierce battle, the flagship Honganji Temple was eventually defeated by the Oda clan.Kaga was retaliated against by the Oda clan because he was held responsible. "


Unexpectedly, Monsieur Conga shakes his head sideways, saying, "Don't worry about it."

"There is no grudge against the Oda family.Win or lose, the end of the battle.I'm not ashamed to add to that.That's why Genjiro doesn't have to worry about it. "

"I see... I see."

I nodded and responded twice or three times.Then, Masaga-sama laughed as if it had been tea.

"Besides, there is still a lot of rags left because Akechi Mitsuhide, who was a senior minister of the Oda family, rebelled.He was saved by the misfortune of the Oda clan when he went into a dilemma against the Oda clan.That's what Chaos is all about.Therefore, don't worry about it all the time. "

"... so that's how it is"

I am convinced that the words are such a thing in my heart.No, I have no choice but to agree. The party, Monsieur Sakaga, is convinced.You won't let that out of your mouth from the side.

Saiga told me that she would cough lightly.

Well then, let's get back to that, shall we? With the chaos of the Oda family, the Oda Party and the crowd that were attacking us together became stuck.They're just reinforcements.As a result, the Oda army withdrew, but it was in chaos. "

"I see. Without the Oda army, our forces would be at war with each other."If you don't force it, you can't just do it. "

"It's on the left." Sunichi Kuraga, the predecessor who saw it as a great opportunity to meet Senroichi, led fifty people close to him to ambush the enemy field.Although Sunichi Kazaga and the near neighbors were all wiped out, Ota and Morishige, among others, captured the backbone of the crowd. As a result, the crisis of the Suzuki family has left and the territory has spread. "

In the narrow eyes of Misaga-sama, I felt pain like my chest was tightened.The pain of the bereaved.Because it has been passed on.

However, Masamune was upset for a moment, and as soon as he recovered, he encircled the three areas on the map: Nakago, Miyago, and Nango.... you're strong.

"With this, Misuga and the crowd are completely hostile."Well, it's okay because I didn't like it originally, but it's going to be a fight.Therefore, Omi Masaru asked for arbitration, and Kaga was reconciled by letting go of Nakago, Miyago, and Nanko.This Nakago, Miyago, and Nango is ruled by the ministers of the Daiwa Takumi family. "

"... but didn't you just lose out?" Is it okay to easily let go of the territory that my predecessors won in the fight for their lives? "

As he tilted his neck and asked questions, Misaga-sama laughed and shook his right hand to the side.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noWe don't have the capacity or the manpower to maintain our territory.Rather, you'd better come inside the Oda family. "

"...... the more......"

I felt some serious troubles, but I can honestly respect those who are not strangely greedy.The end of those who pursued something other than themselves will all come to a tragic end.

So I suddenly found something I was curious about.

"... hmm? So, what is the relationship with Koyasan?"

"Good? Objectively, it's an ally."


Inadvertently, when I opened my eyes and tried to distance myself, Monsieur Maga instantly told me the truth: "Well, it's an act."

"In objective terms, the present maquiladora is a victim who was attacked by the Oda family and taken away from the territory that won the end of the battle with the crowd.Therefore, from an early stage, a messenger came to help from Koyasan.However, I have already sworn allegiance to Master Omi.I decided to use the offer happily. ”

Saying that, Kaga-sama moved the stone on the map.

"Haga and the crowd have been reconciled for a while.The Oda family and Masaga are submissive.Root crowds and the Oda family are good friends.Koyasan and the Oda family are hostile.Root crowds and Koyasan are religious enemies.Kaga and Koyasan are close on the surface. "

"... no way"

"The other day, I went to Azuchi as Sun Yatsuga, but I am appealing against the previous treatment.Because we are losing territory, there is no particular opposition on the Koyasan side.Genjiro was taken from the merchant on his return.In order to prepare for battle, we need a connection with a merchant who is not known by the Oda family. "

--The tip of the spear is not the Oda family.

Mega-sama smiled and twisted her cheeks.The surveillance we were talking about was from Koyasan.I guess I couldn't have swallowed Masuga-sama's founding.

However, they were all read by Masaga-sama.You taught me, because you're ready.

That prediction was correct, and I and Masaga entered Koyasan eight days later.

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