Tenzhen 11th year of September Ando Castle

About a few hours after that, the sunlight poured down on the ground, and the stars blinked in the deep clear night sky.

Usually, even during the dark time when the lights were down, this Anju alone was as bright as day, and there was a constant laughter in it. Tonight is the feast. It has nothing to do with samurai, merchants or peasants. Everyone was sincerely celebrating this good day.

Ho ho ho ho, it looks like it's still not dawn, Uncle

Yeah, honestly.

On top of my father-in-law, who laughed happily from the bottom of his heart, I also laughed so that I could get upset.

The sound of bugs overflowing with characteristic autumnal flavors. There, listening to the sound of the banquet, which sometimes sounded misleading, I was looking down on my father-in-law and the castle town at the Heavenly Guardian. An uninterrupted laughter, such a splendid view of the town.

After seeing off the tea taken by the city's sister, I sent my father-in-law's party to the Great Hall. The requirements have already been met, and only the answers of the court will be heard later. Even though I was sure it would be okay, I was a little nervous at this time.

Then, everyone was ready, and the words of the Emperor were given from the stepfather sitting on the upper seat.

Ordered the Otomo Crusade

It was written from such a sentence. It meant that the Emperor had designated Otomo Sourin as his morning enemy. As a result, Otomo was stripped of his official position and lost his guardianship, and was targeted by many famous family members. It was exactly as I imagined it would be.

Later, he issued the Otomo Sonin Crusade Order as scheduled, asked how the big house in Kyushu was to leave, and led the big army out in the early spring.

(Final showdown to the unification of the heavens. I took that first step today.)

When my father-in-law gave me a sentence with a fate written on it, my chest trembled. There was still a lot to do, and it was forbidden to be alarmed because there was absolutely no battlefield, but I was somewhat emotional thinking that I had come this far.

Now, while immersed in sentiment like that, the ministers whose arousal had reached its climax began to prepare the feast in a hurry. Originally, it was just preparing for my father-in-law to improve, but it had the effect of setting fire to the elegant people who were trying to boost him even further.

It was a momentary event that turned a blind eye. The elders, who were supposed to stop, were useless at all. Goro Zuo, who quietly sheds tears, and Kwon Liu, who shouts his grandfather's and father's names as he trembles, are still servants, and I think that the vine and the left nearby who participated in the disturbance in Norinori are guilty.

And it's only natural to make a scene. The information that the Emperor gave me was spread to the castle town in an instant, and the fuss spread from top to bottom. Even though the Harvest Festival was not yet there, it developed into a great turmoil in which the savings of the warehouse were not used up.

When I learned that, I dispatched the White Lotus Team in a hurry, and I managed to secure a stockpile for emergencies.

This era is probably due to the lack of entertainment, but when the topic rises a little, everyone jumps on and makes a fuss. Exactly the fire; and it was like a festival.

The calories of such people for the festival are not compared to the festival men of the previous life. It was like a lamp that was born to enjoy burning up in an instant, to live a life of hard work...... It was not very loud, but I didn't feel like watering it.

Now, as we quickly escaped from such an endless feast, we climbed up to the Heavenly Guard without anyone noticing while telling our servants that they could rest their bodies today.

The slightly chilly outside air cools your head, which is booming and hot. When I received the white water from the pine that was stored behind me at some point, I took a small bowl at once. With a sigh of relief, he muttered without staring at his father-in-law.

Is it okay if I don't go back to the banquet?

That's a frank feeling. There is no other way to cut out a story. With a smile, his father-in-law murmured with a bitter smile.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand watering a feast at the corner. If that's the case, then how about you and your son-in-law soak in the afterglow of the feast?"

"... fufu, you're on the left."

On top of my father-in-law smiling at the prank, I nodded in agreement. A strong gust of wind blows through the air, causing the hair to flutter and flutter in the wind. Nature and words abounded as I looked at the lights of each of the homes that coloured this ancient land.

"Thank you very much, stepfather, for your approval of the Otomo Sonrin Crusade. With this, the Oda family can fight against major players."

"Ho ho ho, I don't mind anything." Tei also expressed his anger at Otomo Sonrin's work. I can't overlook the fact that innocent people have been sold off to other countries....... But the court didn't have the power to stop Otomo Sonin. Because of the prestigious relationship with the court since ancient times, there were many people in the court who took the breath of the Otomo family....... I'm really... impatient. "

The right hand on the fence is slightly trembling. I decided not to see the vanishing confession and the wetting of the fence.

That's because it was synonymous with saying that the Imperial Court... pretended not to see Otomo while knowing what he was doing.

That fact alone is something that the owner of the Oda family must not know. I have to take it to the grave.

To be honest, I thought the court would have been silent on Otomo's work. It was not the scale that had begun in the past few years, and since ancient times, it has been commonplace to engage in looting on the battlefield. The only thing that didn't make it any better was my grandfather when he roasted in Kyoto.

Besides, it is not difficult to imagine that Kyushu, far from Kyoto, did not look at the court at that time. Those rotten lords only thought of the people as rags.

Therefore, even if a good man like his father-in-law appeared, the court could not do anything because the garbage people would pull their legs. I gradually lost my strength. That's the vicious circle. That's the negative chain. Stagnation is only a decline.

That's why I gave priority to cleaning up the garbage. I concentrated my strength on my stepfather. I was convinced that the garbage would not be an obstacle to the unification of the world, but it would be a cancer that would interfere with Taiping.

Peace is not attainable in beautiful things.

Yes, it was an event that convinced me strongly.

As I gazed at the stars and remembered the sight of the day, my father-in-law finally recovered and coughing, continued.

"...... nnh! Therefore, Tei was sincerely grateful to the Oda family for their offer." Now we can finally save the people. And I was expecting it. At last, the presence that illuminates this Hinomoto has appeared. A masterpiece has appeared that builds the world of Taiping under the heavens. "

"...... Are you on the left side?"

The words of the Emperor tease my conscience. I'm not such a big piece of equipment. I'm not a good person to receive such words.

- I'm a big sinner who's already killed tens of thousands of people.

"... I will never let this light go out." All I can do is... that's all I can do. "

The desire for Taihei Tianxia had changed into a sense of obligation that Taihei Tianxia had to achieve.

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