Craftsmen are called craftsmen because they know how to keep improving.

By polishing every detail to the best, even ordinary places can become extraordinary.

This is the mentality of the craftsman.

The reason why Li Yueming was able to rise in his previous life was also because of this attitude of excellence.

Only after doing a thing to the extreme can the thing itself gain its own recognition.

Only by gaining one’s own recognition can some things be conveyed to people’s hearts little by little.

“The designer is really meticulous, what is the second designer next door?”

“This is the real design, just feel it, you can feel the flutter of the soul!”

“Many people produce only cold assembly line products, and only real designers can jump out of the cold design and transmit warmth to people’s hearts!”

“It’s a pity, even if you do it well, if you make a mistake from the root, you can’t escape the end of failure in the end!”

“I admit that designers are really good at design, but he shouldn’t jump to conclusions about areas he doesn’t know so easily!”

“The deviation value of the house is wrong, and no matter how amazing the designer’s current design is, it can only be abolished or overhauled in the end!”

The sound of admiration in the live broadcast room occupies most of the barrage.

But it is inevitable that some people will say strange things sourly.

But no matter who it is, Li Yueming’s design sketches are still very approved.

These words were heard by some of Li Yueming’s loyal fans.

I couldn’t help but refute: “I didn’t think about the designer and didn’t make any conclusions, why are you all anxious?” ”

“Some people just can’t see our brother Yueming!”

“Aren’t you afraid of smashing your jobs?”

“No, no, no, no one really thinks their jobs are so easily smashed, right?”

“I think designers work so meticulously and shouldn’t make such low-level mistakes!”

After such a long live broadcast, most of Li Yueming’s fans have a strong sense of identification with him.

So after someone took the lead, there were a lot of helpful spectators in the barrage.

“We may not know enough about this aspect, but Old Master Guo Tianguo is a titan-level figure, and he was responsible for repairing the imperial palace back then, would he be untargeted!”

“Every line has the depth of each line, and I don’t understand this line clearly, so I straddle it with such a big grin!”

“Young people are still too confident and have not experienced the beatings of society!”


For the hustle and bustle on the Internet, Li Yueming naturally knows nothing.

Of course, even if he really knew, he would definitely only smile.

These disputes are not only not bad things for him, but great things.

He is not afraid that no one will talk about it, because the more people who talk about it, the faster his popularity will rise.

If a group of people all know only one praise him, then it is really boring!

Looking at the rubbing straight up, this is the real fragrance!

He took the design drawings and began to compare the design deviations between the two one by one.

When designing the sketch, Li Yueming referred to various data the most, followed by his brain’s cognition of the layout of the entire room.

After adding ten points of intelligence, Li Yueming’s memory is now greatly enhanced.

Although there is still a gap from being forgotten.

But basically the general structure can still be remembered.

But despite this, when comparing on the ground, he still found two details that were not polished in place.

After modifying some details again, Li Yueming finally finalized this sketch thoroughly.

Because the time for this episode of the revamp show is very tight

Li Yueming had to finish the house within twenty days.

Therefore, Li Yueming did not have time to finalize the design plan of the second and third editions.

I can only roll up my sleeves and directly complete all the sketches into design drawings.

At this time, his progress was basically ahead of other designers.

Taking the laptop brought by the staff, Li Yueming used the computer drawing tool to prepare to make the design drawing today.

“I just came from the live broadcast room next door, what’s going on here? What are designers doing! ”

“I lean, designer number two is still measuring the deviation value of the house, why is the designer here already designing?”

“Is this speed an open-hang player?”

“Outrageous, is there a shady scene? Report it! ”

There are many viewers who like to wander in various live broadcast rooms, and at this time, I saw that Li Yueming had begun to draw formal drawings.

Another pair of designers in other live broadcast rooms.

The speed difference between the two is simply one in the sky and one in the ground.

Even Teacher Shi and Teacher Lai, who have the fastest design speed.

We are still in the stage of checking wires and pipes!

And the No. 1 designer’s side has actually progressed to the point of perfecting the design drawings!

Is this the annihilation of humanity or the decline of morality?

Many of the wandering spectators were a little confused.

Originally, many viewers who just came to see the excitement were basically left in the live broadcast room.

Nothing else, just because Li Yueming’s current progress is unique.

“Did the designer skip the sketch stage?”

; “Yes, I should have skipped the sketching stage, this designer is also enough to catch up with the schedule!”

“If you don’t even copy the draft, you can do it directly, and this kind of designer doesn’t take the client’s house too seriously!”

“Upstairs, who said that Mr. Li didn’t draw a draft?”

“Slander my brother Yueming, do you see that wall behind you? It’s all drafts of our Brother Yueming! ”

“Look at how detailed our Yueming brother’s draft is, who of you will look at it with wide eyes in disbelief!”

For many viewers who have not witnessed the whole process.

Li Yueming’s progress is outrageous.

But the audience in the live broadcast room saw it with their own eyes.

They naturally knew how Li Yueming had achieved such efficiency.

First, other designers want to hurry up and make a deviation value, even if he calls that morning.

Negotiate the price quickly.

When the survey team arrived at the site, it would take half a day.

That’s pretty good.

Because of the price, it is normal that the survey team cannot reach an agreement on the first day.

Li Yueming, on the other hand, held a level measuring instrument himself.

The deviation design was done in one day.

Even had a warm Chinese meal with a family atmosphere.

Then it’s time for the next day’s troubleshooting.

Other designers, even if they make an appointment in advance, will not be able to measure until after 9 a.m. when people come to work.

At this time, Li Yueming had spent half a day directly measuring all the data with a panoramic camera without dead angles.

Although Li Yueming is alone.

But he is more efficient than a group of people.

In just two days, he had already completed the transformation progress that others could only prepare for in three or four days.

(Your support is great, thank you!) )

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