Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 355: This is called the end of the same

Canghuolong was obviously playing crazy, and almost buried Li Nuo in the first prank.

   "Brother Long... take a moment to make trouble..."

Contract summon creatures also have a limited time. The specific rules are not clear, but a new note on the space white paper mentioned that the summoning time of the blue fire dragon is half an hour. The number of summoning depends on the strength of the script, and the limit is three to three. Five times.

   The world should not be as powerful as the average strength, but the upper limit is too high. In Li Nuo's guess, it can only appear three to four times at most, but it doesn't matter, the use of the blue fire dragon these few times is necessary in his perception.

The first time to frighten the police station, the second time to create chaos in Tokyo at night, and let the police weaken the supplies of the rest of the players. The third time, this time, the indiscriminate bombing disrupted the rhythm of all players now. Good luck. Can take a few heads.

   However, the immediate priority is Jordan.

   The necromancer in his pajamas was so angry at this moment that he clenched his teeth, and his black eyes were covered with raised blood vessels.

   "Can you... stop running."

   Li Nuo nodded after hearing this, "Okay."

"It's so understatement that you look down on me!" Jordan was angry, and the two walking corpses next to him approached Li Nuo with weird and twisted steps, but Jordan did not meet this time, with his fists clenched, and when he opened it again, a transparent and A wriggling skull rose from the palm of his hand.

   Li Nuo's mouth under the mask let out a sullen laugh, and said, "Finally realized that the mage shouldn't fight melee?"

"Your name is Li Nuo, right?" Jordan barked his teeth and said with a smile: "I don't plan to grab any invitations for this script. As long as you can scrap it, it's enough. Look good, this is a gift from me. ."

   When the skull rose two meters above the ground, it suddenly shook left and right, splitting dozens of identical skulls from its illusory surface.

   Jordan lifted his finger and smiled: "Your filthy soul will be the nourishment for my soul."

Rows of skulls floated towards Li Nuo, forming an almost unavoidable barrage, passing through the body of a walking corpse. This kind of projectile is useless to the dead, but it can custom track the breath of living creatures. Jordan presses the bottom of the box. One of his tricks, because he consumes a lot of energy, he usually doesn't use it.

Only this time, Jordan is really anxious. If he is dignified and deciding the victory and defeat, he will be convinced, but every time the opponent is running, and the price he pays is always great, he is treated like a monkey. Intolerable.

Facing the skulls that covered the whole room, Li Nuo frowned, stepped back slightly, and suddenly rushed towards the side wall. The skulls followed closely, but his next move was beyond Jordan’s imagination. .

   Li Nuo stepped on the wall and jumped for more than two meters, and moved closer to the skull head towards him, and slammed the whip blade.

   The shredded blade pierced through the spirit-shaped skeleton and wrapped the steel bar on the collapsed roof.

   "What is this guy doing!?" Jordan felt bad.

   The skeleton closest to Li Nuo has opened its mouth, and the rest are swarming up, like a swarm of hyenas gnawing on a bison.

   But at this moment, Li Nuo disappeared.

   Jordan didn't have time to be surprised, and he felt a shadow with a silver whip blade appear on his head.

  , one of Weipu's unique tricks is to wrap the object closer to the target with a whip and appear 100% above the target's head in the next second.


   The sound of the explosion sounded together with the sound of the stick touching the ground.

   The two walking corpses suddenly approached Li Nuo just now and exploded under Jordan's control.

With fragments of flesh and blood in the sky, Li Nuo rushed to Jordan to avoid the explosion. Although the brain shook from the afterwaves, the pain did not prevent him from penetrating Jordan's arm with his cane. Numerous skulls behind him chased and approached Li Nuo. When his back was within reach, he suddenly disappeared.

"When you used this trick, you didn't come up and chase me together, indicating that this trick is an indiscriminate attack, and even the user will be hurt." Li Nuo grabbed Jordan's collar, his cane turned into a sharp blade and cut his forearm. Jordan was in pain, but the counterattack followed closely, and his five fingers pierced Li Nuo's chest together.

   Li Nuo shook off his body and cut his collarbone with the tip of his palm. When a few strands of blood flowed down, the whip blade flashed and wrapped Jordan's arm.

   "End with me, you are just talking." Li Nuo ran towards the broken wall and pulled Jordan to jump off the building.


   This is a building surrounded by water, with green lawns on both sides of the water system.

   The whip blade slammed Jordan towards the distant lawn, and Li Nuo opened his arms to face the pool below.

   Before Jordan fell to the ground, he heard an eagle call.

Li Nuo fell into the water unharmed, climbed onto the shore, shook his wet hair without any tension, and laughed at Jordan, who was lying on the ground in a figure eight shape. "




   Jordan whispered, his face was distorting, and his face gradually became ferocious. There were countless dark purple light **** around him, and the light turned the dark environment into purple.

  Jordan slowly "flounced" up without his hands. At this moment, he looked like a demon in hell, staring at Li Nuo viciously, and shouted, "This is the end of the same thing!"

  , Jordan’s last move, like Marger’s, is a player’s own trick, but this one is extremely dangerous. While eating the opponent, he must use his life as a sacrifice to summon the breath of death from hell.

   A few seconds later, everything was calm, Jordan disappeared, and he returned to the space belonging to his team.

   And Li Nuo was still standing there, not receiving a single trace of harm, just because of the person standing behind him.

   "Mr. Ronald... what happened last time?"

   "Mr. Li Nuo, please tell me what happened this time."

   Li Nuo turned around to look at the real demon, and said: "It's just a chaotic battle. I'm being watched. A group of people want my life."

   "Well, I can understand." Ronald added, "I can understand the thoughts of those who want to kill you."

   This is a bit scary... You old Bangcai can kill me as soon as he raises his hand. Li Nuo immediately defamated him, not caring that Ronald could read his brain.

   As expected, Ronald's gaze changed a little, and he kowtowed slightly and said: "I will treat you as if you were complimenting me."

   "Sure enough, gentleman."

"thank you."

   "Don't waste time, what happened last time? Why can't I get in touch with you?" Li Nuo hurriedly asked, the last time he was referring to the time he failed to summon Mesidi when facing Mesidi in Yinchao.

   Ronald raised his eyebrows, "Last time? No, I haven't heard the sound of you looking for me."

"Okay, Mr. Li Nuo, I didn't want to come over at first. I don't want to tell you anything. I'm doing a very important thing. By coincidence, I'm resting while you are looking for me." Ronald took out his pocket watch and stared. After a glance, he said: "Now, I have only one question, do you have the ability to show me the master of this world?"

   Before Li Nuo could speak, the corners of Ronald's mouth rose slightly.

   "It seems impossible."

   The moment the words fell, Ronald disappeared, and he seemed to be leaving in a hurry.

   Li Nuo fell into thinking, he is doing an important thing...?

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