Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 342: On TV for the first time in his life, and then as a terrorist

The black hawk swept across the night sky and hovered over the police station.

   Jetman opened the handcuffs with the key, let go of the joints, and let out a sigh of relief.

   He was in the interrogation room, and the interrogating policeman fell to the ground.

   "Strange..." Jetman looked at the door of the interrogation room, "I made such a big noise, why didn't the police come here."

   At this time the door was knocked open by external force.

   is his teammate Jordan.

"problem occurs!"

   "Hey...what's going on...why are you walking in the police station like you are at home?"

   Jordan didn't care about Jetman's problem and led him out of the interrogation room.

   Then, I really opened the door of the police processing station like walking around in my own home.

   "Hey! Finally run out, you..." Jetman's complaint stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.

   No police officer noticed them, everyone was staring at the TV screen.

"this person……"

   "Jetman, let's take a trip."


   In a dojo outside Tokyo, only one person outside the antique dojo was sitting in a quiet Japanese courtyard.

   He looked at the quiet moonlight, and his mind was a little heavy.

   "It will be over in a few hours... I have been here for nine days..."

  He is Jeff, and he has been absconding ever since he was blocked by Park Jae Nam.

   Jeff walked into the bedroom without any sleepiness.

   "Would you like to watch late night shows in Japan again..."

   Soon he denied this idea. It was because of the erosion of late-night shows in the past few days that he couldn't manage it day and night.


   "Forget it, let's take a look,'s the last day."

   Jeff opened the TV series, took a roll of toilet paper from the cabinet, and excitedly pressed the remote control to play the channel.

   "It's the evening news again, I really don't understand the meaning of this kind of thing."

   Suddenly, his expression freezes.


   Jeff got up, walked out of his room, opened a bedroom not far away, looked at the big man who was sleeping with his son, and slapped him to wake him up.

   "Why...what's wrong?" The big man opened his small eyes in a daze.

   "Mr. Damen, is it convenient for Fang to do me a favor?"


  Pak Jae Nan trio stood on the side of the street, watching this unusual late night.

   was originally a crowd with a dwindling flow of people. At this time, they all gathered in squares and streets. Even the residents who closed their doors and windows stuck their heads out or put on their coats to look at the scene of a tall building in the distance.

   Pu Jae Nam's lips trembled slightly, "Who is he?"

   "Can't you see this yet?" Luo Senlin said: "The culprit who has driven us to the present level."


   Time goes back to five minutes ago.

   The security of the building fell to the ground, along the corridor to the studio.

   In the live broadcast room of the evening news, the announcer and many staff members stared at the uninvited guests who walked in.

   Li Nuo threw the blood-stained director to the ground.

   "I heard that our show is live?"

   No one responded to him. After a while, the director walked towards him timidly.

"you you……"

   "What are you?" Li Nuo raised his legs and pointed to a staff member beside him, "You call the police."

   The staff pointed at himself, looking around in disbelief.

   "It's you, now, quickly, now."

   "I only take up one minute of your time." Li Nuo stared at the director. Although the latter could not see the pupils under his mask, he did feel his eyes focused on him, and he could not help shaking.

   "Don't try to interrupt the live broadcast, or I will destroy the entire building."

   As soon as his voice fell, a blue blue shadow appeared behind him, awakening the blue fire dragon to appear here.

   With a roar of the dragon, the huge size of the blue fire dragon smashed through the ceiling, scattered pieces of cement stone fell on the ground, and the scene suddenly exploded into a pot of porridge.

   I understand that the flying dragon over Tokyo at sunrise was brought by the man in front of me, and I also understood that ruining the entire building is not a joke.

   Li Nuo used this time to deduct 1200 gold coins as the summoning condition.

   He walked to the camera, took out the information of all the players, and posted their avatars in front of the camera.

   "These people will cause a riot in the next fourteen hours."

   "Friends who are still working overtime late at night, representing justice and order, please trouble everyone to tighten their nerves in the next time."

   "Finally, to all the residents, it is best not to go to the streets, do not go out and do not go to work within 24 hours, and you should be celebrating the festival from now on."

   "It's that short."

   Li Nuo didn't have any more nonsense, put the players' information on the table, walked to the glass curtain wall, turned around and bowed to all the staff.

   "Sorry to disturb everyone."

   As soon as the voice fell, the blue fire dragon suddenly smashed the glass curtain wall, causing the ground on this floor to shake slightly.

   Along with the glass shards scattered outside, the blue fire dragon flew under the night sky, and sprayed a hot flame into the sky above Tokyo.

   The fierce wind blew on Li Nuo, and the windbreaker fluttered like a huge black cloak.

   The next moment, he jumped off the tall building.

   The staff were surprised and panicked by the occurrence of this scene, and a few bold and trembling walked towards the curtain wall breach.

   I saw the blue fire dragon flapping its wings and flying out of their eyes, and the dragon claws firmly grasped Li Nuo's shoulder.

   Suddenly, a bullet came up diagonally from the bottom, and it was set on the hard wings of the blue fire dragon.

   The fire dragon roared, and flames came out of its mouth.

   "Find a place to land, don't breathe fire here!"

   Hearing Li Nuo's instructions, the Blue Fire Dragon put the high temperature in the entrance, and the angry dragon's eyes stared at a person far away on the ground.

   Luo Forest with a sniper rifle in hand.

   "What's the origin of this kid?" Park Jae-nam shook his legs and looked suspicious.

   "Can't you tell?" Luo Senlin loaded the bullet again, staring at the blue fire dragon behind the scope, and muttered: "It should be a summoning player."


   dispersed all the people on the street.

   The bullet passed through the air and rushed towards Li Nuo. The Canghuolong suddenly waved its tail, and the bullet entered the flesh, but it protected Li Nuo.

   One person and one dragon flew towards the distance.

   Police sirens sounded, and several police cars surrounded the street.

   "This bastard..." Park was fiercely in Nan Jue, "Catch up with him!"

   Luo Forest put away the sniper rifle, and said in a deep voice: "Calm down the monkey, don't fall into his tricks."


The director of    looked at the player profile on the table in surprise.

   He can recognize that pictures of some people on the material have appeared in news releases that have not been broadcast.

   "Hey... broadcast these."

   He picked up the information, let the person aim at the camera, and repeatedly played the players' photos on the screen one by one.

  As a media worker, he has his own ethics. Only by seeing the courage of the blue dragon can he understand how dangerous the masked person is.

   If this incident is suppressed by the government again, the loss to society will be incalculable.


   Cang Fire Dragon landed on the clearing not far away.

   "You go back first."

   As Li Nuo's voice ended, the azure fire dragon turned into blue light and disappeared here.

   There was no one around, Li Nuo took advantage of the night to walk out of the clearing, and at this moment, several twisted shadows appeared in his vision.

   Those people, like walking dead without souls, slowly approached him.

   "...This is a coincidence."

   "It's not a coincidence at all." A man stood out from the walking dead, a bald uncle wearing a vest, big pants and flip flops.

   "Our accounts should be settled! This time! You don't want to call the police, I ran out from there!"

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