Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 215 - Monke And Experimentation

"Papa…" I shrunk back at Domino's fierce but expressionless gaze. "Why did you… agree to this…?"

"Because I keep my promises…?" My response came out as a question as my surrogate daughter glared at me like I was caught red-handed with my hand in the cookie jar.

"Bad Papa…" An invisible arrow pierced through my heart as the heart-rending mewl escaped Domino's lips. "Please… Come back fine…"

"… I will…" Approaching the young girl, I patted her head before embracing her in a bear hug. Of course, I held back. I didn't want to break the poor girl's spine.

"Are you done yet?" Odette stifled a yawn as she observed the exchange between Domino and I. "If so, zen experimentation awaits, experiment number 3071."

"Yes, yes." Sighing, I let go of Domino and placed her back on the ground, a pleading look plastered on her expressionless face. "Be a good girl and wait for me at home, okay? Until then, please make sure that the residents don't burn down my Dungeon. Also, spend some time with Mama when you can, okay?"

"… Okay…" Domino nodded, and I turned around to face a beaming Odette. Behind her, a newly formed portal heading directly to her Dungeon lay dormant until it began to activate, swirling green wisps of aura filtering out from the rift.

"Come on! I kan't vait fur our vonderful experimentations mitt each ozzer, experiment number 3071!" Odette chirped gleefully as she grabbed my arm and all but tossed me through the portal in an instant. As I flew, I saw Domino looking at me with a shocked expression before my vision was taken up by the headache-inducing rift of various colors.

What's worse, was that instead of walking, I was chucked in like some kind of baggage, making the trip all the more unbearable.

Luckily, it didn't take that long before I exited through the other side, my back hitting the ground with a soft thud. Groaning, I placed a hand on my head and looked at the portal with hazy eyes.

A figure exited the portal not a moment later. Due to my still recovering vision, I couldn't see that well, but I was fully certain it was Odette.

Her height and build were the first factors. As for the others?

"Schtop lyingkt on ze ground! Restingkt iss fur ze veak, undt restingkt vastes faluable experimentation time!" Odette rushed towards me and grabbed my arms before pulling me upwards, my legs quickly keeping balance of my body lest I fall to the ground again.

"Urff… Next time, please don't chuck me into a portal like that, Odette… Ugggghhhurrppp!!" Groaning, I felt something rise within me, and without hesitation, I looked for a corner and proceeded to vomit my guts out. "Note to self, never drink alcohol before taking a portal."

"You pansy. Your liver might need some upgrades, however…" Odette hummed as she eyed my stomach. Not wasting a moment, I quickly shut her down.

"No, my liver is fine, thank you very much." I didn't want to have my internal organs experimented on, thank you very much. "Also, you didn't tell me what kind of experimentation you were going to do with me."

"Oh, right. I forgot about zat." Odette snapped her fingers as an excited smile formed on her face. "We are going to see if your sperm will be able to make babies with humans."

"… Excuse me, but what the fuck?" I looked at Odette with shock visible on my features, while the girl shrugged.

"Certain monsters kannot impregnate humans undt demi-humans." Odette furrowed her brows as she rubbed her chin. "Such as ze ogres undt trolls. You haf ze same build as zem, but more humanlike, as such, I vant to determine vhezzer or nicht your sperm vill be able to fertilize an egg cell from a female human or demi-human."

"… You want me to fuck a girl?" Odette shook her head with a sigh.

"No, I vant you to echaculate in a bottle undt I kan konduct mein experiment from zere."

Sighing in relief, I felt my body relax at the response.

'So, it's just like donating sperm… Okay, I can live with that… Except…'

"What are you going to do with my sperm, anyway?"

"Create artificial life mitt some egg cells I had gazzered from a few uff mein residents." In a heartbeat, Odette responded to my question with a very controversial answer that may have gotten a quick response from the media if they were here to hear this.

Luckily, they weren't.

"… Alright… Just my sperm… Right?" Odette nodded, and I sighed once more. "Fine… I'll do it."

"Excellent! Now, kome, follow me to mein lab vhere ve kan begin ze experimentation!" Odette smiled happily as she grabbed my arm once more and manhandled me back to her lab.

Looking around, I finally noticed that we were in some kind of tunnel with the occasional light post at regular intervals. Once I saw the exit, I was able to make out something from beyond.

The last time I was here, we weren't able to head in deeper because we were in a rush to exit the Dungeon so we could stop Odette. However, now I was going to get a full view of Odette's Dungeon.

At least a floor of her Dungeon.

Exiting the tunnels, my jaw dropped as the entirety of the scene greeted my eyes.

"Holy fucking shit…" Picking my jaw back up, I couldn't help but let out a tone of fascination and awe at the scene before me.

There were buildings scattered about in the area, with no regard to verticality or horizontality. Some buildings were built atop one another, and sometimes they were built right next to each other. But with either a slight or massive vertical difference.

Imagine this: two buildings were placed next to each other. One was built on a high slope, while the other was built on a lower slope. But instead of a smooth, curving slope, it was a 90-degree slope.

That's how out of whack the architecture was here. If that wasn't enough, it was heavily themed on one of the genres the media liked to portray during post-apocalyptic scenarios.


"Damn… I didn't think your Dungeon would be like this…"

"Zis iss chust ze first floor. Undt in mein Dungeon, anybody iss free to pursue zeir experiments, vizzin limits, uff kourse." Odette beamed at the praise I had given her. Patting her head, which she liked for some reason, she brought me to an elevator which brought us to the top-most floor of the tallest building in the steampunk city.

As the elevator, or rather the lift, carried us in the air, I noticed the people within Odette's Dungeon looking at her with both fear and worship.

The fear I can understand, since with a leader this unhinged, there may have been some accidents in the past, although not lethal, from what I can gather with Odette's behavior. But the worship part… That left me stumped.

But that was not what I was here for. I was here to uphold a promise with Odette, which I assumed was going to be worse than just donating sperm.

Mulling over my thoughts, I failed to realize that we were now at our destination, with Odette pulling me once again as the guards eyed me with a critical gaze.

Looking up, I marveled at the building in front of me. Looking at it from afar, it was hard to judge how it looked. But the closer you got, the more magnificent the building seemed.

Intricate statues of knights lined the pathways perfectly, not a single one of them out of place. A red carpet was laid flatly on the floor, leading towards the stairs that connected the front door with the marble ground.

Statues of gargoyles perched atop the corners of the building, all of them seemingly alive as they watched over the area carefully, their wings seldomly flapping in the breeze.

'From steampunk to gothic…' I mused as I was brought inside the building by an overly-eager German loli.

"Velcome to mein lab, experiment number 3071." Odette grinned as the interior of the building hit me like a sack of bricks.

'Screw this being a building that looked it had a lot of rooms, this fucking building is an entire room!' I yelled out in my mind as the vast expanse of the building without floors or rooms greeted my vision.

Various tables, chairs, books, and whatnot floated harmlessly in the air. Besides some of them, there were a few more people, some humans, other demi-humans, and the occasional monster, working alone or with each other on their projects.

"This… Is fucking magnificent, and at the same time… Fucking terrifying." How many hazards were there in this building? There were also a bunch of objects packed closely together, and I was sure they were flammable.

"Now, zis vay, experiment number 3071. Zere's a prifate boozz here vhere you kan freely echaculate your sperm vizzout pryingkt eyes, or do it in front uff me or ze ozzers. Nobody vill kare." Odette shrugged as she reached for a jar and handed it to me. "If you don't get some sperm in ze char in a few minutes, I vill personally ringkt it out uff you."

Threatened by the German loli, I quickly made my way to the booth so I could.... I can't believe I'm doing this… Masturbate for experimentation and research purposes…

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