April 29, 2012 Iyukuni Katsura

It was a storm with strong winds and beatings from the morning. The sea is big. It was far from the calm of the ocean until the other day. Both me and Murakami were expecting the sea to be rough for many years, but I didn't expect the storm to come so far.

(However, this storm is also appreciated according to the way of view.)

Looking out at the ocean while struck by the rain, Murakami emerges from a nearby cabin while stretching out. Even in the storm, for some reason, Murakami walked as usual.

"Hey, isn't it too soon, Mister Nine Ghosts?"

"I've been waiting for this moment..." Last night, I was so upset that I couldn't sleep much. "

"Oh, that's odd." Same goes for me! "

"... by the way, is there any reason that the guy who snored like he felt so good last night is lacking in sleep!"

"No... hahaha..."

I looked away from the cheeky village and let out a sigh.

"Don't play the farce. Even if you don't take care of me like that, I'll be fine as usual." Strangely, there is no strength in my shoulder. I just want to fulfill my vow of the day. "


Focus on your right hand.

We're going out to sea. I set up a surprise attack on the big friendly army in the prefecture and repaid the debt I owed the other day. I know the cause of the defeat. That big cylinder. Defeated by a one-sided attack from a very long distance. We don't stand a chance unless we take him out.

(... that's why we've been waiting for this storm)

Gunpowder is vulnerable to rain. No matter how powerful the cylinder is, its nature is no different from that of a cannon. If so, it's impossible to handle the barrel in this storm!

Moreover, if the visibility becomes poor due to bad weather, it is difficult to be discovered by objects. You wouldn't have thought of coming across the stormy sea. Surprise. If we get close enough, it's ours.

I looked at Murakami with my prepared eyes. Then, Murakami raised his face slowly as he exhaled a deep sigh only once. In it, the cheerful atmosphere had disappeared, and there was a figure of a king leading a number of pirates.

"It was a once-only route to the prefecture." Even in the dark, I am confident that I will never escape.... but if you go beyond this wave, you'll be ready to die. To be honest, there's a 50/50 difference between living and dying.... Milord, do you still want to do it? "

Of course.

Immediate response. Take a serious look at the village head-on. Normally, it would be foolish to say that sailing in a storm is suicidal. Murakami said 50/50, but a regular sailor would definitely die from being drunk by the waves.

But do it.

I have to do it.

It is not because of the atonement of those who died that day. I didn't mean to look back at Takigawa's husband. To win, we need to win with our own hands!

That's the choice I chose as a samurai!!


"There's no one in the ocean who's not ready to die... right?"

"... heh, I didn't even have to ask..."

"Oh, I think so." Both Murakami and I were waiting for this moment, ready to leave no one behind. Now, it's not the men who get scared and run away. "

"...... that's right."

The two of them smile lightly.

Now, it will be time to get ready.

Well then.

Let's do it.

The first step I took was in harmony with nature.

When I got there, the servants were already busy working there. There is a giant safe houseboat at sea. Whether various reinforcements have been applied in the past ten days, even if they are rubbed by rough waves, their heavy presence will not fade.

Admiring how well it worked, you meet a soldier who was loading wood for reinforcement. Then, in an instant, our presence spread among the servants, and we all corrected our postures on the spot. I'll take the sole with my right hand.

Thank you very much, keep going.


My words all start moving at once. I heard the details from Takezo, who immediately rushed to the side, and Murakami and I split up and ran to the final confirmation.

Ship Condition, Stockpile, and Weapon Count. Selected for the crew roll call. Much remains to be done. I double-checked one item at a time so as not to be disconnected.

In the meantime, the time has passed, and finally all the final checks are over.

"... good. Now, the final confirmation is over. Those chosen by the crew must get aboard the ship and get ready to sail! We'll set sail in half a minute!!"


When you are ready to sail, your morale rises. The chosen ones promptly ran to the nearby hut and dressed themselves.

(Well, I guess we'll be ready as well.)

When I turned my heels back while thinking about it, I saw a group of people coming towards me from the base. He is unarmed and not an enemy. However, a rough breath is coming to us in quite a hurry.

And when I finally saw clearly the figure of a group of leading runners, I accidentally said their names.

"Milord of Takigawa..."

"... hah,... hah.... oh, Kalong!!"

He exhaled and reached for his lap. In this weak figure, the guilt that I said behind my back the other day soaked out from the back of my chest, and I accidentally turned away from my gaze.

When he finally regained his breath, he turned to his surroundings. Then, when I found the safe house ship near the sail, I was upset to see it and shook my eyes. The eyes that were staring at us in a hurry had a feeling of sadness.

"Oh, you're not going out to sea?" Are you crazy! The sea is so rough!? "

"... left. We're headed out to sea and headed for the palace." During the storm, we are aware of the dangers of going offshore.... so you didn't stop-- "None at all! Let's decide to stop it!!"......? "

She is intercepted by her husband's cry.

"Is it because I said something like that!?" He fought for his life to fulfill his mission, and he irrationally dealt with the Kaluzu who returned to the end of their misery.... now that you've recovered your sanity, I know. See how stupid I was. Katsura, please forgive me. "

"...... What!? Ah, please raise your head!"

With a deep bow in my head, I hurriedly begged my husband to put my hand on my shoulder. My husband and I are in different positions. My husband is one of the four elders of the Oda family. If you expose yourself to such public ugliness, your position will be in danger.

Certainly, I was angry at that attitude. But Mister Takigawa is my benefactor. I still had a lot of favor to give back. To that extent, I couldn't restrict my husband.

But my husband won't raise his head for a while.

"No, let me apologize!" I made a mistake. The attitude at that time was far too lacking in sincerity. There was nothing wrong with Kiryu. That defeat is all to blame.... so please don't hurry! "

"... eh?"

"Since Tsubaki said such a thing, did Karen decide to step out so recklessly to return the stigma!?" Please, reconsider! If you go out to sea in a storm like this, you're dead! Katsura is not a good person to die in this place. I don't want you to die. You don't have to do anything. Artillery fire from the sea will undoubtedly be necessary when capturing Mirage Castle. I was sure to create a place for them to play an active role. That's why-- "

”Stigma returns... reckless... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh”

Shake your shoulders and clog your words. With that figure, I finally understood what my husband wanted to say.

My husband thought I was desperate and trying to make a reckless assault. You must have heard that I was about to sail in the storm when I was thinking about it alone. That's why he rushed to stop us.

(... did you care so much about me?)

Seeing such a mess, I remembered that my attitude at that time might have been bad for a while. I may be able to come back and drink with you again... "

I'll send a gaze signal to Murakami. Then Murakami shrugged his shoulders and returned to the cabin. Seeing off the figure behind her, she knelt down to gaze at her husband.

"Don't worry, Milord Takigawa." I'm not desperate. In order to win, I decided to sail in the storm to conquer the barrel. "

Oh, Makoto?

"Yeah, sure, it's going to be a tough journey." We could die before we get there. Now was the best time to launch an ambush. We need to be aware of some of the dangers. "


"Besides, there's one more reason I can't lose..." I promise, Milord. It was easy to come back after conquering the prefecture. I still have a lot to do! "

Also, let's have a drink together... Milord.

April 29, 2012.

The ship that carried us sailed towards the prefecture.

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