Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 341: The world is like porridge with hundreds of spices

Li Nuo and Maljie showed the virtues of benevolent purpose.

   This made the white man even more frightened, and the past devastation was vivid. He looked around, trying to find something to kill himself.

   Li Nuo patted him on the shoulder, "Look at your attribute column."

   The white man was taken aback when he heard the words.


   The white man was forced to open his panel in a hurry, and his body was shocked.

"what happened?"

   All his attributes have been improved.

   "Congratulations, strengthen the fighters." Li Nuo smiled and took his hand, and shook it as if the two countries had established diplomatic relations.

  Strengthening the warrior... The white man had an instant epiphany. He was sold to the Sound Nest, and he was put into a vessel after being tortured by disuse, and was forced to become a reformed warrior.

In fact, the strengthening warriors of the Sound Nest are more than that. The whites' abilities have indeed been improved, but only less than one-third of the strengthening process. Weipu, who was once Xianla, only happened after half of the strengthening test. Resist the reaction and fail to return to the West.

   As long as a person with outstanding physique can pass the early strengthening, but there is still a long way to go to the real strengthening fighter.

   "What is your name?" Li Nuo's question brought the white man back to reality.

   The white man was silent a little, and said cautiously, "Paland..."

   Li Nuo smiled and shook his head, "Last chance, real name and false name?"


   Li Nuo kowtowed slightly, the surname is Fan, from the Dutch...



"Your teammates have been killed. Now you are the only one left. The script is not over yet. Before that, you have two choices. Take revenge for your teammates. Now kill us or cooperate." Li Nuo said, taking it from the backpack. Out, broke Vanheim’s finger, asked him to hold the trigger, aim the muzzle at his forehead, and smile kindly: "Pull the trigger, I promise, even if I die, my teammates will not find You are in trouble, and this gun is for you."

   Vanheim's index finger was shaking on the trigger, at a loss. If it were before, he would shoot without hesitation, but after experiencing the baptism of society, Vanheim now becomes cautious and persuaded.

   "Or, cooperate with us to complete the script, the gun is still yours, and you can get more things, such as gold coins, such as experience points, such as the favor of the characters in this world plot." Li Nuo finished, raising both hands.

   No one urged Van Heim, because he put the gun down in just one second.

   "Let's talk first... My teammate's hatred will be reported back sooner or later."

"As you wish."

   Li Nuo smiled happily, this guy cannot avenge his teammates.

   A person who renounces resistance in the face of a powerful force and immediately compromises his interests will not care about previous conflicts, but will only focus on his own advantages and disadvantages.

   Of course, Van Heim didn't know. During his coma, Malger had put the only one in a hole in him.

   "Marger, you can talk to him about the rest." Li Nuo walked out of the bathroom and looked at the wall clock, "Remember, from now on, you must not separate."

   "Where are you going?" Shang Jun asked.

   "TV station."

  Everything is ready, it's time for Tokyo to start chaos.

   Malger followed out, closed the door, and the two stood in the corridor.

   "Something to say?"


   Marger said, "Do you still remember Critical?"

   "Remember, the person who moved his hands and feet in the treasure chest in the last script, we previously speculated that it may be a player."

   "Now more than 90% can be sure that it is the player." Maljie approached Li Nuo and whispered all the news he had received.

   "..." Li Nuo was silent a little, and asked with a sullen face: "Anything else?"

   "Yes." Marger said: "I saw the panel of the medicine that Iori gave Liana to curb the blood runaway, from the world of Neil."

   On the way to the Sound Nest base, Marger took the opportunity to touch the bottle of medicine and check out its panel.

   "So, the reason why Chabai can be digested for a short time is because her blood has the effect of suppressing curses?" Li Nuo put forward the hypothesis, and both are a kind of curse from the mysterious world.

   But what makes him puzzled is what exactly this Critical wants to do, whether it just does what he wants or has another purpose.

  Also, Shang Jun’s incident proved a terrible fact from the side. All of them may be people in the game, maybe NPC, maybe program, maybe just a product of imagination, or maybe he was careless.

   Li Nuo thought of what SCP682 had said, "All of you are not human."

   But this is not right. If everyone is not human, then for SCP682, who is human...

   "What do you think?" Maljie raised his eyebrows, Li Nuo's gloomy face made him a little uncomfortable.

   Li Nuo rubbed his hair and smiled wryly, "I always feel that this script should not be chosen. Everything is messy like porridge filled with 100 kinds of spices, forget it..."

   Maljie joked: "It's better than Qin Shou and the others."

   "Ha... so too."

   Li Nuo also knew that it was not the time to think about it, so he opened the subject and said: "Watch them well, wait until this level is over, and then talk about other things."

   Marger nodded in agreement, and said: "Actually, if Miss Chabai's blood is a good medicine to suppress the curse, I can use this to bring something to the angry team."

   "I thought about this just now." Li Nuo exhaled heavily, staring at the warm yellow light on the ceiling with dead fish eyes.

   "But it's unfair to Weipu, and even more unfair to Chabai. She is not a tool, and... Malger, don't tell her what we know about these things for now."

   "Let her hide behind with peace of mind."


   Two o'clock late at night, a tall building is down.

   Li Nuo looked up. This is the broadcasting center of Tokyo Fuji TV.

   Even at this time, the building is still brightly lit.

   Among the loose crowd, he carelessly put his cane and gun on the ground, and took out the drape on his body. The black windbreaker shook with the wind, hiding in the dark.

   The security guard squatting at the door saw him. Just as he was about to stop, his pupils lost their vitality in an instant.

   Li Nuo's fingertips loomed with purple light spots, and the effect of the seal was fleeting.

   Meteor strode into the front door, his pupils leaned toward the guide card and used the fastest speed to find the floor he was going to. Then, he stole the key card from the staff who passed by.

   stepped into the elevator, staring at the numbers jumping on the display, and gradually appeared on his face.

   The moment the elevator door opened, everyone who was busy or tired late at night noticed the person wearing the strange mask.

   Li Nuo smiled on his face hidden under the mask. He walked out of the elevator with the sound of the crutch tapping on the ground. After scanning left and right, he said in a kind tone: "Well, please borrow the broadcasting equipment to use it."

   Then he took out the gun.

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