
Chapter 2710: ? Fight to the death

"If you join hands, you may not necessarily lose."

"Now, it's time for us to fight to the death."

"I don't believe it, you are really invincible."

All of the ten or twenty foreign warriors exploded in true essence, their breath was surging, and agitated, forming a wave of true essence, whizzing towards Chen Fei.


The breath collided and intertwined, as if the wave was surging and surging.

Just after the battle between Xu Baichuan and Chen Fei was over, and the onlookers who came back a little closer saw that another battle was about to take place, and it was still a big melee with one enemy and many, they suddenly changed color, and quickly retreated, worrying about affecting themselves.

Chen Fei looked at the foreign warriors with decisive expressions in front of him, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "Do you want to fight hard?

Then I will give you this opportunity, let's go together! "

In an instant, a group of foreign warriors, with violent vigor, shouted and issued their own deadly tricks, all attacking Chen Fei.

At this moment, the offensives of nearly twenty foreign warriors were brought together, and the momentum was even greater than that of Xu Baichuan just now.

The squally wind whizzed and danced vigorously.

Rays of light of various colors, with fierce killing intent, all attacked Chen Fei.

Such a vast and terrifying posture frightened many onlookers.

Even Bai Zihan, who was quite confident in Chen Fei, couldn't help but worry at this moment.

At this moment, Huang Feng led the marchers, shouting more and more proudly, and shouted, cheering for the foreign warriors, as if they were their relatives.

Xie Li was also in the crowd, following Huang Feng with a fanatical expression, and her eyes were excited.

Facing the roaring offensive from the opponent, Chen Fei stood on the spot, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand was gently raised. A ray of red light gathered in his palm and gathered into a small flame flower.


The sound of killing is getting closer, and the opponent's offensive has already fallen on Chen Fei's head.

At this moment, Chen Fei started.

Lightly patted out with his right hand, the small flame in the palm of the palm rose up against the wind, getting bigger and bigger, directly facing the offensive of more than 20 foreign warriors, and hit hard.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Qi Jin collided with a violent explosion, and the whole world, at this moment, trembled violently.

The world changes color, the earth shakes and the mountains shake! After the violent explosion, the red flame light, the whistling wind, and the exhaled vigor, whizzed around in the space.

A scream rang out one after another.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone saw the battle clearly.

Just now, the foreign martial artists who raised their arms and greeted generously, many people fell to the ground covered in blood, screaming and groaning, obviously injured.

Of course, these are lucky.

There were five or six unlucky guys who were directly in the center of the explosion. At this moment, they had turned into a scorched corpse and fell to the ground without a sound.

Even Yamaguchi Yuta and the others at the helm are all in embarrassment at the moment.

Although there was no serious injury, there were many wounds on his body.

His hands trembled, his expression horrified, he was obviously frightened by Chen Fei's move.

"How is this possible?"

"How strong is he?"

"Is he a god-level master?"

...Chen Fei walked through the smoke and dust, step by step towards Yamaguchi Yuta and others, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Is this your fight to the death?"

It's just that! "

"You, you—" Yamaguchi Yuta waited, and his voice trembled.

Around, the demonstrators who shouted so loudly just now were all dumbfounded.

They did not expect that Chen Fei, a black-hearted vampire, was so powerful that it would defeat the powerful foreign warrior in their hearts with a single move.

For a while, many marchers showed horror and confusion in their eyes. They looked left and right, feeling a little at a loss.

Huang Feng, who was in the front of the marchers, also changed his complexion at this moment.

But then, he thought of something, his eyes showed a touch of firmness, and he shouted: "Foreign warriors must win, justice must win! We will always support them!"

As if inspired by Huang Feng's, many marchers also shouted.

Even, excited them, ignoring other things, walked towards the battle center step by step.

It seems that they want to get closer and cheer for the foreign warriors they support.

Among these people, Shelley was excited.

However, these excited demonstrators did not notice.

Their spiritual leader, Huang Feng, who shouted loudest just now, quietly shrank to the back of the crowd at some unknown time, and slowly moved away from the scene of the battle.

On the battlefield, Yamaguchi Yuta looked at Chen Fei who was constantly approaching, gritted his teeth fiercely, showing a touch of determination, and said: "Fight with him!"

"We have nowhere to go, we can only fight to the death."

The president of the AXE Association also looked decisive.

The rest of them nodded.


With a sharp shout, Yamaguchi Yuta, holding an island sword in his hand, rushed out first with a touch of cold light.

The acting president of the Shadow Country Knights Association, holding a cross sword in both hands, rushed out with determination.

Other people also rushed out one after another.

Along with the impact of these warriors, the shouting of the parade, which was less than 500 meters away from the battlefield, became louder and louder.

"Come on!"

"Sure victory!"

"Justice must defeat evil!"

... But, at this moment, an unexpected scene happened suddenly.

Just now, the president of the AXE Association, who had a firm face and agreed to fight to the death, suddenly changed direction when his companions rushed out, turned and fled outside.

"You—" "Traitor—" "Betrayer—" The foreign warrior exclaimed and shouted.

But at this time, Chen Fei had already arrived in front of them.

There was no other way, the few people had to gritted their teeth and attacked Chen Fei.

Facing their attack, Chen Fei shook his head, lightly waved his right hand, and shot a few qi glows casually.

If he talked about the fight with Xu Baichuan just now, he was still a little interested.

Then, fighting against people like Yamaguchi Yuta, Chen Fei couldn't raise any interest at all.

After all, he has killed twenty or thirty warriors of this level.

Not interested in wasting more time on them.

Therefore, he directly aroused the fire with the most insights in his core, and a little bit of red light was aroused in the palm of his palm.

These red flames fell on Yamaguchi Yuta and others.

Directly burn through their true element protection, quickly burning all clothing, skin, flesh and blood, bones and muscles.

In less than ten seconds of work, Yamaguchi Yuta and others fell to the ground one by one, all covered in flames, screaming wildly, but there was nothing he could do. They could only turn into a pile of ashes in the flame.

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