Nobuyuki Sanada, Anodo Castle, September 1911

Warm sunshine and autumn leaves dance in the clear autumn sky. Small birds chirping in the morning. It was just the beginning of a refreshing day... that was about to happen.

"... eh... eh... eh... eek!"

A dirty sound echoing into the blue sky without a cloud. Considered to be the most prosperous castle town in Hinomoto, the castle town was now overflowing with drunken fools.

Exactly, the Hell Drawing. The Red Devils were dispatched early in the morning to protect the security and landscape of the town, in a town with a foul smell.

Now, we're on our way to the west side of the castle. It was the flock of drunken men lying in one hand that prevented him from going to the end.

Uuu...... ahhh......


The indescribable moan inadvertently took a step back and strengthened his face. However, when I changed my mind that I shouldn't stay like this, I moved forward vigorously.

"Oh, wake up, you idiot! The feast is already over!"

Even though it was somewhat violent, he tried to force the man who was rolling around to get up. Ugh... it stinks of alcohol! How long have you been drinking, you bastard?

But the men inside don't stand up. I don't have any strength in my waist. Weakening so far is more troublesome than weighing so much. Besides, that's not the trouble with drunks.

"Stupid son of a bitch!! Oh, you're so drunk!"

"Well then!! Bring me some alcohol!!"

"Ugh!... this! Be quiet! - Pain!?"

Drunken people who move their limbs vertically and endlessly. Even if I tried to seize it, the blow that entered my waist attacked me in vain. Is this guy really drunk?!

"Wooo...!? This is the place for everyone!" Tie him up with a rope and hand him over to his family! At this rate, there are still a lot of similar people! Re-energize!! "



A voice that brings in a temper. Cries of drunken companionship. In addition, the sensed skeletons began to move in the depths of their sight.

... apparently, hell has just begun.

Even though it's full of injuries, it's time to crack down on the mob and clean up spilled dirt. By the end of all the missions, the sun had already risen high in the sky.

"Hah... I'm finally finished..."

He whips his tired body and advances his legs. The reward for completing such a heavy work, or leaving home after noon.

Totally, Gyeongui-sama had a headache...... No, Gyeongui-sama was drunk and had already fallen asleep. This turnover is more of a natural consideration. Something pushed me away, but I wouldn't mind hitting you with a few shots.

Tomorrow, I realized that I was determined to stretch the cheek in the simulated battle, and I had already arrived at the Nagaya. Stop, dust off, and pull the badly erected door inside.

"Hey, I'm back!"

Draw a line while stretching the end of the word. There must be a child asleep there as usual. Recently, it has become a habit to speak up every time I go home. I was also aware that I was enjoying it... "

However, it wasn't just the children who were at the forefront of the gaze.

"Hey, welcome back, Genjiro."

"......... eh"

Inadvertently, a dumb voice leaked out. I immediately understood the elegant attitude and the domination and authenticity that lived in it. True, my Lord, I swore allegiance to that man.

But I had no idea why I was in a place like this.

"And, my lord... why are you in a place like this..."

My head goes around and around. Naturally, such an old nagoya is not a good place for noble people to come.

I've heard that you were a generation ago, and that you acted without surprise, but I didn't think you'd ever get this far... "

Then, if you had to stop me in a hurry and give me something, I would have fallen down to prepare a coarse tea, and the child would have woken up to such a noise, and so on, I would have exposed a truly pathetic figure.

It was fortunate that you didn't care about such an ugly state of affairs, but it was true that you were still in a state of disrepair, and as for me, there was nothing else to despair of.

Seeing me like that, you got to the point early.

Today, I'm here about the previous battle.

To the words, correct your posture naturally.

"Genjiro really did a good job." The lion's thrill is recognized by everyone. I'm proud to say that I gave Kikusa-gun a fair assessment. "

Haha, thank you very much for your words.

"However, Genjiro wanted me to stay in the Red Devil Corps a little longer." I'm thinking of letting Sun City Sakaga rule Meigusu County as a substitute for Genjiro. Of course, I'll make sure to go to Genjiro, the lord of the tax revenues.... so, do you mind? "

"Haha, I understand." I will send a messenger to Misaga immediately. "

"... I'm sorry."

Your lordship frowned somewhat apologetically. However, I was not dissatisfied with the decision.

Takigawa-sama, the Oda family's elderly, and it is normal to have a substitute officer in the enclave, and I do not have a direct minister in the first place. All the samurai serving the Sanada family followed their elders. My brother got his country. I have no choice but to give up because of the bad time.

If so, it is by no means a bad idea to receive the territory of the crowd of people who have exchanges, and to have Sunichi Sakaga stand as a substitute for him.... and--

"Please don't look like that." I am not dissatisfied with His Holiness's decision. Such young people were given vast territory, and we even talked to Sun City of Sayaga so that they could be smoothly placed under their rule. You've made it this far. What are you unhappy about? ”


Your lordship narrows his mouth and leaves his words speechless. I gently stroked the head of the child sitting next to me to dispel such anxiety.

"Besides, you not only arranged expensive medicine for me, but you also sent one of the most famous doctors in the world, Master Cuizhu An." Thanks to you, the child's physical condition is getting better and better every day...... how can I thank you? "

While stroking the child's head, tears naturally accumulate at the back of his eyes. Shortly after arriving in Ando, the child suddenly fell ill and wandered the dead end many times. It seems that the repeated injuries caused a lot of bleeding, and even worse, the rain struck him like a chase.

Honestly, there was nothing I could do. However, I could only offer prayers to God and Buddha. There, he spared no expense in using precious medicine, and called a famous physician from Kyoto to save the child.

You've been so generous to me, just one of my family members. Why should such a bountiful man be unhappy?

"...... is it......"

Has that conveyed my thoughts? From the expression on your face, the shadow was thinner than before. Then, thinking that he had turned his gaze to the child, he smiled as if he had perceived something.



"You found the answer."

"...... Haha!!"

The short, warm words unexpectedly burned my chest.

"The truth is, I was thinking of taking this child in the Oda family." That would be a good story for her and Genjiro.... but that's different, isn't it? "

Sounds like confirmation. As I agreed, I was holding the child's hand reflexively.

"I want to live with this child." I have never raised such a young child, and I am an immature person who cannot do housework properly. Still, I want to live with this child. It is the duty of those who have saved lives! "

"... taking one's life is something that should never be taken lightly." I'm sure Genjiro will have a hard time. You may feel the feeling of being torn apart. If you keep it at the Oda family, you will have a life without any difficulties.... do you still want to live with this child? "


He looked as if he was bothered by me answering immediately, but he immediately smiled.

"Then give the child a name. Naming is the first blessing a child is given by a parent. If Genjiro is ready to become a parent, then he deserves it."

That's why you've been calling me a child, right? And when I was told with a laugh, I still had a bitter smile that I couldn't hide anything from you.

Now, I recovered my mind and faced the child.

Actually, I've already decided on a name. This morning, when I finally decided to be ready to see that figure flying freely in the sky.

"Your name is Autumn Leaf. I don't have anything to tie you up anymore. I want you to live freely, freely, everywhere. Autumn leaves... may your future life be filled with vivid colors."

- Just pray for it.

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