Tenzhen 12th year March Kyoto

Otomo's Grand Orders for Expedition

Whoever said it, the name immediately rang all over Hinomoto. Every samurai, every merchant, every peasant whispers his name.

Ah, the turmoil is finally over.

Is the world of Taiping coming?

Months of preparation in response to such expectations. The outpost was completed at the beginning of March as planned, and the opening of the war was decided in mid-April.

Already, the vine and the left approach have led their forces into the fortress, and Katsura is not here because he has joined the Murakami Marine Army and is in the Seto Inland Sea. There are 30,000 Oda Honjun and 10,000 Umbrella Allied troops in this capital. And with thousands of people packed together for today's commemorative day, the capital was booming.

It was also the case that the ruler of the Otomo Expedition was allowed to see the emperor who ruled Hinomoto from ancient times. Then, after worshiping, he declared that he would march on the people.

If you ask such a thing, it is the human nature that wants to witness the historical moment even if it is not true. It was only natural for me to use this great opportunity to demonstrate my power to the warlords and many people belonging to the coalition forces under my umbrella who I met for the first time.

Now, this place was filled with the tranquility of a different world, while the noisy people could not be found in the town of Kyoto.

Dressed in full costumes prepared only for this day, he slowly corrected his posture and continued after his father-in-law. Approaching the crossing hallway, there was a garden completed in a simple but one world. Even if I am neglected by art, the beauty is so complete that I unconsciously let out exclamations of admiration.

I was overwhelmed just by being there. I can assert that there is no other garden that is so mysterious, even if it is called Hinomoto Hiroshi. An art that can't be made just by hanging gold. Beings who are willing to dedicate themselves to it.

After all, I finally understood that Emperor was a special person. In my previous life, there were no shards of respect, and I only expressed my gratitude for the emperor's birthday, which extended the winter holiday. The sense of previous life that somehow dragged me finally wiped out by actually visiting the court.

When I stopped like that, my father-in-law, who was walking in front of me, noticed me and called out.

"... hh? What's wrong?"

"... no, it was such a beautiful garden."

"I see, I see!" This garden is the most beautiful in Nikko, and I know the feeling of falling in love with it because Tei loves it so much. "

Mmm, nodding my father-in-law, I once again turned my body towards the garden.

I was about to meet the Emperor. A human god who draws the blood of the great defender. Most Exalted in the world. Everyone paid homage and honored the Oda clan for the fact that their visit had come true.

He was also the one who kept seeing the hell of the turbulent world.

I'm going to see him now.

(What kind of person is he?)

With anticipation and anxiety, I moved on.

It was dimmer than I had imagined during my visit.

The first thing I thought was how I felt when I entered my father-in-law. All the doors were closed, and the light streaming in through the gap gently wrapped the entire room. However, other than that, there is no light, and it is separated from the upper seat by an imperial palace.

With a little confusion, he stopped in front of the upper seat and lay flat on the ground as he was meeting. The dukes stiffened the left and right, and the father-in-law was held in the immediate vicinity of the court.

If you stay there for a while, the time will finally come.

Thank you for your kindness, Emperor.

After hearing the sharp voice, the door opens behind the shrine, and the signs of people slowly approach. Because I didn't raise my face, I didn't know the details, but I felt that my existence was less than that of ordinary people.

"Emperor, he's with Omi Mori." Today, Otomo came to pledge his pledge of victory. "


I raised my eyes a little and looked up at my father-in-law, and responded with a small nod, so I raised my name as planned.

"I'm glad to see you at the beginning. It is located in Oda Omi Mori. I am truly honored to have been honored by the Emperor....... I'm afraid many of your Highness's remarks have just been made, but I don't want to make any corrections."

Slowly raise your face.

"Today, along with the crusade against the Otomo Sonin, the Oda clan came to declare that they would fulfill their role and build the world of Taipei in this Hinomoto."

I made a grand declaration.

The voice suddenly echoed as Zawa Zawa and the Dukes ran agitated.

"...... Leave the Kingsguard and leave."

Even though it's never loud, it's a strange voice that stays in my ear. I noticed that it was the voice of the Emperor after the Lords left the room to obey even though they were upset.

His father-in-law mumbled several times while facing the Emperor like a wolf, and he finally moved to a place where he was convinced. Then, when I thought that I had operated the string at hand, my mouth slowly rose, and I stopped just to see if my mouth would hide.

Upset by the flow, the Emperor slowly opened his mouth.

Omi Mori.


"You are the king's vessel, not God's. Don't forget to mention that."

"...... haha, I understand"

I knelt down again and responded to the words of the Emperor. My father-in-law didn't say anything. Silence was just flowing there.

After all, the Emperor only said one word. Other than that, I only exchanged a few words through my father-in-law, and I immediately decided to leave the scene.

There are many things I think about, but now I don't have to worry about anything. I quickly changed into a stand-up kimono and vigorously walked out of the curtain. The podium built for this day was able to see the large audience gathered here.


There is a huge cheer. When I raised my right hand while receiving it, the cheering stopped as shown. I coughed up the signal once and then took a step forward.

I've never spoken on this scale before, but I can't say that. I already have an angry stomach. I don't know how many people can reach this era without Mike, but I still hope that it will reach many hearts.

"The time has come. The time has come to end the turbulent world that has lasted more than a hundred years. The wish of everyone, the trail of a dream that no one could fulfill. Following that trajectory, the Oda family is now holding the Tenjin Imperial Family. I promise you, I will free the people from suffering with my reign, and build a world of Taiping that will last for a thousand years."


The cheering sprang up again. As a matter of fact, it stopped as soon as Otomo Sonin's name was mentioned.

"Before long, there are those who stand in the way." And there are some who keep away the world of Taiping. And there are those who laugh at the oppression of their people. There are those who collude with missionaries and sell the people of Hinomoto to other countries to fatten their own stomachs....... Daimyo Otomo Sonin, who ruled the Toyoko nation. As long as he is around, the world of peace will never come to this Hinomoto!! "


When he wielded his right hand vigorously, the people fell silent. Wait for the next word. To meet that expectation, he barked while showing off his clenched fist to the people.

"But there's nothing to worry about!!" In this Ninomoto there is one who desires the peace of his people more than anyone else. He will not forgive the wolf that Otomo Sonrin has committed. He said only one word.... take out Otomo Sonin!! "

In response to my words, Uncle Sanji, carrying the banner of the brocade, climbs onto the stage. In his figure, the flag in his hand was overflowing with cheers from the people.


A great cheer that reaches all over Kyoto. When I receive the banner from Uncle Sanji, I give it to Kwon Six, who is holding it by my side. His hands were trembling a little, but Guan Six did receive it. With this flow, I received the Great Sword from Goro's left side. When I was ready, I raised my voice to face Uncle Sanji so as not to lose the big cheer.

"Orders Oda Honjun and General Otomo Marshal of the Otomo Expeditionary Force to Nobutaka Oda. With that sacrifice, clear the way to Taiping under heaven!!"

"I will!!"

Uncle Sanji proudly receives the Great Sword while wearing one knee. In this form, all those present breathe.

Uncle Sanji also inherited the blood of the king of war. Confidence, supported by the solid track record he has built over the past few years, has awakened a sense of domination in him.

The Oda army's proud samurai led the 30,000 Oda Honjun and the 10,000 Umbrella Allied Forces to leave the capital. The conquest of Otomo began with the finishing touches.

There was only one aim: the head of Otomo Sonrin.

Meanwhile, Tei and Maeko were discussing in the court. The agenda is about the Third Master, who is no longer here.

"... Konoe, did you see those young child's eyes?" Those are the eyes that decided to kill people to protect something. It's definitely not a good eye for a toddler like that. "

The sad voice distorted Konoe's face.

"... the fate of Hinomoto will depend on him at the earliest." Now that she's accepted it, she has no choice but to move on. Even if it's on the way to ruin. "

The usual tone lurks behind the ringing, and Konoe Maeko, who is only the father-in-law of the three sorcerers, takes care of herself. The Emperor was convinced of his appearance.

"... someone who is old will eventually be crushed by that talent." It is good while the opponent wields power. Now, when the opponent is gone, who will the raised fist go to? "


"Konoe, you can't leave that baby alone." I still don't know where that body will fall to. "

"... hahaha, I understand"

Looking back at Hirafu's deep guards, Emperor Satoshi slowly stood up and opened the door. A big cheer in the blue sky without any clouds. Listening to that, the Emperor muttered.

- A man cannot be a god. No matter how scorched I may be, I will not be a god. Absolutely... "

It melted quietly into the sky without anyone asking.

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