
Chapter 1542: Back to the capital

Chen Mochi, who was sitting opposite Chen Fei, was silent for a while, with complex expressions on his face, distressed, surprised, and regretful. In the end, all his feelings gathered in a long sigh and said: "Because I am worried about the meridian and dantian, so Zi Ling she If you can't use your martial arts power, you will be captured by Kou Wuxiong's people."

Chen Fei nodded and said: "That's right. Of course, Zi Ling is not really unable to use any true vitality aura, but can't use too violent true vitality aura."

She is still able to use the true vitality aura of the ordinary profound level realm. And when you reach the earth-level realm, the true vitality aura is in danger of damaging your body. As for her own cultivation base of the mid-celestial realm, if she uses her full strength, at most three times, her meridian dantian will die suddenly because she can't bear it. "Chen

Mochi heard distress and worry for a while, raised his head to look at Chen Fei, and said, "Then, is there any way to cure it?" Chen

Feidao: "The old man has used many methods over the years. The effects of general medicines and exercises have been very limited. Now, there is still a certain effect of the rare medicinal material called'Nine Star Cangmu Gen', which is very difficult to find. As for the method of complete cure, it is still unknown."

"This-Jiuxing Cangmu Gen, I remember it." Chen Mochi nodded, with a serious expression on his face. Follow

That is, Chen Mochi got up and walked towards the door, "Xiao Chen, thank you. I'll talk to Zi Ling. I owe her too much for so many years. For the rest of my life, everything I have is for Zi Ling. "

Chen Fei nodded and looked at Chen Mochi and said, "Ziling has your father, she is very happy."

At this moment, he tiptoed to the door, with a strange look, Chen Ziling who was about to eavesdrop on the conversation between Chen Fei and Chen Mochi. When she heard the conversation between the two in the room, especially Chen Mochi's last words, her eyes felt a little warm. original

Ben was about to push the door in, scaring her two. At this moment, he retreated silently, touched the corner of his eye, and left silently. …


Chen Fei and the others continued to stay in Nanze City for two days, and the entire Nanze City's form was completely stabilized.

The Xu family fell completely, and the related personnel and forces involved in it collapsed one after another and fled. The position vacated after the Xu family fell was taken over by the Qu family.

Originally, with the status of a slightly larger businessman in the Qu family, it was impossible to take over the position of the Xu family. but

What's impossible is that Chen Fei has lived in Qu's family these days, giving people a feeling that he supports the Qu's family, and other forces in Nanze City naturally dare not move at will.

On the other hand, in the provincial capital, Mu Tianhan also stabilized his form. With the title of the first family of the provincial capital, I came to Nanze City. Help the Qu family quickly stabilize the situation and gain a firm foothold. Correct

For these, Chen Fei didn't care much. The vacuum of power in Nanze City will always be occupied. If this is the case, it's better to let someone you know to occupy it, and it's not as good as it can flow outsiders' fields. Qu

After the family stabilized the situation in Nanze City, Chen Fei, Chen Ziling and Chen Mochi said goodbye and left and went back to the capital.


At the International Airport, when the three of Chen Fei walked out of the airport, they looked up at the somewhat gray sky in the capital, and they felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. "

It's been almost two months since I went out. Finally home. "Chen Fei sighed lightly, then took Chen Ziling and Chen Mochi into a car on the side of the road and drove back.

Chen Fei continued to return to the school to live in the teachers' apartment, but Chen Ziling finally reunited with his father, and it would be inconvenient to continue living in the dormitory.

Chen Fei simply bought a suite for the two of them near Beijing University and let the father and daughter live in it.

So, in the next period of time, there was a scene where the father was kind and the son was filial. Chen Mochi cooked and laundry for Chen Ziling on time every day, and even sent the food to the school cafeteria with great concern. just

At the beginning, Chen Ziling was still a little moved. But the incident was a little longer, and Chen Ziling, who had an off-character, couldn't stand his father's extra warm care.

As a result, the father and daughter inevitably quarreled. There were a few quarrels every now and then, and even occasionally moved his hands, the movement was not small.

Chen Fei was accustomed to this. After all, he knew the temperament of Junior Sister very well, and that was her normal character. It really made her sentimental and gentle as water, she would never grow up. So

Therefore, after Chen Fei's persuasion, Chen Mochi no longer cared so much. I also put some energy on other things a little bit. Deal with things that were decades ago, and meet people who were decades ago. when

Of course, there is one more important thing, and that is to help my daughter inquire about the search for "Nine Star Cangmu Root". Correct

Therefore, Chen Fei also paid attention and asked the people in Cheng Pharmacy to help pay attention to this medicine. He also contacted some herbal medicine suppliers and asked them to find it. An

After arranging these, Chen Fei immediately thought of Chai Fei Chai Lao.

As the sacred hand of Chinese medicine, Chai Lao is also the official doctor of the Beijing Imperial Hospital. There may be some internal channels to obtain rare medicinal materials.

Thinking about it all, Chen Fei contacted Lao Chai and prepared to ask him to help find the "Nine Star Cangmu Root". After Mr. Chai learned about the incident, he agreed and invited Chen Fei to come over for a chat the next day.

Chen Fei naturally agreed, and the next day he planned to go to the Beijing Imperial Hospital to find Lao Chai.

However, Mr. Chai came temporarily with a message, saying that he had something to do today, not at the Beijing Imperial Hospital, but at the Huaxia Medical University. Let Chen Fei go to Huaxia Medical University to find him. Chen

Fei knows that Chai Lao is in addition to holding a position in the Beijing Imperial Hospital. At the same time, like myself, he is also a teacher. Teaching at Huaxia Medical University can be regarded as a kind of promotion and inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. China

Xia Medical University is not far from Beijing University. Chen Fei didn't use a car at all, and walked there. Come

When arriving at Huaxia Medical University, Chen Fei felt that the students here were walking much faster. It looks like he is very busy, and it seems that it is harder to study medicine than ordinary subjects.

After giving these students a bit in his heart, Chen Fei immediately asked a student about the location of the Chinese Medicine School, and walked over there. in

The medical school is located in a somewhat old three-story building. Although the quaint red brick and gray tiles are a bit old, they give people a sense of historical sedimentation and add a different flavor. phase

Compared with other medical schools, the number of students going to and from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine is significantly smaller than that of other medical schools. Such as

In this situation, Chen Fei had to sigh that Chinese medicine is waiting for success!

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