April 29, 2012.

The conflict with Takigawa Ichiki was resolved, and the Koumi and Murakami Shuiwa troops went out to sea with enthusiasm. The aim is to be located within the Toyoko Prefecture. The one who waited was the Great Friendly Army, which prepared three cannons, 1,500. Once, there was no frightening colour in their eyes, even if they were beaten to the brim.

Dark clouds hang in the sky, and thunder blows.

Katsura Kumi and Takeshi Murakami's one-strike sword, which swung literally everything, aimed at the head of the Otomo army.

Now, such people were rubbed by the rough waves between Shikoku and Kyushu. A ship up and down like a tall wave.

Everyone on the ship kept moving without hesitation, and instructions from Katsura Kaufu and Takeyoshi Murakami flew.

Captain! There's a hole in the side!!

"Bring the wood from below immediately! If you don't hurry, you'll sink!!"

Nine monsters, the water is coming in!!

"Use your body to block it!"... Hey, you next door, bring the board! It's urgent!! "

"Hah, hahah!!"

"......!? Suzuki is in the sea......"

"You idiot!! You didn't tie your rope properly!!"... he can't be saved anymore. Give up. You'll be ready when you go out to sea. ”


"Bastards!! If you don't want to die, put the lifeline firmly on the pillar!! Got it!!"


The crew will follow Bukit's instructions to re-tie the lifeline through their waist. The sole connected to the big pillar literally connects their lives. He looks sturdy, but if he wants to survive this storm, he'll be stunned.

However, as a person, I don't complain, but I grit my teeth and work on my work. In the first place, it had nothing to do with the generals, the soldiers, or the rowers. Everyone lost the storm while supporting each other.

Overcoming one defeat, overcoming one another's confrontations, and once again challenging difficult enemies. Ah, that would be a very impressive development. If it is a story, Kalu Da arrives in the prefecture after many trials. There is no one to lose.

However, natural disasters do not have anything to do with such expediency and attack Kaluda.

Six hours have already passed since Iyukuni sailed. If it is the usual, it will suit me when I can already see it. No, it is not strange that it has arrived.

But reality is ruthless everywhere. A total of 200 crew members. Thirteen lives had already been sunk into the sea by the sole formed by all the fighters, because the rowers were in charge. I still can't see the hatchet. Even if they refuse, everyone's chest feels impatient and makes a stir.

Katsura was one of them.

"... Murakami, are you sure you're okay?"

Normally, it is a weak sound that is rarely uttered. However, in this extreme state, humans will speak anxiously.

But this guy was different.

"Ah, no problem. The ship is doing well!"

"... but--" Hey! You're off to the left! Fix your trajectory now!! Don't fight the waves! You just have to go straight through the path in the flow!! "


Bukichi gives instructions without shifting his gaze even once from the surface of the sea. The gaze seemed to capture a path that only he could see.

In this form, Katsura gains an unfounded sense of security. A truly contradictory idea. However, this represents this feeling surprisingly accurately. Yes, I was told to trust Takeshi as a sailor.

(I have no choice but to believe it...? Let's wrap our bellies around it. Normal technology is impossible to overcome a storm. And technology alone is impossible. What is important is the luck that was loved by heaven. It's lucky to have a destiny.... it looks like there's a sole on the back of that village. Something that my master and the Third Master were always prepared for... Then I'll do everything I can!)

"Everyone, listen up!! You've done so well. We're almost there!! I'm a rower, too.... this will be the last time. Squeeze your strength!! I'm going to put in a temper!!"


During the storm, a roar echoed. At this time, the hearts of all the crew members were wrapped in a sense of unity as if they had become a monolith.

Then, after three shifts, I detach myself from the rowers once. Yoshitaka sat leaning against the wall.

”... poof,... poof,... poof”

I can't breathe well. My hands are bleeding and I feel painful. Looking around, everyone is breathing on his shoulder.

Your body is wet from this raining rain and rough waves, draining your strength even more than usual. Everyone is talking to each other, but many people are barely responding.

Until now, I've endured the cold with my strength, but this may be the line between life and death.

(This is...... the limit......?)

When she almost let out such a soft sound, someone slapped Katsura on the shoulder. Haha, I regained consciousness and turned to the side. There was a figure of Bukichi who had been inspiring everyone until just now.

"Hey, Mister Nine Ghosts." Are you conscious? "

”Mura... bam... oh, it's okay...”

Somehow I move my mouth and spin my words. After that, Bukichi relaxed his mouth for a moment, then smiled and patted his shoulders again and again.

"If you keep imagining things you don't like, you'll be conscious in no time." Anyway, imagine something more enjoyable. "

"It's fun..."

"That's right, you told Takigawa-sama before you set sail, right?" I still have something to do... Remember that. Dreams of the future are the driving force behind living the present!! "

"Dreams... things I want to do..."

Repeat Bukichi's words.

What comes to mind is the view you saw that day. The entrance to the ocean I saw for the first time. A vibrant market. First sightings: an unusually black giant and a white alien with a long nose.

(At that time, what did I think......)

One day, I want to go out to sea. Just imagining the sights and things you've never seen before makes your chest dance.... oh, yeah. I want to go on an adventure through the unknown.

"... if the Ryukyuji family were to be destroyed in the previous battle, the Higashimae country, which is the territory of the Ryukyuji family, would be empty."... I want a territory there. It doesn't have to be one country. Even if it is small, it should be facing the sea. If you raised your martial arts in this battle and got the territory you wanted... I'm sure you'll want to travel the world someday. "

I could remember the origin.

Then, mysteriously, a burning heat overflowed from the back of my chest. There is no numbness in the limbs. The sensation returned to Karen's fingertips, which were so paralyzed by the cold.

Bukichi suddenly laughed out loud as he opened his eyes and looked at his hands.

"Ha ha ha! What a grand dream that is!" Isn't it great, a trip around the world is the most interesting thing to do with a sailor.... oh, that's really interesting. At that time, shall I go with my husband...? "

"I'm going out to sea with Murakami..." It's definitely not bad. "

Isn't that right!?

I loosened my cheek to Bukichi, who laughed. Bukichi then pointed forward with a deeper smile.

Well then, I'll have to raise my martial arts here.


- Pichari!!!

A thunderbolt lifted the sole from the darkness.

"Now, we've finally arrived."...... It's a fool in the office. "

... ohh!?... ohh... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

The joy of the entire crew explodes in Bukit's words. Everyone clapped their shoulders and shared their joy, crying out in tears for unspeakable thoughts.

Katsuragi was also shaking with joy rising from the depths of his chest as he quietly wept.

"Here we are... here we are... you guys"

Squeeze your right hand as hard as you can.

The time has come to fulfill the vow of that day.

I'm going to chew on that fact.

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