Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 11 - Monke Meet Hooman

Truth be told, I was extremely nervous about leaving the dungeon. I had no idea what was out there, had no idea what it looked like, what it smelt like, but I could take a guess based on what I saw when I customized the entrance, and what monsters and animals were lured here.

Guessing from there, I would say that the dungeon was within a forest, and probably has a human settlement nearby thanks to the human, and demi-human (I'm calling them demis' for now since I still had no idea how to refer to them) that trespassed into my dungeon.

With great hesitation, I took the first step outside the dungeon, bidding a brief farewell to the monkeys I left behind for defending our home.

"Boss strong, boss beat up monsters fast," Chia exclaimed beside me as she followed. I ignored her for the most part. She kept on praising me, putting in a high pedestal like I was some god. To be fair though, I did create them, so that sentiment could be understood.

Doesn't mean I like it though. I like living my life in the middle, thank you very much. I like playing games, I don't care about money, except if its about buying the latest gaming console or desktop, as well as necessary stuff like food, water, housing, and clothes. I don't like to be objectified, hence why I somewhat pity idols and celebrities who deal with this crap on a daily basis.

Anyway, as we traveled along, no set destination in mind, we came across a group of goblins looking distressed and scared. Further investigation showed that they were incredibly thin and struggled to even stand upright. Some of them were even naked, showing their genitalia for all the world to see.

Getting an idea, I approached the group of goblins which numbered 8. Chia looked at me funny, but seeing that I was the boss, never judged my actions.

Noticing an approaching presence, the goblins looked at my direction, then trembled in fear as their sights basked upon the hugeness of my black, hairy body within the suit of armor. They tried to move away, but their weak bodies made it difficult and downright impossible to run, so they just stood there, awaiting their demise.

I sighed, have they never seen a gorilla before? They were considered gentle giants, but judging by their expressions, a gorilla is unknown to them. I gave a gesture towards the goblins that was considered the universal sign of non-violence.

Raising my hands up in the air, I stopped a few feet away, staring at each of their eyes with no malice. The goblins looked at me confused, before one of them decided to approach. It was a short goblin, but with more scars and wrinkled, an old one probably. It then spoke to me, but their language was lost to me.

I made a sudden gesture, spooking all of them for a moment before they realized that I was trying to convey that I had no idea what their representative was saying. The old goblin nodded and looked at me perplexed.

Is there anything I can use to translate languages? Lemme check the Market… Umm, can I even use the Dungeon Menu out of the dungeon?

After a few seconds of waiting, I gave up. It seems that the Dungeon Menu can only be opened within the dungeon. Since I had an inventory, in which I almost never used since I held so little items, I grabbed a few fruits, surprising the goblin group as they drooled over the food I took out of thin air. Apparently, even Chia looked at me surprised, first time seeing my inventory, probably…

I gave the fruits to the old goblin, who slowly approached and took the fruits with shaking hands, nervous that I may decide to kill it then and there. A few moments later, the goblin group were feasting upon the fruits with great gusto. They were extremely hungry, it seems.

The old goblin then approached me, its wariness now completely gone, then prostrated itself before me, which even the other goblins followed. Chia looked amused, and joyful that her boss was being given the right respect from other monsters.

I tapped the prostrating head of the old goblin, which prompted him to look up. I then gestured for him and his group to follow Chia.

"Chia, guide them to the dungeon," I commanded, in which Chia nodded. "Have them settle in the first room. Make them new defenders."

Chia grinned and grunted, "Understood, boss. Guide green men to home, make defenders."

Chia then went back to the dungeon, the goblins following her lead. Once they were out of sight, I continued with my aimless wandering. Since I have the stone to instantly return me to the dungeon, no matter where I go, it won't matter since I'll be able to teleport back in an instant.

Moving through the forest, I have a certain feeling that a lot of animals and monsters are avoiding me. Their instincts probably. I mean, what would you do if you saw a giant in full armor moving through the forest like it owned the place. Sure, some monsters tried to fight me, but I dealt with them instead, blood covering the end of my giant club which was just about to break.

An hour of wandering later, I found myself in a clearing, a flower field planted dead center. I climbed a tree to get a good view, and within my sights, I saw a pair of children frolicking about. One female, another male. It seems they were having fun. I reminisced the time of my childhood… Ah… good times… Do anything you want to do without repercussions since adults think you were too immature to think.

Fun fact, children should be taught at an early age as soon as possible, experience taught me this, and lemme tell you, it was not pretty. If you want a child to be responsible the moment he reaches a particular age, for god's sake, teach them properly.

I ended my rambling when I saw two figures stalking toward the children. They wore black cloaks, completely hiding their visages. The children still haven't noticed, and when they did, the both of them cowered in fear, hugging themselves close to one another. The cloaked men did not stop, and instead sprinted towards the fear-stricken children.

I couldn't just watch. I may have killed monsters, ordered my summons to kill humans, and killed monsters, but some lines should never be crossed.

Such as assaulting children.

I roared, grabbing the attention of all of them within the clearing, the two cloaked men stopping their sprinting and looking at the direction where the roar came from. When they saw me, the both of them stepped back a pace, while the children just cowered even further.

Birds flew, startled by the sudden booming voice, and I leapt down, landing at the ground with a heavy thud, dust scattering from the heavy impact. I then grabbed the club from my inventory and glared at the two cloaked men.

They were still frozen in place, and not looking a gift horse in the mouth, proceeded to bury them in a sinkhole. One of them was able to snap out of it early, but the other, not so much. He fell waist deep into the ground. At that moment, I moved, running faster than I have ever done so in my life. I hefted the club and gave one last glare at the stuck cloaked man, looking at me with fear and terror.

I slammed the club on him hard, head caving in, then proceeded to lodge itself inside his own body, before being smashed into a pulp. Blood scattering all over the place, dying it in its color. The flowers once a beautiful color of rainbow, now stained a bright red due to the blood covering them.

I looked around, but the other cloaked man left before I could catch him. I sighed, then looked at the two children who were still cowering in fear. I approached them and the two of them crawled away, using whatever strength they had left to get away from me.

I grabbed fruits from my inventory and walked closer. Once close enough, I offered the fruits, in which the children looked at it apprehensively. They even gave me the stink eye, children, am I right?

We stayed like that for a few moments, before one of the children, the male one, took my offer and took the fruit, his friend shouting at him with some language I have no idea about. The boy looked at me, and I gave the most friendly smile I could, which creeped the both of them. Understandable.

He looked at the fruit one more time, before taking a bite hesitantly. His eyes widened and he ate the fruit with gusto. The girl looking at the boy with concerned eyes. The boy shared the fruit, in which the girl took a tiny nibble, then those nibbles became more pronounced bites.

I flashed a genuine smile. It's been so long since I could smile at something with genuine feelings behind it… When was the last time I smiled like this… Maybe before high school?

Anyway, once they finished the fruit, the both of them looked at me. I took more fruits from my inventory and gave it to them. I have a limitless supply anyway, might as well share it. They children were eating the fruits happily, which then made me smile more. I sat on my behind as the two children proceeded to ravage the supply of fruit I had stocked in my inventory.

It was at that moment a shriek of a woman caught my ears. I then turned my gaze into the direction where I heard the shriek, and what I saw was a woman in maid clothing looking at me with horrified eyes, accompanied by what seemed to be an armored man.

… Great, more misunderstandings… Fuck my life…

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