
Chapter 1543: Medical University

After feeling slightly, Chen Fei walked into the building immediately. Chen

Fei didn't know the location of Chai Lao's office. There was no floor plan or other instructions in this old building. Chen Fei could only search for rooms in the corridor. in

After searching the first floor, Chen Fei didn't find Chai Fei's office. So he came to the top of the stairs, ready to go upstairs to look for it. on

When he was about to go upstairs, a crisp female voice rang, "Classmate, are you okay?" Chen

Fei turned around, and then saw a little girl about eighteen or nineteen years old, standing in front of her playfully, and politely asked with a smile on her mouth. Look

It looks like he should be a student of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, thinking of himself as a student of Huaxia Medical University.

Without explaining much, Chen Fei smiled and asked, "Classmate, can you please tell me where is Professor Chai Feichai's office? Can you show me the way?"

The girl heard this, with a smile on her face, and said, "You also came to Professor Chai! Professor Chai's office is at the innermost top floor, so I will take you there!"

Well, thank you. "Chen Fei thanked him, and then went upstairs with the girl, and chatted while walking, "Classmate, are there many people in school looking for Professor Chai?" "

The girl looked at Chen Fei and said, "Of course! Professor Chai is a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and also the imperial doctor of the Imperial Hospital of Beijing. In our Chinese medicine circle, he is a famous figure, and there are many people looking for him."

Chen Fei nodded, understood what the girl said, and then smiled: "You can be Lao Chai's students and you can see him usually, so lucky!" Female

The boy nodded and said seriously: "Well, that's it. I applied to the Chinese Medical College of Huaxia Medical University last year for Chai Lao."

So that's it, you are a freshman? "Chen Fei said casually. Female

The child said: "Well, it has been in school for half a year. Many of our classmates are just like me, who came in the name of Lao Chai. But now, some people in the class regret it."

Regret it? Why? Why do they regret that such a famous doctor as Lao Chai is a professor? "Chen Fei asked. Female

The child pouted, and said: "It's not that the specialty of Chinese medicine is too unpopular, and it's too troublesome and hard to learn. In addition, Chai Lao's teaching is strict, and some students can't stand it. They feel more difficult than high school. Changed professional."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh with emotion. At the same time, I can understand the students' ideas.

Traditional Chinese medicine teaching usually starts from a few years old. There are various prescriptions from memorizing Tangtou songs to understanding herbal medicine. Without these years of effort, it is impossible to get started.

Now, many students have never been exposed to Chinese medicine before. After going to university, I started to learn from scratch, and then I met the demanding Lao Chai, naturally it was very hard. Do not

However, Chen Fei didn't want to say more. They chose this major by themselves, but now they dislike the major because it is too hard and unpopular, so it is not easy to study well. This is their own problem. Female

Seeing Chen Fei's thoughts, the boy muttered to the side: "Actually, I regret it a bit."

"Ah, you don't want to learn Chinese medicine?" Chen Fei looked at the girl in surprise. Between the girl's conversation just now, she sounded quite interested in Chinese medicine, but she suddenly said she regretted it.

The girl quickly waved her hand when she heard the words: "No, no, I didn't mean that. I don't want to learn Chinese medicine."

"What does that mean?" Chen Fei asked. Female

The boy explained: "I regret what I said, but when I say it, I am actually envious."

envy? "Chen Fei became even more puzzled.

The girl said: "I really like Chinese medicine, and the Chinese medicine major of Huaxia Medical University can be said to be the strongest presence in the industry. Therefore, after the college entrance examination, I applied here."

"But what I didn't expect was that I heard what my classmates said. In the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing University, a young Chinese medicine teacher came this year, he seems to be called Chen Fei. He is very interesting in class. He speaks in a simple way and often Doing various experiments is very simple and clear. Moreover, he himself is a master of Chinese medicine, and his medical skills are no less than Chai Lao, very powerful."

Of course, some students said that he is a handsome guy. Many girls like it. ""

My initial score was enough to report to Beijing University. If I knew this would happen before, I might have applied for the Beijing University School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. "The girl said with emotion.

Chen Fei listened to the side and couldn't help touching his nose, unable to tell how he felt at the moment.

Unexpectedly, his name was passed to Huaxia Medical University. Moreover, it was so fascinating that it made this little girl a little fascinated. Chen

Fei was wondering, if she declared her identity at this moment, this little girl would not be disappointed. I think I destroyed Chen Fei's perfect image in his mind!

Chen Fei remained silent for a while, but from the girl's point of view, it became a moment of silence.

The girl suddenly thought that this senior seemed to come to Lao Chai, perhaps a graduate student who wanted to apply for Lao Chai, or a student who came here admiringly. As a result, he said in front of him that he regretted being a student of Lao Chai, which might arouse his displeasure.

Suddenly, the girl turned pale and quickly explained, "Senior, don't get me wrong. I'm not dissatisfied with Mr. Chai, I'm just talking about it, I don't regret it, I—"

Chen Fei looked at the girl with some surprise, but he was confused for a while. After a pause, he came back to his senses and understood how the girl felt at the moment.

Suddenly, Chen Fei smiled and said, "It's okay, I understand what you mean, and I won't misunderstand anything."

"Okay, we're on the third floor, where is Lao Chai's office?" Chen Fei started talking. Female

The boy pointed to his left hand and said, "Senior, Mr. Chai's office is over there, the innermost. Let's go over!" Chen

Fei nodded, and walked in with the girl side by side.

The door of the innermost office was closed tightly, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly. The girl knocked on the door, and then stood respectfully waiting at the door.

After a while, a soft cough came from inside, and then a slightly deliberately pressed throat said, "Who?" Female

The child said: "Someone is looking for Professor Chai."

"Come in!" the voice inside said. Follow

That is, the girl opened the door and walked into the office. Chen Fei also followed immediately.

The office area is not small, divided into three rooms inside and outside. In the outermost room, there is a man in his twenties, wearing a tie, sitting at a desk, wearing glasses, working on documents.

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