Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 216 - Monke Is Sperm Donor... And Is Hard

Done with the deed, I exited the booth after a few minutes, even if it felt like hours to me. I've already tasted real pussy, and sadly, ejaculating is now harder with only masturbation.

I really had to ramp up my imagination about Catalina…

Anyway, after all that's done, I headed back to Odette, who was busy rummaging through some jars.

"Vhere iss it… Vhere iss it… Aha! Zere you are!" Odette exclaimed as she pulled out a single jar from the stack of jars dangerously teetering to the side, but otherwise, didn't fall like a heap of junk. "Undt you're finally done mitt your masturbation, experiment number 3071!"

"Please… Don't bring that up…" Sighing, I handed the jar filled with my cum to Odette, who took it out of my hands with an excited grin.

Then she opened the lid and took a taste of my semen.

"… What the fuck…?" I looked at the girl in shock. She was opening and closing her mouth while making a contemplative face.

"Hmm… Taste uff semen suggests healzzy lifestyle. Zis vill increase experiment success probability by fifty-sefen percent!" Odette closed the jar and immediately placed it on the desk, my mouth still hanging open at the action she had just committed.

"Odette." Getting the insane girl's attention, she looked back at me with her head cocked to the side. "If possible, never do that again."

"Hmmm… Nein." Odette instantly denied my request with a smile as she continued fiddling with the jars filled with my semen and a jar that held… an unfertilized egg cell, if what I presume is correct.

I don't even know how it survived inside the jar in the first place, but I'll just chalk it up to magic and Odette's genius.

"Now, vhile I kheck to see if you're sperm kan fertilize an egg kell uff a human undt demi-human, feel free to look around mein lab. Chust don't touch anyzzingkt, ozzerwise, I von't be held accountable if you lose your hent in ze process."

Nodding at her warning, I took off from the small area where Odette was currently located. I did not want to be in the same area where a part of me was being experimented on, and whether or not I was going to be a dad, because technically, if the egg cell does indeed get fertilized, that would be my offspring.

Looking around the lab, which was an entire building without rooms or interior walls or floors, I bumped into a person who was busy hauling about a bunch of books.

Said books fell to the floor as the person I bumped into also fell down, a groan of slight pain coming from her mouth.

"Ow, ow, ow…" I looked at the young girl, probably no older than 15, rubbing her head with closed eyes. "What did I bump into… A wall… But there's no wall… here…"

She opened her eyes, and her words trailed off as she beheld my figure. While she did so, my mind had a hamster running in a hamster wheel because of what it was processing.

Cliché anime moment.

"… Hi…?" My potato brain was only able to come up with the said response as the girl stood up and poked my stomach. "What are you doing?"

"Just checking to see if your stomach is made of concrete or flesh." The girl kept on prodding my stomach, noticing the hardness on par with an iron boulder.

I blame my [Unflinching] perk for that, but Catalina seems to like my hardness. And I, in turn, her softness.

"You are incredibly hard… Harder than steel… Mind if I run some tests?" The girl looked up at my eyes with a pleading gaze. If there was no context, her words sounded like the sirens from police cars rushing at you with jailing intent.

"… Sure. What kind of tests do you have in mind?" Curious about what the girl's test was, I accepted, and she beamed.

"Great! My name is Hannah. And you are?"

"Jionni." I held out my hand, and she grabbed it with her own. "By the way, not to sound rude, but how old are you?"

"Me? I'm fifteen."

"Ah…" Hannah's head cocked to the side with a bit of confusion to my question, but otherwise, she dragged me to her spot in the giant lab. Of course, after taking all of the books on the ground.

Her area had a bunch of tables all placed like goddamn shelves. How I knew they were tables and not an oversized shelf was because of their legs. They weren't one bit connected, but for some reason, they were, courtesy of magic.

Damn, magic is very versatile.

On top of each table, stacks of books, beakers, vials, and other paraphernalia commonly seen in labs, both in fantasy and modern ones, lay present.

"So, what kind of test are you going to conduct on me, Hannah?" I looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow, her lips forming a light grin as she shoved something into my arms. "And what is this?"

It was a pure black rod with the length and thickness of a staff.

"That, Jionni, is a hardness counter meter. All you have to do is smack it against yourself, and it will record your hardness and print out the results in this." She showed me a replica of a phone, with only numbers on its screen.

"… You want me to… Hit myself with this thing? That's it?" I asked the girl, and she nodded. As much as I may look like a masochist doing this, I did agree to do her experiment, so…

"…" I smacked my stomach with the pole and let out a slight grunt. It wasn't so much a grunt of pain, more like a grunt of motivation. Since who in their right mind would hit themselves with a metal pole, unless they were a masochist?

That being said, the smack didn't so much as hurt me in the slightest. I guess my perks and my stats are doing wonders for my body.

"Hmm… Even if you look like flesh and blood…" Hannah showed me the number on the counter.


"Judging by the counter, you are harder than a diamond, but far from the hardness of adamantite." Hannah explained while fiddling with the device. "Adamantite has a hardness rating of a hundred-fifty-five point twenty-two. With a hardness like that, it is possible to deflect some magic, even without magic resistance."

"Good to know." I gave her back the pole, which she accepted happily. She then recorded my rating and added me in as a separate entry.

[Diamond – 75.81]

[Jionni – 82.69]

"Anyway, thank you for your time, Jionni." Hannah gave me a sealed box as she pocketed the device. "Here, as thanks."

"… Do you really have to give me this?" She nodded, and I accepted. I didn't want to be rude.

Plus, free stuff.

"If you want to conduct some more experiments about your hardiness, feel free to come back." Hannah gave me a pat on the shoulder. "As the resident expert on metals and anything hard, except for sexual intercourse, I can give you some details about how strong your skin is compared to metals. If you do get harder, however, come back immediately. I might have something to test on you if you ever get harder."

Bidding her farewell, I left the area and headed back to Odette, which was a few minutes' walk from here.

A testament to how huge this building really was.

Not bumping into anything or anyone this time, I made it back to Odette's area without much fanfare.

Which led to me quickly being seated by the insane German loli with a manic look in her eyes.

"Experiment number 3071! You von't beliefe vhat I haf found!" Odette grinned manically as she shoved something into my hands. Said something was a jar, the jar I used to store my semen earlier, specifically. I also noticed something new inside.

"… Is that the egg cell…?" Okay, I didn't think I would be able to see one with my naked eye, but then again, the egg cell is the largest cell in the human body.

It looked like a white speck, which was incredibly hard to see inside the jar filled with white semen, but my enhanced eyesight proved useful in this situation.

"Yes it is! You need a microscope to see it klearly, but zat's nicht necessary. I kan chust schow you mein findingkts!" Odette grabbed the jar forcefully and laid it gently on the table, before looking straight at me with a grin. "To be frank, your sperm has a hundred percent chance uff fertilization! If ze egg cell iss present, zat iss."

"… Wait… repeat that to me again?" I looked at Odette with growing horror. She repeated her words and I immediately grabbed her shoulders with such force, the air around us boomed slightly. This didn't faze Odette, however. "How sure are you?"

"Ein hundred percent. Ze graphs don't lie. I'fe already mixed your sperm mitt sefenteen different egg cells, all uff zem now fertilized undt iss on its vay to ze blastocyst schtage in a few days." Odette grinned madly and patted my shoulder. "Congratulations! You are goingkt to be a fazzer!"

As my growing horror continued to reach an all-time high, a huge realization struck me on the head.

'What the fuck am I going to tell Catalina…?'

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