
Chapter 2714: ? Mother-in-law

"Then, then I call you Mrs. Xie?"

Chen Fei said tentatively.

Xie Lingshuang nodded, then looked at Chen Fei and said with a serious face, "Last time in Yingguo, you saved Qiuhan. I will replace Thorn Rose and myself, and thank you."

"Mrs. Xie, you are too polite.

Qiu Han is my wife, it is only natural for me to save her. "

Chen Fei hurriedly said.

Xie Lingshuang ignored Chen Fei's closeness and continued to say with a serious face: "I don't know about your marriage with Qiu Han.

So, whether your husband is qualified or not is not certain now. "

"Ah, this--" Chen Fei was a little anxious, wanting to explain.

However, Lin Qiuhan on the side grabbed him and said to Xie Lingshuang: "Mom, I am willing to marry Chen Fei.

Only we know the feelings between us.

I believe in him, I am willing to be with him, I love him! "

Hearing his wife, who had always been cold-spoken, said these things in public.

Chen Fei couldn't help but was moved, stretched out his hand to hold Lin Qiuhan's hand, nodded, with a firm expression, "I love Qiuhan too!"

Upon seeing this, Xie Lingshuang frowned slightly, looked at the two of them, and said, "I will send someone to check your matter.

When you were in Long'an City, your marriage was not voluntary, but a forced fake marriage. "

"Mom, there is a reason for this.

We were—" Lin Qiuhan wanted to explain.

But Xie Lingshuang interrupted her, looked at Chen Fei, and asked in a cold voice: "There's more.

There seems to be a lot of women close to him.

In the world, at home and abroad, I am afraid the number will reach double digits! "

When talking about this, Xie Lingshuang deliberately glanced at Wei Ling who came in with the fruit.

"Mrs. Xie, I didn't—" Chen Fei wanted to deny it directly, but when he thought of what happened to him and Sister Ling, his words choked in his throat.

"Huh, a sweetheart!"

Xie Lingshuang snorted uncomfortably.

Lin Qiuhan glanced at Chen Fei, paused for a moment, and then said, "Mom, no matter what.

Chen Fei's coming this way has helped me a lot and saved me a lot.

I have a good impression of him, I like him, and I am willing to be with him. "

"would you like!"

Xie Lingshuang seemed to be a little angry, and stared at Lin Qiuhan, "You are my daughter of Xie Lingshuang, your appearance, body, job, career, everything is excellent.

With this condition, it couldn't be easier to find a good and dedicated husband. "

"Tu Yu is very good, he also has a good impression of you, if it is—" Before Xie Lingshuang finished speaking, Lin Qiuhan's face sank and interrupted her mother directly, "Mom, I'm tired, I'm going to rest."

After speaking, Xie Lingshuang went straight upstairs.

"Qiu Han!"

Chen Fei wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Xie Lingshuang, "You come down."

"Mrs. Xie, is something wrong?"

Chen Fei frowned, his expression not very good.

After all, from the words just now, I am a mother-in-law.

It seemed that he wanted to introduce another man to Lin Qiuhan.

"What conditions do you want to divorce Qiu Han?"

Xie Lingshuang asked straightforwardly.

Chen Fei laughed when he heard this question.

It seems that for a long time, I haven't heard of this question again.

"what are you laughing at?"

Xie Lingshuang frowned in dissatisfaction.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Mrs. Xie, sorry, I didn't mean anything.

I just think this question is really ridiculous. "


What is ridiculous? "

Xie Lingshuang said.

Chen Fei solemnly looked at Xie Lingshuang and said: "Qiu Han is my wife, I love her, and she loves me too.

Moreover, we do not have any financial or power troubles.

In this case, I don’t think we have any need for a divorce. "

Hearing this, Xie Lingshuang frowned and said solemnly: "Chen Fei, I know you have some abilities.

But there is one thing you forgot to say, that is, I am not satisfied with you. "

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Mrs. Xie, you are Qiu Han's mother. I respect you very much.

But one thing, I have to remind you. "

"The marriage belongs to Qiu Han.

Although you are her mother, this kind of thing cannot be the master for her. "

"I am her mother, and I can call the shots for her.

Besides, I am also good for her, she can understand me. "

Xie Lingshuang said.

Hearing this, Chen Fei smiled and stared at Xie Lingshuang for a while.

Xie Lingshuang was a little hairy by Chen Fei's gaze, frowned unhappy, and said, "What are you looking at?"

Chen Fei said, "I'm watching, Mrs. Xie seems to have forgotten.

When you came out of the Wushuang Building, regardless of the opposition of the master of the sect, as a genius disciple of the four heavenly sects, you married an ordinary man Lin Zhidong.

Have you heard something similar! "

Chen Fei's words changed Xie Lingshuang's expression, and she stood up from the sofa in a rush.

A majestic aura broke out from her and enveloped Chen Fei.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

However, Chen Fei, who was sitting across from Xie Lingshuang at the moment, remained unmoved in the face of this imposing coercion, and even his expression remained unchanged.

He just snapped his fingers softly, snapped, and the oppressive aura broke and dissipated.

"You--" Xie Lingshuang shook her body and fell onto the sofa.

Chen Fei picked up a piece of fruit, took a bite, and looked at Xie Lingshuang and said, "Mrs. Xie, don't let the tragedy of the past repeat itself."

Xie Lingshuang's face was gloomy, and she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, and waved to the elder rose, "Let's go!"

"Mrs. Xie, go slowly."

Chen Fei got up and drove the two to the door.

Then, Chen Fei went back to the living room and looked at Wei Ling who was packing the coffee table. Chen Fei was heartbroken and wanted to say something.

But before he could speak, Wei Ling said softly: "Qiu Han needs you now, go up!"

"Sister Ling, thank you!"

Chen Fei didn't know what to say, so he could only thank him, and then kicked upstairs.


Knocked on the door, Chen Fei said softly: "Qiu Han, it's me, Chen Fei."

"The door is unlocked, come in!"

A voice came from inside the door.

Chen Fei pushed the door in and saw Lin Qiuhan sitting on the edge of the bed.

Although she tried to conceal it, Chen Fei still saw the tears on her face.

"Qiu Han!"

Chen Fei stepped forward and gently hugged Lin Qiuhan.

Lin Qiuhan also gently wrapped Chen Fei's waist and buried her head in Chen Fei's arms without making a sound.

After a period of warmth, Lin Qiuhan's mood improved a little, and Chen Fei gently asked, "Qiuhan, can you tell me.

What happened during the time when the rose was thorned? "

Lin Qiuhan looked up slightly, paused, and thought for a while.

Finally, she lowered her head, gave a light sigh, looked at Chen Fei, and said quietly.

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