Nobuyuki Sanada, Koyasan, Kiikuni, September 11th, 1908

While carrying the child, he travels the road without a path. My cheeks are wet with pimples and scorpions. Although it is a young child, it is quite painful to go along the mountain road alone, but I can't let out such a soft sound.

Once he stopped and carried the child back, he stepped forward to trample the earth.

At that time, it rewinds a little. When Saito left the formation, a child who had been quiet until now suddenly asked a question.

Until now, if I hadn't spoken from my side, I would have kept my mouth shut, but I thought that I had finally opened my heart, and my chest became hot. Such a change in the child became a pleasure, and I was happy to be a child's talking partner.

However, its content was far from predicted in a good sense.

"Yes, there is."


I wondered why I asked about the books, and when I asked about their whereabouts, I answered in the affirmative. He says he knows where the books we've been looking for are.

"Is that... sincere?"

"Yes, we have been taught by you that you must never go." Until now, four people have gone there, and not a single one of them has returned. And I remember that day very well, because everyone will be whipped. "

"...... I see......"

Somehow he twisted his reply and nodded vaguely. When he was upset by the unexpected, Saito returned.

"No ~ I seem to have managed to regain my composure, so I left it to someone else." If even one person is anxious, it will be contagious to the others. If we don't deal with this sooner...... please....... nh? Is something wrong? "

"......! No, whatever......"

"...... I see. I hope so."

Thinking away from Saito-sama, who leans his neck. Do you believe the child's words and move, or do you deceive and descend appropriately?

When I turned my gaze to the child for a moment, I just shut up and stared at him. He looked at me with black eyes, waiting for my answer.

I can't see any false colors in his eyes.

... no, there's no reason for a child to lie in the first place... Where you lied, there is no advantage to the child, and you will not have been tortured to lie. Besides, it was natural that the children who lived in this place knew more about us.

I thought of it as I stared at the child. The future in which I went down the mountain without believing the words of a child. It was too easy to imagine.

(... if I don't believe the child's words, I'm sure I'll accept them without saying anything)

I stroke my head a little bit violently. At that time, the child's eyes narrowed slightly and his shoulders relaxed. It was as if the infant, who was terrified of violence, was relieved.

At that time, a shock ran through my body.

"--Oh... I see, that's right."

When I realized everything, I was driven by the pain that naturally tightened my chest. The boy was scared. Looking at me who kept silent without saying anything, I thought I'd just beaten up for saying something extra. "I've been subjected to irrational violence from day to day..."

The child, knowing the horror, told me where the books were and where I thought they were. Naturally, from what I said earlier, I didn't see or go directly to the child. There is a great chance that it is wrong, and I would have thought of being crammed if it was wrong.

Still, the child told me the place. Even though I was frightened, he was brave enough to think for me. I didn't understand that right away. I'm a stupid idiot.

Certainly, there is a problem. The fact that only a child knows the place. There is no solid basis. Even if you give instructions based on the testimony of the child, the subordinate who knew about it may not like it. And I'm the only one who's open-minded.

Then there's only one thing I need to do--

When he stopped his hand while stroking the child, he called out to Saito-sama, who was roaring while looking at the map.

Saito-sama, can you ask everyone to lead us again?

"Hmm?... I don't mind, but Akimoto and the others will be joining us soon." There's not much time left in this sky, is there? "

"Yes, I know." But there's a place I really need to go. ”

Where do I have to go?

"... if my predictions are correct, the books are hidden in that place."


Saito-san stands up with his eyes wide open. It's impossible. He said he found the stash of what we were after. I couldn't find what I was looking for.

I stood up holding the child and walked out of the formation. Saito-sama sighed deeply when he saw the child.

"After the arrival of the Kanazaki team, it will take about a minute to finish cleaning up and get ready to go down the mountain." I don't want it to get any slower than that. "

"... yes, I know."

When he smiled mildly and lowered his head, Saito-sama wiped his hand with a bitter smile. Hurry up, will you? Thanks to that care, we left and ran to our destination.

Then, as I continued walking along the mountain road for a while, a large rock suddenly appeared in front of me. While scratching the grass and trees, it changes from a rocky area with poor scaffolding to a rocky area.

I was a little confused, but when I managed to reach it, there were two large rocks overlapping. If you take a closer look, you can see that the paper is wrapped around the rock to connect the rock, and there is a gap for one person between the rocks.

Is this the place?

"Yes, here it is."

After checking with the child, he replied with a small nod. Seeing the figure, I nodded vigorously. Lower the child and bend his knees to align his gaze.

"... All right, let's go." I'll be right back, so wait here for the boy. If there is anything, call me out loud. I'll be right there. If you are a wild dog or bear, retreat and run into this hole without showing your back. "

“Yes, I understand.”

"... yes..."

A little rough stroke and I went into the hole. Dim, small enough to have to crawl on all fours. From behind, I felt like I heard a small voice saying, "Please go."

How much time has passed? I relied on the feel of my hands to make my way through the darkness. Even though it is daytime, I can't feel any sunshine.

My senses are going crazy.

Do you really have it?

Are you well on your way?

All the anxiety filled my thoughts, and I felt a chill that froze the core of my body ─ ─ at that time, I saw a faint light in front of me.

Proceeding with a feeling of sadness. Even if I slam my knee into a rock, I'm desperately trying to shake off the pain. As only the rough breath remained in his ear, it finally appeared.

"Is this... a temple...?"

A stream of sunshine pouring down from the sky raises a small temple from the darkness. Wrapped in mystery even more fantastically, this place is more worthy of the sanctuary than ever.


I instinctively understood that I was going to the temple with my feet carefully at my feet. She carefully puts her hand on the door and slowly opens it. There was a squeaky, unpleasant sound. Everything that was inside was a book. I haven't noticed any dirt because I just took it out recently.

Carefully managed books. And he opened the middle with his trembling hand, and it was written, The third day of the handing over in the third day of the eleventh month. There was no mistake in the books that Koyasan managed.

"Ah... here it is. There it is!" There it is!! "

Raising his voice of joy as he clutches the books. If you hand this over to your lord, you can wipe out the scraps that have fattened your own stomach from human trafficking. This will reward them for their brutal killings. That's all, I was so glad that my tears went up.

With this, the Koyasan offensive ended safely. We rescued the captive toddler, burned down Koyasan, the root of evil, and obtained evidence of the evil of Koyasan Shingon Buddhism, which demonstrated the legitimacy of the Oda family.

Exactly, the victory will be complete. After that, we will only travel to Anjo Castle and submit our victory to the master.

That's what I thought. The situation will unfold rapidly.

Go through a narrow hole with a book in your pocket. It's all thanks to the children that we got this. Let's stroke our heads, gently hug them, and express our gratitude. I'll do my best to thank you as much as I can. Until that day, when the boy could smile.

Imagining such a warm future, I suddenly heard a disgusting laugh.



I jumped out of the hole in a hurry.

There, an elder man with a pubic figure on his head was holding a child and turning his gaze towards us.

Sticky gaze. A spilled blade attached to a child's cheek. A rage of blood rushed through her body.

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