Nobuyuki Masada, Koyasan, Kiikuni, September 11, 1937

I finally got the books. An exculpatory symbol that exonerates the evil that spreads in the world. The little courage of the child carried me here.

After that, I only sent this to you.

I knew it.


Suddenly a laughter resounded as I walked through the narrow hole. The voice was full of terrifying malice.


The worst imagination passes through my head, and I jump out of the hole in a hurry. All you need to confirm is the child you left behind and the owner of that laugh. Looking around with one knee up and alert.

(It is not on the right. On the left......)

Instantly, I turned my right hand behind my back and grabbed the hand of the spear I was hiding in my hole. I squinted at my enemies with my pupils narrowed.

There, an elder man with a pubic figure on his head was holding a child and turning his gaze towards us.

Sticky gaze. My blood-soaked eyes and my body dirty with coal. At first glance, it looked like a lurking kid, but his forged body was not concealed. The slightly visible wrist is thick, and there are many scratches on the arm that extends from it. It's not something you can do overnight.

It's different whether you're a fat kid with your own clothes or a simple kid. This man has gone through a hell of a battlefield. Above all, it was enough to convince them that those ambitious eyes were not the only ones.

The man waved his blade with a sticky smile as he asked how to get out without losing his vigilance.


Splash of fresh blood. The child's face is distorted to endure the pain, and the blood continues to flow from the torn cheek. Looking at such a child with satisfaction, the man lowers his sword to show me.

The child's blood slowly dripped from the blade-spilling sword held by the man. As soon as I saw it, a rage of blood rushed through my body.

"... let that boy go, Shiro!"

He puts a murderous intent on the tip of his spear and grinds at the man. I immediately stood up and stood up with my spear. Looking at me when I entered the battle position, the man once again attached a sword to the child's cheek.

The sound of your hand gripping. The sound of biting teeth. Grasping the furious reins, he desperately controlled the body that was about to rush out.

The boy's life is now in the hands of that man. With that strong arm, it would be a good breakfast to literally snap the child's thin, tiny neck. Considering the safety of the child, for now... we can only endure it now!

After an instant of silence, I slowly took a step back. The man then smiled even deeper.

"Gahahahaha!! What? Is such a filthy hungry ghost so important?" You're going to expose my weakness... you stupid bastard!! "

As he grinned at the mocking man, he stroked his teeth with regret, and the man stood up his sword and gnashed it into the child's cheek.


An unvoiced scream. A cold blade conveys fresh blood. When he shook his arm in anger, the man smiled even deeper, whether he was convinced of my reaction.

"Gahahaha!! I thought you were such a ruthless and outrageous fellow who fired so early in the morning...... kukukuku... you're so sweet!" I see...... If you don't want to be killed by this hungry demon, pierce your chest with that spear and kill yourself!! "

The man looked at us with a delightful smile as he flashed his blade at the child's cheek. The discomfort and anger of throwing up in that figure.

"...... Outside road!!"

Throwing up while shaking his body, the man's face suddenly turned into a real face, and a heavy pressure came out.

"Ahhn? What a sweet thing to say." This world is weak and strong. Only the strong shall survive, and the weak shall be destroyed as dust. The process is not important there. No matter what kind of hand you use, only those who eventually survive are the winners!!! "


Unlike before, the man felt intimidated if he didn't allow for any objections. The voice shakes the earth, and the tip of the spear that was standing is slightly shaken. I was retreating unconsciously.

There was a certain 'weight' in the words of the man. A person who had experienced all kinds of hardships arrived at the answer. It is not a word released from light feelings, but something released from a firm belief.

It's like a samurai who went through the battlefield.

"You... what the hell are you?"

Naturally spoken questions. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

If I had bought time or put in a shake to create a gap between the opponents, I'm sure this man wouldn't have answered. I would have thrown it away as rubbish.

However, the man who suspected that he had not thought of such a thing replied in a low voice that echoed from the bottom of hell.

"... Very well. Take it with you as a souvenir of the underworld." My name is Araki Murase. Betrayed Oda Nobunaga, the world's man, and drowned in his intense search. It's the name of a traitor who survived to this day. "

"...... Nah!?"

The man was a traitor that the Oda family had been looking for for many years.

Araki Murashige. The name is unknown to anyone who is part of the Oda family.

"Stupid! The area around Koyasan has been under the supervision of the Oda family for several years. Because Araki Murakazu could have escaped! As a matter of fact, I quickly discovered that I was hiding a housemate. The fact that Araki Murakazu is not in Koyasan has also been investigated! You, Araki Murashige, have nothing to say!!"

"... hmm. It's easy. It was only a year ago that I entered Koyasan. It's just that the Oda family poked a confused gap. It must be because I checked it once. It's really easy to sneak into a dark night."

A year ago... it coincided with the time when Akechi Mitsuhide launched a conspiracy. If it moves in the middle of that confusion, we'll get along just fine.

I thought Araki Murakazu was in Maori territory.

"Huh? You can't just run away to the people who betrayed me." Out of the question, out of the question. I checked the situation, but obviously the Hashiba army was holding us back. No, don't do anything stupid like offering your own head. "

"... so mature"

Araki's words finally solved a series of mysteries.

Initially, the Oda family claimed that Araki Murakazu was located in Maori territory. I was destroying all the other escaped destinations from Hanamakura Castle. However, due to the surrender of the Maori family, the situation changed, and the Maori family did not know the location of Araki Murahei. Therefore, the search for Araki Murakazu continued.

However, Araki Murakazu did not head towards Maori territory in the first place, and if he was hiding in a remote place, he would be convinced.

--And so, without hesitation, they took less than ten young children hostage.

The rage burst out. From the remarks and actions I have just made, I am convinced that this man is the real Araki Murakazu. Then there's something I need to ask you.

"You didn't think of anything......"

What do you want?

It's about the Arika Castle people you killed!

I don't remember. Inadvertently roughing my voice at that attitude. I am not familiar with Araki Murakazu and the Oda clan. Rather, let's just say it's irrelevant.

However, instead of reflecting on such outrageous deeds, I still couldn't forgive the roots that were holding young children hostage.

"I betrayed my master, and I want to save my life, but I'm foolish enough to abandon my wife and children and run away." Not to mention, I abandoned more than 600 hostages who were saved if I slashed my belly and apologized to Oda-sama. I also abandoned those who hid me in the battle of Hanamaku Castle and fled first.... you're not ashamed of all this! Why do you feel so guilty about the powerless child you're holding?! Answer!! Araki village heavy!! "

The scream of a soul. She throws it away with her left hand, which doesn't hold a spear. Let's put aside the repeated salvation of Oda-sama and repent for the despicable act of adhering only to one's own life...

I don't think this guy's getting anything anymore.

"So what's the matter? With this useless scrap of life like a hungry demon, you can save my life. I wonder if this hungry monster is also a real dreamer? It finally gave me a chance to help people in their worthless lives. Rather, it would be nice to say thank you. Not to mention that his wife, grandchildren, maidservants and squire devote their lives to his master. Now you will be happy in the Land of the Yellow Springs that your lord has lived for so long."

With a distorted smile, it was the demon itself.

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