
Chapter 2273: Hands-on lesson

Chen Fei glanced at Hu Kang coldly, then looked at the excited crowd of tourists, shook his head disappointedly, and said: "Look at yourself, I dare to be so angry for me who didn't hurt you.

But for the profiteers who cheated you, one by one was frightened and shrank, and there was no blood at all. "

Upon hearing Chen Fei's words, there was another uproar in the court.

At this moment, Chen Fei left and walked straight to the tour guide.

On the way, everyone voluntarily gave way and watched Chen Fei walk towards the tour guide.

The tour guide was a woman in her thirties. Seeing Chen Fei walking towards her with a gloomy face, she couldn't help being a little scared and stepped back.

However, when the dark shopkeeper showed up in front of her with a group of thugs, the tour guide immediately felt relieved. Instead, with a smile, he looked at Chen Fei, "You want to hit me, then you have to see, do you have this? ability."

While talking, the dark-skinned shopkeeper, with his thugs, stopped at Chen Fei fiercely.

"Boy, you will soon know the fate of resisting me."

The tour guide sneered and triumphantly.

Chen Fei ignored her words, squinted and looked at the thugs who rushed towards him.

Immediately, his figure flickered, like an afterimage, and rushed into the crowd.


There was a sound of collision and bombardment, mixed with screams and the sound of blood splashing.

In less than three minutes, more than a dozen thugs under the owner's hands all fell to the ground, groaning in pain, blood flowing out, and all the ground at the door was stained red.

At this moment, Chen Fei didn't have any scars on his body, and even his entire body was not stained with blood.

He clapped his hands, walked towards the tour guide and the shopkeeper, and said coldly, "Is that what happened to resisting you?"

The tour guide obviously didn't expect such a result. He was taken aback by Chen Fei's skill, and then looked at the shopkeeper beside him, wanting to ask for help.

But the little shopkeeper turned around and ran away immediately.

Upon seeing this, the tour guide's face couldn't help being pale, and his expression became horrified.

Chen Fei strode over, grabbed the tour guide by the collar, lifted her up, and said coldly: "Now, you tell me, what is going on?"

Seeing that the thugs were subdued by Chen Fei, the other tourists also stood up one by one at this moment, surrounded the tour guide, and ranted angrily.

"Little girl, I didn't treat you badly, did you treat us like that?"

"We are still fellow villagers, but you pushed us into the fire pit.

Do you still have humanity. "

"The money I bought just now will be returned to me."

"Yes, I want to refund the money!"


………Amid the noisy voices, Zhan Qinqiu smiled on his face at the moment, and his eyes on Chen Fei were full of reverence.

Immediately, she looked at Chu Hui and said, "Huihui, I just said that Mr. Chen will not be defeated.

You see, now I am right! "

Chu Hui's expression changed, and she wanted to rebut something, but for a moment she didn't know how to speak.

Hu Kang, who was next to him, pursed his lips and muttered, "Isn't there a brute force?

This kind of bodyguard, my dad can hire ten or eight at will! "

"Then just now, why didn't you ask your dad to ask a bodyguard to resist and save people!"

Zhan Qinqiu's rare anger, directly stunned Hu Kang.

"Well, isn't this abroad?

How would I know--" Hu Kang tried to explain.

Zhan Qinqiu waved his hand, did not intend to continue talking to him, and took the initiative to stand beside Chen Fei, full of tenderness in his pretty eyes.

Upon seeing this, Hu Kang couldn't help biting his lip fiercely, and looking at Chen Fei's gaze was a bit more jealous and hateful.

At this time, under Chen Fei's slap in the face, the tour guide explained what had happened.

In fact, things are very simple.

They are a black tour group, under the guise of low-cost group tours, trick people into it, and then take them to this jade shop for compulsory consumption.

This shop was opened for tourists from China, and locals would never come over.

In a foreign country, there is no sense of security. The average tourist can only accept the plant and spend money to do things.

But this time, I didn't expect to encounter Chen Fei's tough stubbornness, and he defeated more than a dozen thugs alone, making things messy.

After listening to the tour guide's narration, the tourists were even more angry.

After a while, the tour guide's clothes were disheveled, and there were several blood stains on his body, making him extremely embarrassed.

Afterwards, everyone returned all the jade they had just bought in the store and took their money back.

After a lot of busyness, everyone went out, ready to leave.

But just as they were about to go out, there was a rumbling of footsteps outside.

The tourists walking in front took a look at it, and they were shocked.

Because a group of people rushed in front of me, and at a glance, there were at least a hundred people, all of them locals, each holding wooden sticks, steel pipes, and even machetes.

Some people even saw the shopkeeper just now in the crowd, and they couldn't help but look horrified, "The shopkeeper is inside, they are here to retaliate."

In an instant, all the tourists who had just relaxed because of the refund of the money became nervous and panicked.

On the contrary, it was the embarrassed tour guide. At this moment, with full of hatred, gritted his teeth and sneered: "Now that I know I'm afraid, it's too late?"

"You really think that it doesn't matter if you can open a shop here."

"I tell you, this shop was opened by our big boss and the local Nanda in Mengnao.

Nanda is the boss of the No. 1 underground power in the area, and almost controls more than half of the underground world of Meng Nao City. "

"Do you think that if you have disrupted Nanda's business, you can leave so easily?"

"Now that Nanda has brought people here, it's too late for you to cry.

Haha! "

Upon hearing this, the faces of all the passengers collapsed, and the timid passengers began to cry with fright.

"How to do this?"

"It's over, this time is really over."

"This is annoying! We are done!"

"Is it too late to spend money to buy goods now?"

………In the panicked voice, Hu Kang, who had just been aggrieved, seemed to have found the pouring hole at this moment. He pointed the muzzle at Chen Fei and gritted his teeth. Misfortune comes."

"If you bought the jade just now, the matter would have ended safely, how could it become like this?"

Chu Hui immediately helped her voice: "That is, I don't know how to keep a low profile when I go out.

If you are a little skillful, you will show off your power, and you will get into trouble. "

"You guys, how can you say that Chen Fei.

He was obviously kind-"Zhan Qinqiu was angry and anxious to defend Chen Fei.

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