Hideyoshi Hashiba, Ando Castle, October 11th, Tensho

Walk the night road relying on the slight lights at hand. After passing through the main gate of Azuchi Castle and walking down a gentle hill, he immediately approached a street lined with samurai houses.

As soon as I saw Tsubaki's face, I rushed through the space between the four doorkeepers and entered the mansion two houses away. I took off my footwear at the entrance and handed over the lights to the samurai who restrained themselves to the side. I finally took a breath when I was lying in my bedroom.

"...... haa"

I didn't sleep much, and after turning over several times, I opened my eyelids. In the darkness, I just gaze at the slightly visible gap in the ceiling. It doesn't make sense. It was just the conversation that came to my mind while I was wasting my time eating my laziness.

After seeing off the three mages who were leaving, they naturally dissolved. The expressions of Kwon Roku and Goro Zuo, who had been so rough, had cleared up sometime, and when they finished, the Oda family's policy remained intact and the elders' unity increased.

No matter how much you learn about the threat of a foreign country, the great aspirations continue to stand unshaken. A shadow of a dominant king overlapping his childhood. Tsubaki thought again. With him, the Oda family would be safe.

When I came down the stairs with that feeling in my chest, I suddenly heard a call from behind.

"... do you mind?"

Stop and look back. There, there was a figure of guardsman with a dark expression that seemed to be filled with thoughts. As a lord, I decided to accept the invitation of the guards.

"... oh, I see. I see... it's about time." Let's rent a room there. "

The official guard nodded silently at the suggestion of Kaoru. Late at night, in the darkness where no one passes, the sound of quietly closing the door echoed.

I turn on the lights by relying on the moonlight. A slight fire lit up the faces of the guards and officers. With a heavy silence flowing, Kaoru called out encouragingly.

"That's right, don't be distracted." In the mid-thirties, Ichisuke's serviceman-like guards showed their wisdom by standing up in front of the Oda clan chief and the four elders. Be honest and proud of it. "

I nodded firmly with my arms around me.

In fact, the official guard, who is not even a national daimyo, summoned the four elders and told them about the end of the Oda family in the future in front of the three masters who had enough people in the world.

What a bold thing to do. Even though it's a reward, I can't complain even if I'm rude on the spot. If you do the same in front of your lordship, you won't be able to guarantee your honest life.

Tsubaki deeply liked the preparedness of the guards. Now that the Half Guard is dead, the official guard will still be indispensable. That's why we're encouraging depressed guards.

However, even so, the official guard's expression remained shadowy.

"Young people really want to build the world of Taiping under the heavens. We have no choice but to fight. Peace can last as long as there is blood flow.... For me, I couldn't even imagine doing business with a foreign country to strengthen my country and form an alliance with a foreign country....... If there were more people like him, Hinomoto would really welcome the world of Taiping."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Yes, yes, yes!"

Basically, the official guards who did not appreciate people loosened their cheeks when they bent and praised the Third Master. I wasn't praised for myself, but I was very happy about why.

But it will soon subside.

"By the way, I don't see too much reality." I didn't think the Otomo Expedition would end so easily. How to get out of other famous houses... people don't change so easily. Honestly, even if we can fulfill the World Heritage as it is, the world of Taiping will never come. "


His heart rapidly cooled as he mumbled like a bite. Whether you were aware of it or not, a gaze that somewhere blamed you pierced your eyes.

Tsuji affirmed it with a nod without blaming it.

"Ahh, maybe so..."

A serious act as an elder of the Oda family. In the meantime, since we are dealing with officers and guards who have suffered together, the difficulties that the Oda family will have in the future have faded.

Acceleratingly inflated territory. The associated shortage of human resources. The gap between old and new arrivals. A missionary behind the scenes. Daimyo Keppel.

... no, that's not what the guards want to say.

"The presence of the Daimyo family with too much power..."

"......! Yes, it's on the left."

When he touched the difficult problem he had avoided, the guardsman frowned in amazement for a moment, but he immediately smiled meaningfully.

Ah, it looks like I had a bad feeling about Tsubaki. Apparently, it's still going to be a long night.

I broke my leg and put my hand on my chin. To whom is the deep sigh of breath?

"The Hojo family is a million stones, and the Changshu Kobe family is six hundred and fifty thousand stones. The Maori and Shimadzu clans, depending on the work of the Otomo Expedition, 600,000 to 700,000 stones...? The territory of the Six Kingdoms and the Tsubaki Valley is also vast. Together we can reach a million stones.... if you think about it later, it could be a threat to the Oda family."

If the Oda clan fulfilled its role as one of the world's largest clansmen, the Oda clan would change from being a clan minister to becoming a daimyo that supported the general's family. If so, there are too many Million Stone territories in a big family. At least seventy... no, we must suppress it to five hundred thousand stones, and the power relationship between the General's family and the Daimyo family will be turned upside down.

If that happens, the world of Taiping will not come, as the guards say. What awaits is a puppet regime like the Kamakura Shogunate, where the general becomes the elder.

Of course, I couldn't forgive such a foolishness while my eyes were black.... but I don't know their descendants. The descendants of the Daimyo family, with its vast territory, have no idea of the shards, such as pledging allegiance to the Futaba Oda family.

Therefore, I could easily understand the path drawn by the official guards.

"Yeah, that's right." Good now. We have a young man. There are many who pledge allegiance to their Lords and to their Lords. Why don't you think about a hundred or two hundred years ahead! Without a doubt, we can see the rampage of the overpowered Daimyo family. If you truly wish for Taiping, you must immediately cut off the power of the Daimyo family. The opportunity to hit and put it on is...... Tang Zhi "

(After all, that's what the guards were after.)

"Tanba-sama told me that getting into Tang is reckless and will destroy the power of the Oda family. Shibata-sama told me that I must show the power of Hinomoto to the Nanbarre by making a donkey. And there is the challenge of the Daimyo family that has too much power here. … Now, how can we solve all the problems?”

Tsubaki tells the guards to check one by one, and Tsubaki tells them the plan that he kept silent at the time.

"...... Tsubaki took the lead and gathered the Oda rebels and launched. You can keep the rebels away from Ninomoto without succeeding, and you can make most of the soldiers bear the burden of the Daimyo of the countries and cut off their power. There is no problem with the Oda clan because it is a famous house in various countries, and if fierce battles are fought in various places, it can show the power of Nanba and Ninomoto.... if the Oda family elder moves, it won't seem suspicious"

Then, if Ninomoto is taken as the conspirator who fell into chaos after the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the prestige of the Three Masters will be increased, and the status of the Oda family will be an easy one.

If you can build the world of Taiping with your life and hundreds of thousands of lives, is there no way to do that?

My lord, I'll be here until the end.

Kaoru answered the shining guards.

”Tsk... tsk...”

Slowly open your eyelids.

In the end, Tsubaki never agreed to go into Tang. I decided to obey the decision of the Third Master.

Perhaps it would be more certain to ride on the Officer Guard's suggestion, indeed. However, it wasn't that I didn't think about it as the Third Master. Even without shedding blood, he has devised a plan to build and maintain the world of Taiping.

... but it was still a plan full of holes. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of time left for the Third Master. I believe that one day, I will be able to realize my dreams.

At night, it was not yet dawn.

A man walks in the darkness.

"Ah, why can't anybody understand..." "Why do you reject domination..." Even though we've set you up so far! "

Badly mixed with irritability, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the night sky.

"...... That's right, you don't have to grow the king's vessel anymore." We're ready to go. After that, just do it as planned. I can't be stupid, but there's no one here who can do it!! "

- Oh, yes. I wish I were king.

A crazy man is reflected on the moon. The burning ambition will burn not only himself, but everything.

Then the time passed.

November of the 11th year of Heavenly Majesty.

The Oda clan issued the Otomo Crusade Order to the famous houses of various countries, using the death of the Emperor as an exculpatory character. However, official guards were concerned, and the Shimadzu family, Akizuki family, and Ito family were the only ones who stuck to it. The Ryuzaki clan declared that they would not fight and would not go down to the army gate, and the Otomo clan showed a total resistance.

In response, the Imperial Court took over the official position and patronage of the Daimyo family who disobeyed their orders, and the Oda family ordered them to go to the Daimyo family under their umbrella.

And then, in March of the twelfth year of Heavenly Judgment.

As the vanguard gradually prepared for the battle on the border, the three mages led the Oda clan's main army to shoot the crooks. After seeing the Emperor, he declared that he was going to consume Otomo.

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