Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 10 - Monke's First Step

~ First Person POV (Jionni) ~

A day of hard grinding and farming has passed. The chimps have lured a total amount of 23 monsters and 12 animals into the dungeon, which we then promptly killed. During the time when monsters weren't present, I spent the time practicing my magic, as well as improving my skills.

Since I was basically just a big brute that relies on pure strength against an enemy, I capitalized on that strength and tried to improve said strength, but the next problem rose from training it.

My speed.

I'm huge, I have huge body (hitbox), my swings are widely telegraphed, and I have no technique whatsoever. I could get away with having no technique at the moment, but speed is a crucial piece in fighting. What use are my attacks if I can't even hit the enemy?

I dodged an attack coming from Manny, a huge silver axe sinking into the ground due to the force it heaved. I barely dodged another attack coming from Gong at my left flank by raising my arm. I jumped back, glancing at the two of my summons' trying their hardest to land a weapon on me.

Currently, I was training with the two of them by only dodging their attacks. We used sticks earlier, but I suggested to use their main weapons to get familiar with them, as well as give me a sense of danger to really push me to my limits. A dangerous training scheme I know, but risks must be taken in order to improve and rise through the food chain.

This is also serves as training for the two of them in teamwork, since they would be paired with each other when defending against trespassers.

By the way, these were the stats I gained for killing the monsters and animals that were lured into the dungeon.

Trespassers killed: 35

13 Goblins = 25 DP, 20 EXP each

7 Kobolds = 35 DP, 25 EXP each

3 Orcs = 60 DP, 50 EXP each

5 Wild Boars = 20 DP, 10 EXP each

7 Deers = 15 DP, 5 EXP each

Naturally, I landed the killing blow on all of them for EXP. My skills also increased from a day of continuous grinding, which left me very ragged at the end of the day. Here are the skill levels I gained during the grind.

[Gorilla Body] + 2

[Inhumane Endurance] + 3

[Gorilla Go Smash!] + 2

[Gorilla Fighting Tech] + 4

[Earth Manipulation] + 2

[Apprentice Mana Manipulation] + 1

[Fire Manipulation] + 3

Yes, now its hard as hell to level them up… and leveling [Inhumane Endurance] was an incredible pain in the ass. Long story short, I had Gong and Manny beat me up for the remainder of a good 5 hours. Lemme tell you, even with this strong as rock body, it hurts… a lot…

[Gorilla Body] just raised in tandem with [Inhumane Endurance] but fell short due to some unknown reasons. [Gorilla Go Smash!] is self-explanatory, I used it while bashing monsters. [Gorilla Fighting Tech] was how I handled the attacks, by dodging, blocking, I even threw my own poop at a poor goblin, who shrieked at the horrible smell, and died then due to blunt trauma from my club.

[Earth Manipulation] and [Fire Manipulation] I had to concentrate with, creating different shapes, making different attacks, different defenses, you get the idea. For [Mana Manipulation], I meditated, and it was boring as hell, but I needed to do it, but it seems leveling that skill will be a pain.

Here's my current status page by the way…

Name: Jionni

Age: 0

Gender: Male

Race: Gorilla

Class: Juggernaut

Level: 8

Exp: 170/ 800

HP: 1770/ 1770

MP: 949/ 949

Str: 40 = 164

Vit: 44 = 167

End: 39 = 148

Agi: 29 = 42

Dex: 30 = 56

Int: 23 = 63

Wis: 22 = 61

Cha: 19 = 28

Luc: 1 = 1

Well then, enough thinking, I better wrap this training session so we can get to rest. The three of us were beginning to get tired.

I dodged another axe coming at me from the side. I the uprooted a tree with my left hand and used it to block an incoming axe attack from above. I then used said tree to force Gong back a few meters away while I get ready to escape. The winning condition for this practice session was for me to reach the exit of this room heading towards the Dungeon Core Room.

A few more dodges and blocks here, I reached the passageway and bid farewell towards the two monkeys who were visibly tired. Can't blame 'em, I've been running themselves ragged for a whole day. Anyway, I reached the Dungeon Core Room and laid on my hammock.

"Oh right, before I forget," I opened the Market and bought the Blacksmithing Set and placed it in a clearing without any trees nearby. I do not want to cause a forest fire inside this dungeon. "I'll get to forging tomorrow, for now… sleeeeeeepppp…"


I woke up and got out of the hammock to start the day. I stretched to get the drowsiness off of me. I then checked the Blacksmith set. It consisted of a forge, anvil, hammer, vise, and tongs. The basics of the basics. It appears I'll have to make the other tool as I go.

Anyway, next I checked for the ores, and there only a tiny stack if iron and copper waiting at the designated spot I assigned where the miner gorillas would drop the ores. Since I still won't be able to use said blacksmithing tools, I promptly headed back towards the first room.

I greeted the monkeys, the chimps having returned before nightfall. I had another idea, and that was to explore the outside. I can't just stay cooped up within my dungeon for the eternity of my life, that would be a very bad decision. Plus, it's boring here not doing anything, so I had a chimp follow me, Chia, and searched the Market for something that can instantly teleport me back to the dungeon, just like what those trespassers used yesterday.

Dungeon Return Stone – 50 DP

I bought it, but marveled how cheap it was. Anyway, I had the stone in hand, I looked towards the entrance.

Unknown world, here I come.

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