
Chapter 2711: ?Hostage threat

Resolving them quickly, Chen Fei's gaze caught the AXE Association president who had fled.

There was a chill in his eyes, "I am greedy for life and afraid of death! If I die here with my companions, I can still look at you high.

As a result, one person betrayed his companion and escaped.

Then go to hell! "

In an instant, Chen Fei was in the shape of electricity, and quickly chased Holl, the president of the AXE Association.

Upon seeing this, Hall was shocked, gritted his teeth to arouse the vitality in his body, and ran wildly.

But Chen Fei behind him was faster, and he narrowed the distance with Hall almost in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Chen Fei was about to catch up, Hall was terrified and felt his heart almost jumped out.

He glanced around, looking for any way to save himself.

But unfortunately, there is no helper around him.

Only Chen Fei, who looked like a **** of death behind him, was getting closer and closer.

At this moment, a group of people in the parade, looking at Hall and Chen Fei who were getting closer, were stunned by the aura from the two of them, and they were speechless for a while.

Xie Li mingled in the team, feeling her body enveloped by an invisible vigor, her whole being like a robot, she couldn't move.

But looking at Hall ahead, Xie Li thought of what Huang Feng said before, and her heart surged inexplicably, and she gritted her teeth and shouted: "Mr. Hall, come on, defeat that vampire Chen Fei."

After shouting this sentence, Shelly felt as if she had exhausted the strength of her whole body, and she fell to the ground with a slap, gasping for breath.

Farther away, Bai Zihan's eyes suddenly cooled down when he heard these words, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Xie Li, she—" On the side, He Yan was also a little anxious, "What happened to Xie Li? Yes, and cheer for those foreigners.

She was completely brainwashed. "

Hall, who had been running away with all his heart, suddenly heard someone calling his name next to him.

So, he turned his head and looked over, and immediately saw Shelly and everyone in the parade.

Of course, he did not know Shelly and these people.

But from what they wear, Hall certainly understands what they do.

In an instant, Hall's eyes lit up, he bit his lip, turned around, and rushed directly towards Shelly.

Xie Li was slumped to the ground and saw Hall rushing towards her. She was taken aback for a moment and then overjoyed. She continued to gritted her teeth and shouted: "Mr. Hall, I am a student at Xiangjiang University. My name is Xie Li.

I will always support you, always—"It's just that I didn't finish the rest.

Hall grabbed Shelly, and a touch of true vitality gathered in his right hand, turned into a short sword, and placed it on Shelly's neck.

Then, Hall shouted sharply at Chen Fei who had already caught up behind him: "Chen Fei, stop.

Otherwise, I will kill her immediately! "

At this time, everyone in the marchers was taken aback, then lost their color in shock, and fled in all directions.

Upon seeing this, Hall screamed directly, bombarded out several times, and exploded among the marchers.

"Stop for me!"

Suddenly, there was a scream, and many of the marchers were blown to **** flesh, lacking arms and legs, and fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

And Shelly, who was held hostage by Hall, was dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

She trembled and said tremblingly: "Mr. Hall, I, we are your supporters.

Why did you do it to us, we—" "Shut up! "

With a stern shout, the air blade in Hall's right hand increased slightly, leaving a bloodstain on Shelly's neck.

Feeling the pain of the skin being cut, Shelly was trembling with fright, tears involuntarily flowed down, and she started to cry.

At this moment, Chen Fei glanced at the many demonstrators on the ground crying and screaming, his eyes were cold, and he fell on Hall, and said coldly: "Will you continue to struggle?"

From Chen Fei's cold eyes, Hall felt a cold killing intent, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Chen Fei, I am not your opponent.

But if you go one step further, I will kill her.

And these people on the ground. "

Hall threatened.

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei sneered and shook his head: "Hall, can you do your homework a little bit before threatening me?"

"These people are all my opponents.

Even spread rumors and slander me on the Internet. "

"You think I will care about their life and death."

"You--" Hall's expression changed, and his expression became gloomy again.

And Xie Li, still not awake at this moment, shouted to Chen Fei: "We didn't slander you, what we said is the truth.

We are righteous and you are evil.

We are fighting for freedom and justice. "

"Ha ha!"

Chen Fei sneered, pointing at the many screaming marchers on the ground, and asked in a cold voice, "Such a scene, but the righteous and free man in your mouth did it."

"Mr. Hall, he, I—" Shelly didn't know how to respond for a while, feeling her whole body was in a mess.

At this moment, Hall, regardless of the identity of these people, continued to say to Chen Fei: "Chen Fei, I know you.

Don't try to fool me with those words. "

"They are Chinese, and you are also Chinese.

No matter what they are, you will never sit back and watch.

Otherwise, your previous reputation will be ruined. "

"Fame is ruined?

Haha! "

Chen Fei smiled, his voice suddenly stern, stared at Hall fiercely, and asked, "Before, I was regarded as a coward by half of the people, and I was insulted or even excluded. I didn't care.

Now, do you say I care about the so-called reputation? "

"I'll give you one last chance and catch it by yourself.

Perhaps, I can consider letting you die more safely. "

Chen Fei said coldly.

"I, I--" Hall was really nervous, and the air blade that was resting on Shelly's neck tightened again, and another blood stain appeared on Shelly's neck.

Xie Li yelled in pain, but stared at Chen Fei resentfully, gritted her teeth and said: "Chen Fei, you black-hearted vampire.

Even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go. "

Chen Fei frowned, his eyes flashing a fierce expression.

Originally, he was planning to save Shelly.

After all, she is still very young, and many things are not clear.

Protests and demonstrations may just be deceived by others.

But until now, it was obvious that Hall had done something to her, but she resented Chen Fei.

For this kind of guy who didn't know what was good or bad, Chen Fei really didn't mind that she died in Hall's hands.

"Hall, my patience is limited."

Chen Fei looked at Hall, made a cold voice, and stepped over.

Hall looked at Chen Fei, who was approaching step by step, his eyes became frightened, his body kept retreating, and his nerves became tense.

"You, don't come over.

Otherwise, me, I would really kill her. "

Hall threatened.

Chen Fei smiled faintly: "A person who resents me the most, do you think I care about her life and death?"

"You, you—" Hall said incoherently.

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