
Chapter 2715: ? Shears constantly and messy

Following Lin Qiuhan's narration, Chen Fei had a clear picture of what happened.

At that time, because of being wanted, Chen Fei asked the rose thorn to take Lin Qiuhan away.

Afterwards, Lin Qiuhan recognized her mother Xie Lingshuang among the thorn roses.

Originally, Lin Qiuhan still had toxins in his body at the time, and he was waiting for Chen Fei to come and detoxify.

Later, Xie Lingshuang's mother-in-law came.

She is a very powerful witch, she personally took action to remove the toxins in Lin Qiuhan's body.

Originally, after detoxification, Lin Qiuhan wanted to bother to contact Chen Fei and return to China.

But Xie Lingshuang insisted that Lin Qiuhan rest there for a while.

During this period of recuperation, the apprentice of Xie Lingshuang's mother-in-law, that is, Tu Yu, whom Xie Lingshuang mentioned in the conversation just now.

Tu Yu met Lin Qiuhan and had a good impression of Lin Qiuhan.

He even proposed to Xie Lingshuang the idea of ​​marrying Lin Qiuhan.

Xie Lingshuang told her daughter about this at the time and wanted to marry her daughter to Tu Yu.

But Lin Qiuhan said that he was already married and resolutely opposed the matter, so he gave up temporarily.

Afterwards, news broke about Chen Fei's two battles with foreign warriors in China.

Lin Qiuhan heard Chen Fei's news and learned that he was safe and sound, and finally felt relieved, and said to his mother that he would return to China.

Xie Lingshuang repeatedly tried to stay, but Lin Qiuhan was determined.

Therefore, she finally took the rose elders and sent Lin Qiuhan back together.

So, what happened in the villa just now happened.

After learning the whole thing, Chen Fei immediately checked Lin Qiuhan's body and made sure that the toxins in her body were completely eliminated.

Then, he gently hugged Lin Qiuhan and said softly: "This period of time has caused you to suffer."

Lin Qiuhan shook her head, leaning in Chen Fei's arms, and whispered softly: "It's you who worked hard."

"rest well.

No matter what, there will be nothing wrong with me. "

Chen Fei said, and then Lin Qiuhan hugged Lin Qiuhan and put it on the bed, covering her with a quilt.

Leaving Lin Qiuhan's room and returning to the downstairs, Chen Fei was about to wash up, and went to the guest room to sleep by himself.

After all, during this period of time in Xiangjiang was also quite hard, and Chen Fei also had to take a good rest.

However, just when Chen Fei was about to rest, he saw Wei Ling carrying a bag and preparing to leave.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hurriedly said: "Sister Ling!"

"Chen Fei, you--" Wei Ling's eyes flickered, she barely squeezed out a smile, and said, "Are you down?

Why didn't you accompany Qiu Han upstairs. "

Chen Fei came over and said, "Qiu Han has fallen asleep."

"Sister Ling, do you have time?"

Chen Fei asked.

Wei Ling knew what Chen Fei wanted to talk about, and she looked a little flustered, "It's getting late, I have to go home. It's not very convenient today, let's do it later!"

With that said, Wei Ling turned around and was about to go out.

Chen Fei gently grabbed Wei Ling's wrist and said, "Sister Ling, I really want to have a good talk with you.

Escape, after all, is not the way. "

"I, I—" Wei Ling looked around panicked, and finally took a deep breath, looked up at Chen Fei's eyes, and nodded, "Let's go to the study to talk."


Chen Fei nodded, and then entered the study with Wei Ling.

Closing the door, looking at Wei Ling opposite, Chen Fei didn't know how to speak for a while.

After a while, he finally took a deep breath and said, "Sister Ling, that night.

We--" Before Chen Fei finished speaking, Wei Ling hurriedly said: "We didn't happen that night.

You don't need to think too much. "

Chen Fei held Wei Ling's shoulder and said: "Sister Ling, I remember everything that night clearly.

I am timid, I dare not face you? That's why I pretended to sleep. "

"now I understand.

There is no escape, everything must be faced head-on. "

"Sister Ling, I don't know how to compensate you."

Wei Ling pursed her lips when she heard Chen Fei's words, then shook her head and said leisurely: "Chen Fei, you don't have to make up for me, I haven't lost anything.

Everything that night was my willingness, even if I took the initiative, that kind of thing happened to us. "

"Just think of it as a dream, a dream made specifically for me.

Now that the dream wakes up, everything is over. "

"Yes, but that's not fair to you, Sister Ling."

Chen Fei said.

Wei Ling shook her head and said: "There is nothing unfair, it is my voluntary.

It can even be said that I have taken advantage of it.

After all, the current Mr. Chen, that is the world's top big man, I don't know how many women want to climb into Mr. Chen's bed. "

"Mr. Chen can give me this opportunity, that is my blessing."

Speaking of this, Wei Ling smiled on purpose.

Chen Fei said, "But--" Wei Ling interrupted Chen Fei and continued: "Chen Fei, you don't have to feel guilty.

We are not children, this kind of thing can't be more normal.

The wealthy people nowadays don't have one or two relatives.

Besides, he is still a top-notch man like you, Mr. Chen.

I'm really okay, I'm already very happy to be by your side. "

"I—" Chen Fei really didn't know what to say.

After all, when this happened, he was still very contradictory and guilty.

Seeing Chen Fei's tangled appearance, Wei Ling stood up and smiled: "Don't think about this.

Now, the most important thing for you is to stay with Qiu Han and face the current difficulties with her. "

"It's getting late, I'm going home."

"Sister Ling, let me give it to you!"

Chen Fei stood up and said.

Wei Ling waved her hand and said, "I have called the driver over, so you don't have to trouble."

After speaking, Wei Ling hurriedly left the villa.

Chen Fei watched Wei Ling get into the car, sighed, and turned around and entered the villa.

If it is said that Chen Fei can directly solve other matters with the use of force.

Then, he seemed helpless on emotional matters.

Of course, his feelings for his wife Lin Qiuhan are true.

And Wei Ling, if it was really just a stranger who had a romantic relationship with him all night.

Chen Fei wouldn't be so entangled yet, but it would be enough to compensate the other party.

But what is tangled is that Sister Ling is also a person next to him, and even very early on, Sister Ling expressed her feelings for him.

Chen Fei himself also had feelings for Sister Ling.

"If feelings can also be like enemies, with one enemy two, or even one enemy with many, then it's simple!"

With a wry smile, Chen Fei had no clue, went into the bathroom and rinsed.

After taking a rest downstairs for a night, Chen Fei invited him early the next day to cook and prepare a nutritious and delicious breakfast for his wife Lin Qiuhan.

After resting for a night, Lin Qiuhan's face improved a lot, and when he saw Chen Fei's delicious breakfast, a smile burst into his face.

After breakfast, the two of them packed up the dishes and chopsticks together, and sat in the living room, cuddling together, enjoying this rare peaceful and beautiful time.

But at this moment, the ringing of the telephone broke this beauty.

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