August, 11th year of Tenjo

Nobuyasu Sanada, General Manager of Koyasan, Kiikuni

Eight days later, we finally set foot in Koyasan. Surrounded by mountains, the place was filled with some mysterious atmosphere, with cool breezes that softened the summer sunshine.

Looking around at such an unusual sight, a voice was heard from Masuga-sama walking ahead.

“What are you doing? Come quickly."

"Ah... hah, yes!"

As he rushed over in a hurry, Misaga lowered his voice and hit his ear.

"Already, this place is the territory of Shingon Buddhism. Ichiyama is said to be within the boundaries of Shingon Buddhism, but this Koyasan and its things are within the boundaries of Shingon Buddhism. As a matter of course, there is an eye for surveillance everywhere. So don't relax for a moment.”

"... hahaha"

I nodded softly to the serious voice. Once again, I squeezed back my relaxed mind and followed up with Mega-sama.

The grounds were filled with unpleasant silence, with clear blue skies and the chirping of small birds.

As I walked for a while, I could see a gate full of elegance ahead. In front of us stands a monk waiting for us.

"Suzuki-sama, thank you for your time." Today, Zhenhai will be the guide. "

To Mr. Zhenhai, who bowed his head deeply, Misaga approaches with a smile on his face.

"This is this, this is Zhenhai Hall. Thank you for your time." Thank you very much for your help the other day. Thank you for that. "

Having said that, I removed the thick bag from my pocket and let Mr. Zhenhai hold it. Then, Mr. Zhenhai clenched the sole several times to explore the contents, and smiled full of satisfaction as if he was satisfied with the feel.

"Damn it! This is, this is truly a thank you. Suzuki-sama is a mirror of a devout believer. I'm sure you've got my sincere wishes."

Mr. Zhenhai shows a technique that prompts him to go ahead when he finishes the sole in a very natural movement. In other words, such an unjust exchange of money and goods is only carried out on a regular basis.

Unintentionally narrowing his eyebrows, Masaga-sama looked at me for a moment. When I return to myself with that gaze, I take a deep breath and calm down.

Now, it's no harm for me to express my dissatisfaction. With Masaga, I was dividing up the necessary expenses. However, I can only consider that the number of matters reported to Mr. Masaki Omi has increased.

However... the Shingon Buddhism preached by the ancient great man Kobo Daishi. This is the main mountain. His famous Koyasan Shingon Buddhist monk has fallen so far. If you think so, you will become asexual.

Of course, there were greedy monks in my hometown. I hear that there are many indebted cadres in European countries. However, the fact that even in the general headquarters of the sect, there were people with insufficient sexual roots, such as monks, the people who prayed to the Buddha in their hometown had passed through their minds.

Is this the norm in a turbulent world? Is it human nature again? At that time, I felt that I could only understand the mood of Mr. Omi who hated religion.

However, I still did not understand what religion was. I didn't understand. That ugliness. The depth of the business.

After that, he was taken by the Zhenhai clan to enter a building on the premises. Whether I had paid for it or not, the uncomfortable tranquility was spreading.

The two of them went ahead in a familiar way. As I was told in advance, when Masaga-sama arrived, it seemed that he was always going to the same place.

It's a little far from the main hall, so if you need anything, it's a place to rush. Its positioning represents a mess for Koyasan. "

Saiga-sama said that with a bitter expression on his face. In other words, Koyasan doesn't trust you. I don't trust you at first, but what you see from down there is a hindrance to me.

Masaga-san, who was at the end of the line of sight, was laughing with Mr. Zhenhai with a cool expression on his face that was unlikely to hold such boiling emotions.

In the meantime, Misuga-sama suddenly called out to me.

Genjiro, come here.


When I sat down beside Maga Hall, I was introduced to Mr. Zenkai from Maga Hall.

"Zhenhai Hall. This is Genjiro, who welcomed us to the Suzuki family. He is the son of a merchant, and he is a very intelligent child."

"Hmmm... this is the rumor..."

While resisting the gaze of licking, he quickly lowered his head so as not to look at Zhenhai.

"Zhenhai-sama, I'll see you at the beginning." My name is Genjiro. Thank you very much. "

"Hmm... this is a very polite young man." Genjiro-sama, I'll take care of you. "


Think deeply and flatly.

This is a kind of passage ceremony. You must have finished my introduction before you got to the point. Anyway, I'm supposed to have adopted the merchant's son. If we anticipate the future development of the story, the answer will be guided by itself.

And as expected, Mr. Zhenhai cut out the main point.

"But to adopt the merchant's son... did Oda-sama forgive you after all?"

"... yes. As I said earlier, please let go of the three groups of Nakago, Miyago and Nango..."

When Mr. Makaga muttered to him in an effort to pretend to be calm, Mr. Zhenhai revealed his sorrow as he covered his face with his hands.

"Oh! What a sad thing!" There is a ruthlessness in taking the territory that we have won at the end of many sacrifices with our own faces! What is Taihei Tianxia! It's a business that doesn't think of people as people, such as watching the blood flowing and pretending not to see the mindlessness of the dead!!! Ahh, he doesn't know your heart!! "

Mr. Zhenhai mourns as he sheds tears of large grains. Unexpectedly, anger rose from his figure.

I have a shallow relationship with Masamori Omi than Keiji-sama. But I know something about that. Master Omi has never dealt with a victim without permission.

Indeed, many battles will have to be fought to achieve Taiping under the heavens. There will be a lot of blood. The dead will grudge, and the bereaved will curse.

It's for the cause. It was a sacrifice that had no choice. Sacrifices were kept to a minimum. Because the opponent was hostile. The surrender was advised. He was reaching for salvation.

Even if you just think about it, you can make this excuse. You can justify your actions. But Master Omi didn't do solo. I looked to the future with all my heart under every curse.

I don't understand how I can do that. Even if I cut myself, I can't hope to save my people.

--But I thought it was beautiful.

Therefore, Mr. Zhenhai's remarks earlier touched my scale.

What do you know about it? Those who say nothing but words and do not move, are not entitled to talk about Omi no Masaru's misery!

I was clenching the hem forcefully to desperately suppress such boiling emotions.

After that, Mr. Zhenhai made remarks accusing the Oda family of irritation. In the end, by the time we finished talking, it was already dark, and we decided to rent a room as it was.

After finishing the evening meal and cleansing myself, I enter the floor. I'll leave tomorrow morning and return to Sakaga-soo as we discussed. Then, when I saw the time, I set out for Yasudo and reported to Shouji Omi.

When I was thinking about my future plans, I suddenly jumped up to the other side.


Reaching for the sword that was placed on the pillow, he stood up instantly, and the cradle slowly opened, and the little boy came out of his face.

At this time, I didn't think that meeting this child would change my life a lot.

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