Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 354: Enemy of the People

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   The blue fire dragon flew above the night sky, and everyone within the range could notice its huge body.

The policemen who were blocked by the outer wall saw a behemoth with flames in their mouths from a distance. They were all shocked. If the shock brought by the Blue Fire Dragon a few days ago was unexpectedly unprepared, then most of the police officers are now After deploying before the war, the weird and terrifying flying dragon was one of the targets of their defense this time. They only saw it again. After paying attention to observation, they realized that these justice-maintaining workers may have overestimated their own psychology. Affordability.

   "Does the Dragon Quest shine into reality..."

   "I'm a bit out of breath..."

   The state of almost all the police officers changed from the initial tension and alertness to the shock at the moment. Only Yamaguchi tightened his eyebrows and picked up the walkie-talkie. This time he also knew that the things in front of him could no longer be watched.

   "Call, weird creatures appear in the sky again, request missile support."

  The blue fire dragon in the "wall" has flown over the hotel. Below it is the Dongzhou HW team. The dragon's mouth opened wide, and several fireballs crashed down.

   The top floor of the hotel was blown to pieces, and the whole building was crumbling.

In the darkness, an unrecognizable silk thread hung on the treetops and the exterior walls of the hotel. Sauron stood firmly on the line, gazing at the blue fire dragon in the sky, and said thoughtfully: "If we have a chance, let’s go to the next script. Right."

   "If you don't fall to death, of course you can go." Yake's voice came from below. He was carried on his shoulders by Marsh. The three of them were on the lower floor of the hotel, avoiding the breathing flames of the blue fire dragon just now.

  Marsh threw Yake to the ground, and the latter gave the brawny man a bad look.

   "Yake, pay attention to your eyes, if it weren't for me, you would fall to death."

   "Cut...I don't want to be saved by you if I am saved."

   "By the way, where's Cheng Yu?" Marsh looked around, there was no sign of that lunatic teammate.

   Sauron jumped off the silk thread, paced forward, and slowly said, "I ran blindly on the wall when I fell just now. Now it should be in the opposite direction to us, the northeast corner of the hotel. Maybe I have already seen that old acquaintance."

   "Then I will help him."


   "Your little brother Li Nuo’s pet dragon really brought us a ‘big’ surprise." Shang Jun seemed to be smiling but not smiling, it can be said that he is not smiling.

   Chabai also had a stern look. He clenched his fists early, and with one leg stretched back, he was ready to fight at any time.

   A man who fell from above curled up and crouched in front of them. The fourth man of the Dongzhou HW team, the lunatic, Cheng Yu.

   Not only did the fall from high altitude fail to take his life, but on the contrary, he seemed to be unaffected by the pain. A thick black liquid protruded from the exposed wound on his body, sealing the wound like glue and rebuilding the skin.

   "I... I... You... Are you...?"

   Chabai's nerves are getting tighter, and a rare and dangerous aura permeates the man's body. This sense of oppressiveness is even evasive to the humanoid who kills himself.

   "That's him?" Chabai asked.

   Shang Jun kowtowed slightly, "Let’s make it clear, I’ve never seen this madman make a move... but he must be very powerful, rely on you, Chabai bodyguard, I can only protect myself temporarily."

"You are..." Cheng Yu's eyes were bright, and his eyes looked like a starving beast. He stared at Shang Jun with wide eyes, but said in a timid tone: "You are the one... Sauron said Woman... Sauron said..."

   He slowly got up, leaned on his upper body, and walked towards Shang Jun step by step, whispering in his mouth, "Sauron said, next time I see you, I will kill you, and then... pull out your hands and feet."

   The white palm of the tea turned up, and with a bang, it hit Cheng Yu's body.

The moment she used the magic, she bullied herself and was attached with the "thunder attribute". When a knife was about to be cut off, Cheng Yu, who was already smoking, suddenly stretched out her palm. At this moment, Cha Bai could see There is only darkness left.


   Six players rushed to the hotel lobby, the unanimous idea was to let out a bad breath.

   But when they actually stepped into the door, something strange happened.

   First of all, a cheerful piece of music is playing in the lobby, with its own stereo surround sound effect, but as long as you step out of the lobby door, the music will suddenly disappear.

Secondly, the pungent smell of blood permeated the huge space. Several uniformed policemen and hotel staff fell into a pool of blood at the door, but the more pungent smell came from the depths of the room, and even taste buds could detect it. This sweet smell.

Finally, a man stood in the dark and could only see his outline. Behind him, a huge foreign body filled the corners of the distant wall, flapping something like wings, and making a very cute cry. sound.

   Everything here is in contrast, the cheerful music and the corpses on the ground, the lovely calls and the huge shadows.

   The six players were disturbed.

   Until the person standing in the shadow made a sound.

   "Huh...Gold coins again."

   "Fat Chocobos! Arch them!"


   The huge shadow expands rapidly, like a sphere rolling towards them, not fast, but everyone understands that if the ball hits it, it has to return to space.

   A player instantly took out a treasure-the rocket launcher.

   "The stuff at the bottom of the box should be used here..."

   With a loud bang, the rocket bombarded the fat chocobo.

  The first floor vibrated. The whole room was covered with yellow chocobo feathers. The fat chocobo rolled on the ground and fainted.

   Maljie turned back into a single figure again. This fat chocobo is huge, like a bloated piece of fat. Although it moves slowly, it has strong attack power and basically has no weaknesses. The only weakness is that it is easy to faint.

   Chocobo's summoning time is very different from Leviathan and Dong Bailey. The latter two appear directly after the appearance, but Chocobo decides the appearance time based on the preference for the caller.

   This chocobo has a strange vision, he likes Marger very much, and the summoning time is ridiculously long, 40 minutes.

  Although the fat chocobo is in a coma now, Marger didn't panic, took a bite out of the steamed bun, and chewed while saying, "If you dare to come over, you will definitely suffer the unexperience of life."

   "Also, I bet you have no ammunition in your bazooka."

   "Okay." The player holding the bazooka aimed at Marger, "Then let the last rocket fly for a while."



  Where did it explode...?

   Li Nuo stared out the window curiously.

   "And look out the window leisurely!" Jordan rushed over without annoyance, swept his claws and tore the office desk to pieces, and the last grab was directed towards Li Nuo.


   Li Nuo blocked the attack with his cane and retreated to the back again, still holding his hand without putting the backpack in.

   said silently to the blue fire dragon far away in Tianshan, "Attack indiscriminately. Be careful not to hurt people you know."

   As soon as the voice fell, the roof of this building was lifted...chaptere

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