Now, the time goes back three days.

April 15, 2012.

At the same time that Nobutaka Oda's troops departed Nagamon, the Iyukuni departed with Takeyoshi Murakami, led by Katsura Kuju. Kyushu and Shikoku are not continuous. In order to enter the Toyoko country, it is absolutely necessary to connect the routes. Katsura was entrusted with the important role.

The Otomo Expedition was a siege from the Oda Nobutaka Army, the Takigawa Ikari Army, and the Shimadzu Army to Otomo territory. It is a method of warfare that can only be used by large armies, and although it is simple, it narrows the choice of the opponent. It is a method of warfare that the three mages like to use because if they hang out well, their army can take the lead in the all-out battle.

It's a siege, but if you run anywhere, it won't hold, and on the contrary, if you run anywhere, it won't hold. Failure arises. Drop a castle at a time, narrowing the net and enclosing the enemy so that they do not escape. That is the iron rule.

Ikari, who had also been cautioned by the three mages, had to secure a route connecting Iyo and Toyoko as soon as possible so as not to delay the Oda Nobutaka army.

Fifty thousand soldiers were entrusted to Kazuyuki Takigawa. [Pirate Daimyo] Katsura Kumi and [Pirate King] Takeyoshi Murakami, headed by Henshin Ikeda, Nagatsuke Tanabe, and the Nagasaku Kobe family reinforcements.

The first advantage was that the soldiers entered the Toyoko Prefecture via Beppu Bay and defeated the enemy forces to gain control. Then, while exploring the trends of Oda Nobutaka Army and Shimadzu Army, Otomo Sotomi was going to aim for Azuma Castle.

But that's where we get the information. Otomo Sonrin said that he had gathered a group of ministers from all over the country and pulled them into Usui Castle. They say there are only a few hundred soldiers left in the castle.

I loosened my cheeks for the unexpected good news.

(I heard that Otomo Sonrin has all the fighting power, and even more so, he is still in the castle. If that's the case, you're not going to lose first.)

I had some optimism about the benefits.

If you keep for a few hundred, you can drop some of the Branch Castle in five days. At this rate, there will be no enemy troops to block the boat. It looks like we could land with ease.

In particular, Otomo Sotomi would not fight because he only gathered his forces to fight in the castle. I have no choice but to save my own life.

... if you do that, our army might surround Astral Castle and greet Lord Thirty-seven. "If you take care of it quickly, the Third Master will be delighted..."

Ikari waited for Katsuragi's return as he bounced his chest.

However, those who rode the East-West track nowadays didn't agree with the asshole.

Three days later, Katsura Kumi and Takeshi Murakami returned in a worn-out state. Only one of the three 200 men sent by the Navy came back.

Although the predecessors, the Nine Ghosts and Murakami Water Army were beaten to perfection by the Daiyu Army. Defeat. It was a reality that was pushed to the benefit of Takikawa.

The time was April 19, 1922.

It was dawn one night after Kureyu returned to the outpost. There was still an upset inside the base. Because everyone has seen it. A boat engraved with the traces of a fierce battle. Katsura Kumigami and Takeshi Murakami, who had worn out like a fallen warrior.

However, even though it was a reconnaissance, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was the strongest in Hinomoto. The Nine Ghosts Marine Army and the Murakami Marine Army exposed their disastrous appearance. Defeat. It returns with as much discouragement as I had hoped for. In fact, it was Takigawa who was most shocked by their defeat.

One benefit was that the Nine Ghosts and Murakami Water Army were so frightened of defeat that they could not do it for a moment. No wonder. Although the battle has only just begun, it hasn't changed. For the benefit of those whose meritocracy has taken root since Nobunaga's time, we cannot accumulate any more disillusionment.

There was some news of such a kind of intimidation that it was mentally beneficial. It was about the Battle of the Toga River that defeated Takashin at Ryuga-ji Temple.

Early in the morning, under the orders of General Kazuyuki Takigawa, there were all the warlords in the main division who were ranked as legion commanders. Of course, some of them were Takayoshi Murakami, who was accompanying Kureyoshi.

"... a few moments ago, Master Thirty-seven's envoy arrived in a hurry." Engage the Ryugakuji army on the Toga River. The great achievement is the defeat of Ryugakuji Takashin, as well as numerous warlords. It's a great victory for your side..... "


The sudden glad tidings gave rise to a voice of joy. Takashi Ryuzaki, one of Kyushu's most powerful men, 's feat of capturing it suddenly raised his morale to its peak. Forget the defeat ahead.

However, there was a continuation of the report from Nobutaka Oda.

"However, it seems that Oda army also suffered a lot of pain." There were also serious injuries among the legionnaire-qualified warlords, and many of those standing on the front line were said to have died.......!? And it looks like the 37 has been injured too. "

...... What's going on!?

The generals get up in a hurry to report their injuries. I gained control of it with my right hand without panicking.

"Oh, no, wait." Thirty-seven-sama was safe. Fortunately, it's done with minor injuries, and it doesn't seem to be life-threatening. "

Is that the left side?

There is a sense of relief in the parking lot. If Nobutaka had known that he was at the forefront without regard for danger, he would have hurt his stomach around Hengxing Ikeda.

The first benefit of understanding it is to lie down and talk about the facts.

"However, it seems that I will use my time to reorganize the army for ten days." After that, it is written that Fujiyoshiro and Sansei will separate their soldiers and take separate actions. Perhaps, Fujiyoshiro would take control of the territory of Ryuzaki Temple.... and the 37th Lady is headed for Atsushi Castle. "


The words strengthen everyone's body. I figured out what I was going to do for a living. One benefit was that he dropped his shoulder in a heavy state of mind.

"The Thirty-seventh Master's army seemed to be more drained than expected." There are also support supplies from the Maori family, but if we think about the battle ahead, we will definitely run out. In particular, the injured person's medical treatment made the stock of medicine unwilling, and the Takigawa Army was asked to deliver supplies to the Toyoko country as soon as possible... "


After reading all of the sentences from Nobutaka, a heavy air flows through the scene. If this news had arrived earlier... no, it would still have been this way in the end.

Ikari wanted to beat herself up until the other day. There is nothing wrong with Nobutaka's request. In the first place, the first priority should be to connect the Iyo country and the Toyoko country by sea and secure the supply route. Iron rules for securing supply routes during expeditions. Failure to do so will lead to death. "That's why I sent the Nine Ghosts and the Murakami Water Army..."

"...... Haha"

The sighs overlap.

We must redraw our plans from scratch. In addition, it is time-limited. Ikari was holding his head because he didn't know where to put his hand.

With that, there were two people who looked up at the sky without changing their complexion. The two were Kureyu Kureyu and Takeshi Murakami. One night after returning, the two of them cleaned up their bodies, but for some reason they didn't feel sad. Even though I came back so desperate.

As a matter of course, the figure came to a halt.

"Kaukami, and Murakami." I can't believe you lost unilaterally. What the hell happened? Why are you so calm? "

When one person asks about the two benefits, the other people also look at them. It's true that I lost. However, the details of the situation are not given. If it hadn't been for Nobutaka's message, the first item on the agenda would have been Koro.

Katsuragi and Bukichi talked softly without particularly panicking, knowing that they would be asked.

"...... The fence was closed, and more than a thousand enemy soldiers were fortifying the high fence." The most important thing is the cylinder. It is probably installed off the coast of Sanmen. It was the sole that sank two boats. "

What the hell!?

The group stood up unexpectedly. Ikari and Ikari didn't think the Otomo family was taking that kind of action.

(Was it a rumor that it was tucked in?!)

Anxiety swirls in the back of my chest.

However, Katsura and Bukichi stretched their shoulders without any particular problems.

"Don't worry, Milord Takigawa." The soldiers don't have enough leadership. Probably, there are multiple warlords, but all of them are of the same grade, and I don't think there are any generals who can bind them. "

"I also agree with Nine Ghosts." That's not Otomo's army. Well, from a distance, and I don't have any hard evidence... Well, don't worry about it. If we wait ten more days, we'll have an opportunity. Until then, it would be good if you waited loosely ”

"Ten days!?" Then we won't be able to keep up with Master Thirty-seven's move! At the very least, we must capture the prefecture before the Thirty-seven come!! "

The one benefit of kicking the desk with an exasperation is finally to say something you shouldn't say.

"In the first place... this wouldn't have happened if you guys hadn't lost in the first place!!" You've lost more than half of your men! If you're going to run away, you'll still be using it if you risk your life to open the door!! "


”...... ah”


Everyone sees the benefits as if they were giggling. Benefit also happily blocks my mouth.

But now it's too late to shut your mouth. I can't believe I didn't say the words I threw up. Even if it wasn't a word from the heart... "

"...... now, excuse me for this."

"Hey, why don't you wait!!" Whoa!! "

Katsura and Wuji left the party with no more talk with the benefit of anger. Only the benefits of anger and the warlords who admired it were left on the spot.

Dangerous atmosphere. Imminent time limit.

But after the last ten days. As Katsuragi and Bukichi said, things will progress at once.

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