
Chapter 2272: A flock of lambs

The tour guide snorted coldly and said, "This is the country of Vantaa, not the country.

If you want to make trouble, it's best to think about the consequences before you talk. "

"Now, give me all the shopping!"

The icy voice, accompanied by the other party's wooden sticks and steel bars, made the grandfathers and aunts turn their heads and return to the store.

The crowd gathered together and talked a lot.

Some people were angry and said that they had fight with them.

Some people were angry and said that they should be exposed by domestic media.

Others say that there is a stalemate like this, depending on who consumes more energy.

Of course, there are still quite a few uncles and aunts who want to spend money to make things easier.

After all, for those who want to make a fortune, 10,000 yuan is not a big number.

In this way, the scene was a mess.

As for the young people on Chen Fei's side, their expressions all changed at this moment, and they had no idea that things would turn out to be like this.

Zhan Qinqiu glanced at Chen Fei and said, "Just now, thank you for your reminder."

Obviously, at this moment, they all know that the things in this store are basically fakes.

Chen Fei's reminder just now was of course kind.

However, Hu Kang and Chu Hui's expressions at this time were a bit ugly.

Coupled with the chaos outside, Chu Hui was frightened, "Well, what should I do?

If we don't buy enough for 10,000 yuan, the other party won't let us go.

This—" Hearing this, Zhan Qinqiu frowned, "This, the other party should just want to scare us, he won't really mess around! "

But at this moment, a scream sounded.

Everyone's gaze swept over and saw a man in his fifties lying on the ground with blood on his head. Next to him, a local man standing next to him was holding a **** wooden stick. .

The tour guide swept his eyes from the crowd, and said coldly: "This is what you want to endure. It's best for you to think carefully about whether 10,000 yuan is important or your life is important."

Obviously, the man was dissatisfied just now and wanted to force it out, but was knocked to the ground by the opponent.

At this moment, the scene suddenly became quiet.

The people who originally had different opinions quickly reached a unified condition at this moment, spending money to settle things down.

The grandfathers and aunts paid out one after another and quickly bought enough goods for 10,000 yuan.

Soon, Chen Fei and a few young people were left on the scene and didn't buy it.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were cast over.

This situation makes Zhan Qinqiu and Chu Hui even more embarrassed.

After all, they are just poor students and can't afford 10,000 yuan at all.

Upon seeing this, Hu Kang waved his hand and said, "Qin Qiu, Chu Hui.

Both of you, I will pack it for you. "

After that, Hu Kang bought a product with a price tag of RMB 30,000.

Passed a copy to Chu Hui, and then passed it to Zhan Qinqiu.

Zhan Qinqiu didn't want to accept Hu Kang's things, but the current situation made her have to accept it.

This contradictory state made Zhan Qinqiu unable to help but turn his attention to Chen Fei.

At this moment, Chen Fei's expression was cold, and his brows frowned.

If you said just now, what Chen Fei was thinking about was to resolve the matter as soon as possible so that he could leave and deal with the affairs of the Wumen Convention.

After all, 10,000 yuan is not as good as a dime for him.

But now, seeing a tourist knocked to the ground, Chen Fei's mind changed.

These black-hearted businessmen have already touched his bottom line, making him angry.

Chen Fei was silent, and for a while became the focus of everyone's attention.

The tour guide snorted coldly and urged: "Your name is Chen Fei, right? You are the only one left.

Move quickly and don't delay everyone's time. "

Many uncles and aunts also agreed.

"That's it, everyone bought it, and you are the only thing left."

"Young man, hurry up!"

"Young man, if you don't have enough money, tell us, we can lend you."

... Even Hu Kang beside him looked at Chen Fei arrogantly at this moment, and said with sarcasm: "Brother Chen, you look good dressed.

Unexpectedly, you can't even get 10,000 yuan! "

"For the sake of everyone being a group member, then, you come over and kneel and kowtow to me. I will wrap your ten thousand yuan for you.

No need to return it. "

Hu Kang said proudly.

"Hu Kang, you—" Zhan Qinqiu frowned instinctively when he heard this request.

But Chu Hui pulled her aside and said, "A Qiu, Hu Kang is also kind, don't say anything.

Besides, don't need Hu Kang's money, ten thousand yuan, can that guy get it? "

"He can't get it out. We will all be trapped here and accompany him to suffer together."

"But—" Zhan Qinqiu always felt that something was wrong with the development of things, but he was really helpless.

...At this moment, the tour guide became impatient: "Someone is paying you, so why are you still hesitating, hurry up!"

"Young man, move faster."

"Don't you just kowtow?

It's nothing at all, boy, hurry up! "

"I'm hungry, don't waste time."

... "My patience is limited. For one minute, you won't kneel and kowtow.

My words, then take it back. "

Hu Kang looked at Chen Feida triumphantly.

Chen Fei ignored him, but glanced at everyone, and finally pointed at the man who fell on the ground and was still bleeding, and said coldly: "My compatriot was beaten, and he was pitted.

But what you are thinking about one by one is not to save people, not to avenge, not to resist, but to unite and put pressure on your own people. "

"This is what you call correct, and this is what you call maturity?"

"In my opinion, you are all cold-blooded and selfish rubbish."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was quiet, and many people's faces changed.

But then, these changing faces all turned into anger and leaning towards Chen Fei.

"You don't have a backache when you stand and talk. Do you dare to do it on someone else's site?"

"Say we don't save people and don't resist, what about you?

Why don't you do it? "

"A young man with a fever in his head. When he is rubbed hard by the society, he will know how good it is."

"Reading is silly, I really think society is as simple as it is in books!"

... The young people around Chen Fei also recovered at this moment.

Zhan Qinqiu showed a look of guilt on his face, then put down the jade that Hu Kangsai had put in his hands, walked to Chen Fei, and said: "I think Chen Fei makes a lot of sense. We We must not be too weak, we must unite and resist.

I support him! "

"Aqiu, come back soon, what are you stupid! It's too dangerous."

Seeing this, Chu Hui couldn't help feeling anxious, and wanted to persuade Zhan Qinqiu to come back.

But Zhan Qinqiu shook his head firmly.

Upon seeing this, Hu Kang's complexion became more and more gloomy, he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't just have the ability to speak, you have the ability to deal with those people."

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