April 27, 1912, Iyukuni Katsura

The surface of the sea shines thinly in the moonlight. The sound of the waves pulling back, and the sake in the mouth of the pig fluttered. Lightly spinning it, the moon shines into the sake, and it is drunk all at once while being satisfied with the sight of its elegance.

"...... Phew"

Oh, I can't stand this one. Just listening to the sound of the waves is reassuring. After all, drinking while looking at the sea is exceptional. It would be nice to have a moon.

Someone suddenly sits beside me when I smile at myself molesting that I am a child of the sea even to the marrow of my bones. As he turned his gaze, Murakami smiled in Tokuri's hand.

"Yah! I'll get in your way!"

"... oh, I interrupted the corner Tsukimi." Now, let's put down the gentle substitute. "

With a joke, he touched Murakami's shoulder and hung down next to him with a laugh that said it was okay.

"This is the local sake that the fishermen here shared during the day." It's not a luxury product like it sells in Kyoto, but it tastes really good inside! "

"Local sake... hey?"

The sake is poured rampantly into the pig's mouth. There is a liquor drifting down my nose. As soon as it's fizzy, the rich taste spreads throughout the mouth, and the distinctive aroma of local sake comes out of the nose at once.

"...... yum, yum!"


Murakami hugs my shoulder in a good mood and pours alcohol into his pig's mouth. I was expecting the local fishermen to share it with me, but I didn't expect it to taste better than I expected.

"It's a good drink....... This makes me want a dish."

"Oh, you're the husband of the Rock Nine Ghosts." You're ready, aren't you? "

When he took the dried fish out of his pocket, Murakami could see it and his eyes glowed. Apparently, it's going to be a long night.

... how long has it been? As the talk grew, virtuoso rolled at his feet and eventually moved to a topic of folly.

"... nku,... nku... hah. Anyway, you're mad at me, aren't you? Takigawa-sama!"

"No, as far as the niece who carried the dusk was concerned, she seemed to have regained a lot of calm."... I got a message from the Third Master last night. Apparently, they scolded me a lot. "What's the matter with shaming those who have returned to their lives before they can say the words of labor!!”...... ”

"Huh? Your Majesty is very affectionate." You're still talking about five, aren't you? I can't believe it because I've never met him, but heroes of the times are anecdotes that don't know what the East and the West mean. I'm sure that's how it is. "

"... well, the Third Master is not normal."

Answer the misunderstanding with a bitter smile.

So, what is our General going to do now?

"... oh, they're looking for another route right now."

"... hey, don't you expect any more from us?" I'm in a good mood, General. Can't you hear me telling you to wait a few days? "


Murakami was the first to start drinking directly without even using Oguchi. I kept my mouth shut without denying it. I'm unhappy because I'm unhappy.

That day, I went with Murakami to the temple. The soldiers who took them crossed the sea, divided into six hundred men and three ships.

The waves were gentle, and the soldiers had too much energy. It was a very smooth slide. Some of the soldiers chatted softly. I naturally scolded him.

Both I and Murakami had a bad feeling. There's no point. Kang worked for us.

Stroke the edge of the boat. This expedition was mainly for reconnaissance purposes, and I was not armed enough to allow combat if I could capture it. Therefore, Murakami and I felt very reluctant.

And that premonition was right.

I approached the place where I could see the birds with my naked eye...... At that time, Kataro, who had been entrusted with looking at things, captured something in his sight.

"......?...... That's it!? Huh, report!! Large-scale fence found near the entrance!! Behind that, you can see the armed soldiers!!"

What are you talking about!?

If you look at it in a hurry, you can certainly see something like that. My eyesight only makes me look astonished, but if I had seen Kataro, I would have.

(Was it read by Stony? They're not stupid, either. But our goal is only to scout. If you're laying a formation in the vicinity, you just have to take the appropriate measures....... in the meantime, it's time to retreat)

"Stop!! I'm going to turn back this time!" Get ready now!! "


Everyone moves together on my orders. This time, it was over. As soon as I thought about it, a roar rang to the point of shaking the universe.

- Dong-dong!!!

"......! Get down! -" Dobaaaahn!!! "

A tremendous splash of water echoes the voice of the village. A fiercely shaken boat. Some of them are thrown into the sea. Scream. Scream. Ringing.

At this time, the events of the night before I left Kyoto passed through my head.

"Otomo Sonrin is an ardent Keishitan, and in contrast, Yu is distanced from missionaries. Missionaries whose purpose is to preach to the Ming Dynasty are always looking for those in power to support their work.... In other words, I want you to beat Otomo Sotomi, who can move at his own will, rather than the Oda family, who can't be alarmed for missionaries.... perhaps the missionary has given up his weapon to Otomo Sonin. Katsura, always act with the worst assumptions. If you feel you can't win, run away and share the information with your allies. I'll take the responsibility."

"...... Hear me, everyone!!"

Raise your voice as the roar resounds. Everyone's gaze turns to us. Eyes determined to be ready. Death appears on everyone's faces.... I bit my back teeth hard.

"This battle is our defeat!! And we need to let our people know about the traps set up in this precinct! Someone has to survive alone to get back! That's why... you guys are going to die here!!"

The answer was given immediately.


Answer: The second and third ships charged at full speed. Unsurprisingly, the enemy's attacks were concentrated on the two ships.... on the other hand, the first one that Murakami and I boarded turns back the course that came at full speed.

Reversed water splashes. Swaying sea surfaces. The shells hit and the boat sank to the bottom of the ocean. While biting his lips, he burned the sight into his eyes, and suddenly Murakami stood beside him.

"No one in the ocean is prepared to die." Don't apologize. It's an insult to their pride. "

"... I know, I know."

The boat shakes violently and covers its head with waves.

I didn't have to wipe it.

In the end, only a hundred and fifty men returned alive. More than half of Murakami's men and I sank to the bottom of the ocean.

The sight of that day passes over my head, and I see a pig in my mouth.

"I was taken care of by Takigawa's husband." I also have the gratitude for connecting me to the Oda family. Once defeated, we will be treated as generals. "


"But we didn't run away without thinking!" I didn't just bring the information back! I was dying to think of a way to break the status quo. Believe me, that's the best thanks I can give to those who died that day! However, my husband did not listen to it and ordered me to take responsibility for the defeat!! I'm absolutely convinced!! "

Your pig's mouth is shattered and dripping with sake. Even though I was about to be drunk by anger, I took a deep breath to try to calm down.

After a while, I finally got an agreement and bowed my head to the village.

"...... I'm sorry. I'm so confused."

"... it doesn't matter. Everyone does."

Murakami leaned toward virtuoso without showing any particular concern. A throwing dialogue, but I finally realize that the time has come for a serious gaze.

Can you get rough?

"Ah, it's finally here." The wind is humid. No doubt about it.... get ready, Nine Ghosts Milord "

- It's a storm.

Two days later, a spring storm blew up in Iyukuni.

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